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Signed Up December 26, 2015
Last Posted March 25, 2025 at 1:58 PM
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#29 RGL Sixes™️ Season 12 Post-Season Survey in TF2 General Discussion
brodyam i going crazy or do none of these words make any fucking sense as sentences

at worst my post is lazily written, at best you should use a dictionary.

posted about a year ago
#24 RGL Sixes™️ Season 12 Post-Season Survey in TF2 General Discussion
scratchhban the market gardener

this is the same as soldiers saying scout is too strong. with them i get it but most who jump to that willingly ignore all their mistakes or excuse them on perceived imbalance. with mg there's less nuance: if u allow urself to get in range u die. most soldiers can't do it. i see no need to punish the small minority of soldiers who have good jumps and dm because scouts and meds are allowing themselves to die while ignoring all of the soldier's efforts. b4nny's defense is sufficient.

id prefer discourse, i think young man trying to shut u down for being a degenerate furry is bad, but i also cant take it on good conscience that an unprincipled hedonist that justifies lowering himself to animals wouldn't prefer to erase the challenges of dealing with mg instead of growing from them. if u move only towards pleasure, you'll naturally be appalled by anything which decreases it even temporarily.

posted about a year ago
#1 OW2 now lowest rated game on Steam in TF2 General Discussion

pretty good reviews, i liked this one a lot:


remember to pitch in if u think ow2 dying is funny.

posted about a year ago
#7 drainingtostayhappy LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)


posted about a year ago
#19 OW2 Caster on Demo & Soldier vs Pharah & Junkrat in TF2 General Discussion

will be funny when tf2 outlives the sequel too

posted about a year ago
#21 help me understand why 6s is the way it is in TF2 General Discussion
Faust_3Market gardener can also generate kills/trades when a soldier should be caught with no exit opportunity ie. 1/0 rockets loaded, sub 150 health vs a 180hp player.

dont die to it then.

posted about a year ago
#33 RGL S12 Invite Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion


posted about a year ago
#58 wild_rumpus lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

actually uses the brass beast and demo jumps.. do NOT pick up.

posted about a year ago
#20 most poverty comp tf2 setups thread in TF2 General Discussion

my first season of invite was on this https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/534981497128747009/842892208818094130/20210514_152659.jpg

posted about a year ago
#35 ETF2L bans the Loch-n-Load in 6s in TF2 General Discussion
maktomislav is the one i have a weakest argument for but i just hate that it makes heavy silent. none of the other miniguns do dat and its stupid.

use your headphones, silly man.

posted about a year ago
#34 ETF2L bans the Loch-n-Load in 6s in TF2 General Discussion

should be unbanned. the reasons given for bans like these are mostly nonsensical. the people making these decisions should not be able to.

posted about a year ago
#3 Dunker LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)

little Baby man.

posted about a year ago
#32 What recourses do new tf2 players need to learn? in TF2 General Discussion

as it stands now things are too word-of-mouth which is very inefficient for learning. to get any real answers you have to know where to go, and generally if u do u dont need them. outside of dm the bridge from invite to lower divs is artificial, there isn't much for advanced players to look at that wouldn't involve loading a demo in-game which is aids. ideally a high invite player would make a series over more complicated ideas like pressuring, drying, exchanging, etc... if enough time passes and i'm better i probably will

but the priority right now is rgl pugs. these are the worst pugs ive played in my life and i can't believe this is what's come out. embarrassing is an understatement that the average joe can make a discord server survive longer and with better pugs while faceit died 3 times when u literally got paid money for playing. at this rate rgl pugs will be doa when it needs to be a big step forward.

posted about 2 years ago
#35 What can we do to stop the scene from dying in EU? in TF2 General Discussion
YeeHawI actually think NA is in a far worse place atm (at least compared to where it was a year ago with G6, WG and a strong froyo). I can only talk about the top level ofc

this deflection is cope. as for fixing eu, its within the interests of both continents to have a centralized pug system outside of newcomer regulations, eu currently has neither. na only has the latter but for a couple years now there's at least been an effort to have a real pug system, whereas in eu even the czechs got their own group - if its not an ideal it'll never happen.

another facet of europeon inferiority is the gameplay, if i only saw stalemates i would've never touched the competitive side, especially while its full of people who insist thats how the game should be played. i appreciate players like silentes who swap beggar's to try to break stalemates but i've only seen it be used as a single sac, and there's a big difference from this and this. silentes' bomb definitely has a place, but it definitely doesn't as a pure single sac.

posted about 2 years ago
#11 TF2 update for 12/1/22 (12/2/22 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion

does this mean that creating bots that properly strafe is now possible?

posted about 2 years ago
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