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Country Denmark
Signed Up December 1, 2015
Last Posted February 22, 2022 at 6:52 AM
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#104 Copenhagen Games 2022: LAN is back! in LAN Discussion

Hi all

The unthinkable has happened - Copenhagen Games 2022 has been cancelled by the event organizers.

We're really sorry to have to tell you this, and it comes as much as a surprise for us as it does for you guys. Until today, all plans were looking good and the event was good to go ahead as planned. Rentals had finally been sorted out, teams started forming, and we were all looking forward to the 13th of April.

So what happened?

There are a few parts to this story, I'll try to cover them all here.

The COVID situation meant that Copenhagen Games had to do a lot of the preparation in a very accelerated timeframe. The COVID restrictions in Denmark were lifted at the beginning of February, which in turn meant that the event could now go ahead from a legal standpoint. Many of the event partners had been waiting for this confirmation for months already, and had at this point already locked in their budgets for 2022. This meant that the economic situation of the event was looking bleak from the get-go.

The event needs about 400 computers total. A large chunk of these are rental machines, but many are also used for other aspects of running the event. Especially for TF2, rentals are crucial as so many of our players arrive from abroad. After a ton of work on the part of Mia especially, we managed to secure the necessary rental computers for the TF2 side of the event. Sadly, this didn't solve the issue of computers for the rest of the event, which was still short at the time of cancellation. We've been in contact with multiple hardware vendors and rental companies, and none have been able to provide the number of machines needed for the event. Many hardware vendors haven't even been willing to give an estimate, citing especially the global silicon shortage situation.

Finally, of course, a big concern is the COVID situation in Denmark. While Denmark no longer considers COVID a societally criticial disease, and has very few restrictions, the number of cases in the country are in the 30-40.000 a day. In a country with only 5.8 million inhabitants, this is quite significant and means there's a very real risk that we could end up with a lack of crew for the event. This of course on top of any travel restrictions that may still be in place around the world. Especially for TF2 this is a big concern, given the vast majority of our players are, of course, not from Denmark.

All in all, this really just sucks. We've put in uncountable hours trying to get this off the ground and happening for you guys, so believe us: we are just as devastated as you! Having missed both CG20 and CG21, the hype on the crew for CG22 was immense.

With the world starting to look more normal, we of course hope that we can realize a Copenhagen Games 2023. We hope you'll be there to join us!

Best regards,
Lasse, Mia, DCS, Heny, and the rest of the CGTF2 crew

posted about 3 years ago
#8 Lockdown Throwdown online event announced in News
ThaigrrDoes this mean I can't play because I have been previously banned for 3 months or does this mean you have to be currently banned for over a month to not participate?

It means you can't have an active ban with more than 1 month left on it at the start of the tournament.

posted about 4 years ago
#9 Copenhagen Games 2020 TF2 in LAN Discussion
MitchDoughy I hope this is an old version...

Correct, this was on the 2019 list of staff. Dashner is not involved in CG20.

posted about 5 years ago
#69 Early details announced for Copenhagen 2020 LAN in News

Event opens on Wednesday at 14:00 and closes Sunday morning. The tournaments run Thursday through Saturday, starting at 10:00 on Thursday and Friday, start time on Saturday would be there abouts, maybe a bit later.

Copenhagen Games has been on the Easter weekend for the last 10 years, I doubt we can get them to change that around.

posted about 5 years ago
#62 Early details announced for Copenhagen 2020 LAN in News

Just today we've finally gotten confirmation of the venue. As last year, the event will be at:
Otto Busses Vej 5A
2450 København

posted about 5 years ago
#51 Early details announced for Copenhagen 2020 LAN in News
cre-8i get pissed and distraught over lans for two reasons, one there are no lans of any game close to me where i live, and two, tf2 lans have prize pools that are a maximum of $5k, and i have never seen a tf2 lan with a $10k prize pool yet. we need that kind of lan to happen. i know i cant do shit about it.

Sadly I can't fix your no. 1 concern, but as to no 2.: Copenhagen Games 2019 had a prize pool for 6v6 of 10,000 EUR(approx 11,000 USD) and HL of 2,000 EUR(approx 2,200 USD). We're aiming for Copenhagen Games 2020 to be at that level again.

posted about 5 years ago
#10 what the fuck is this cable in Hardware

It's a 4-pin peripheral connector with the 12V side only. Often times cases with built in fans use them to connect power to the fan. You can connect it to any 4-pin peripheral connector coming from your PSU. You may need a splitter if you don't have one free.

posted about 5 years ago
#84 CastingEssentials Spectator Plugin in Projects

A few people requested the ability to show healing hitevents for the Crusaders Crossbow only, while leaving out e.g. medigun healing. This is now enabled using ce_hitevents_healing_crossbow_only.

This change is available in the newest release:

posted about 5 years ago
#83 CastingEssentials Spectator Plugin in Projects

Because we have a few events coming up here in August, and Pazer doesn't currently have the time to do a release, I've collected all stable elements from CastingEssentials master and applied them onto the r21 release.

The full list of changes:

Show Content
  • Add ce_consoletools_unhide_all_cvars cvar which will, as the name suggests, unhide all development and hidden cvars.
  • Add ce_playeraliases_format_mode which affects which player names are reformatted by the PlayerAliases module.
  • Add chargebar support for all weapons that have charge.
  • Add support for weapon charge icons.
  • Add ce_graphics_fxaa which enables NVIDIA FXAA.
  • Add ce_graphics_disable_prop_fades which disables prop fading.
  • Add ce_cameratools_disable_view_punches which enables view punches, used for recoil effects on some weapons.
  • Show healing events as well as damage events when ce_hitevents_enabled and hud_combattext_healing is on.
  • Fix disappearing particle effects e.g. healing beams and weapon glows. Enabled by ce_graphics_fix_viewmodel_particles and on by default.
  • All convars that take colors can now reference ClientScheme.res.
  • Projectiles now change color when they are deflected.
  • Fixed missing nullptr check when building glow data. This e.g. stops crash on ctf_ maps like ctf_bball.
  • When CastingEssentialsRed has loaded, it will now execute castingessentials.cfg. This provides a logical place to put CastingEssentials-specific commands.

You can find the new release here:

This is a drop-in replacement for CastingEssentials r21, simply move/delete the old CastingEssentials folder out from custom and drop CastingEssentialsRed in there.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me on Discord at dalegaard#1575.

posted about 5 years ago
#1 Copenhagen Games 2018 srctv demos in Videos

Hi everyone,

All SourceTV demos from Copenhagen Games TF2 2018 are now available here:

Files prefixed cgtf2_2018 are from our own server, match/auto are from serveme, and the remaining ones are from Kuferl's server. Thanks for the help Kuferl!
I've not gone through the demos, so you'll have to decern the match from the names. Sorry!


posted about 6 years ago
#1 SrcTV+ in Customization

I finally managed to pull myself together and start packaging up some of the tech used for i61 and Rumble. The first component is SrcTV+, a very simple srcds server plugin for Team Fortress 2 that makes SourceTV send more information to the clients.

The project can be found here and the compiled binaries can be found under Releases.

Simply drop or srctvplus.dll(Windows) along with srctvplus.vdf into your servers addons folder and you are good to go. SrcTV+ will output two lines in the logfile when the server is started, and will also show up in status.

The plugin is very simple, and does two things:
- Makes the server send all events. Normally the autodirector code picks a restricted set of events, but SrcTV+ just makes the server send all events.
- Makes the server send filtered props. Normally the server will filter out some properties so they are sent only to the client affected. This includes stuff like ammo counters, sniper rifle charging, and a few other things. SrcTV+ makes the server send this stuff to the client as well.

Because more information is sent to all clients, this slightly increases the network utilization of the SourceTV stream. It also increases the size of SourceTV demos, as all the extra information is also saved into demos.

The plugin was used at i61, ESU Rumble, and will be used again at Copenhagen Games. It has also, to my knowledge, been used on many servers, as well as at least some ozfortress servers, for some months now and seems stable.

posted about 7 years ago
#6 i61 casted srctv demos in Videos

I've requested the remaining demos from Multiplay, and keeping tabs on them. I'll make them available as soon as I have them. It may be a few days, sorry! The server machines need to get back to Multiplay main office before we can get the demos.

posted about 7 years ago
#1 i61 casted srctv demos in Videos

For anyone interested, all raw SrcTV demos from casted games are available at:

posted about 7 years ago
#1 Dreamhack Winter 2016 demos in Videos

For anyone interested, source TV demos from the Dreamhack Winter 2016 event can be found here:

posted about 8 years ago
#1 Demos from DreamHack Summer 2016 Invitational in Videos

Demos from DreamHack Summer 2016 Invitational

For anyone interested, all demos from the DreamHack Summer 2016 TF2 Invitational are(or will be) available at:
SourceTV demos are available in the top-level directory, player demos in the subdirectories.

Some demos are missing because a few players deleted their demos when they copied them to their various flash drives.

At the time of writing, only player demos from saturday are available. SourceTV demos up to now are all included. I will be uploading remaining demos tonight.


posted about 8 years ago
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