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Country Iran, Islamic Republic of
Signed Up December 26, 2015
Last Posted March 25, 2025 at 1:58 PM
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#56 Admin misconduct in TF2 General Discussion

damn thats crazy, the same dude who restricted my scout (and pootis) in iM after i ended 17/29 is also sandbagging in AM immediately after...


posted about 2 years ago
#49 jw lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

the tables show he just played on a mid main team but advanced is very realistic and itd be worth giving him a shot.

posted about 3 years ago
#113 RGL S8 Advanced Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

GGs only.

posted about 3 years ago
#94 RGL S8 Advanced Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

posted about 3 years ago
#47 RGL Invite Admin vs Perfection? in Off Topic

why can rgl ban u over things u say in pug group vcs that have nothing to do with rgl?

posted about 3 years ago
#1 im looking for a frag vid in TF2 General Discussion

so apparently larval extract privated his youtube but i was curious if anybody saved "official for once," that was the 1 where he went crazy on only 1 match of product, was like a 3 min vid. if anybody's got the rest of his vids saved itd be cool to rewatch them, just if i had to pick 1 itd be the product one. thx.

posted about 3 years ago
#40 RGL S8 Advanced Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
Don't need to talk shit when this is what is happening to you the entire match.

u already did, what u on? its just only when im not there


theyre called circlejerks, Furry, and its ur endearment of them thats kept u bottom of the barrel for the past 3-4 years. well that & the fact nobody likes u.

posted about 3 years ago
#37 RGL S8 Advanced Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

bro how yall that quick, cant even give a Nephew time to eat a burger. idc about the rest of yall but

ScreamHoly shit wonder sucks LMAO

u on some pussy shit. i was waiting b4 and after match for u to talk ur shit but with u its only when im not around u stop staying quiet. im not looking to chase a rat around, its just not that interesting to me.

ill clarify 1 thing. i have 0 regrets at all about the things ive said and that will never change.

posted about 3 years ago
#41 LFT YOUNG SANITY in Recruitment (looking for team)

absolute goat

posted about 3 years ago
#123 darwin/grapejuice lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

I'm Baaaack!!! my posting privileges have been returned and the sin k4rma thread got really boring.

a lotta nonsense been said while i was out but dont worry, i'll clear the air and bump while im at it. if u genuinely think grape juice is invite, i fuckin dare u pussies to pick him up on a real invite team (so not like a zanda team or wateva) im all in the bandwagon now, lets turn grape juice invite into reality. just put ur money where ur mouths are, then reap what u sow.

bearodactylgotta love the random advanced nobodies

ur dogshit & im better than u

shoutout 2 vlad for reminding me about the thread

posted about 3 years ago
#26 lft season 4 scout in Recruitment (looking for team)

nutty with it

posted about 3 years ago
#4 Lfp adv (crab-themed) in Recruitment (looking for players)

idunno who the others are but doikus great, strong mechanics.

posted about 3 years ago
#105 darwin/grapejuice lft in Recruitment (looking for team)
GrapeJuiceIIIi used to think u and your team were bad, and to be fair, in season 5 you guys were

we definitely werent, most ppl in this game have a bad understanding of what makes great players and ur no exception. now count ur blessings since thisll be the last piece of guidance ill be giving u. u can deny all my critique & say this or that to justify it, u can say thats not what u actually do or theres something else hidden behind it, but at the end of the day im the one playing against u, im not ur friend or teammate. ur 1 of very few people ive played against where i can come up with strats for 1 game and apply it to EVERY single game after that, because its never changing.

u need a wake-up call, cuz from this exchange theres no doubt in my mind now that ur not invite. ur not a particularly good advanced player either. and ur buds can give off some fake hype about how much u deserve to be invite or whatever, but until u decide to get real, its never gonna happen.

posted about 3 years ago
#2 LFT DEADMOMAN in Recruitment (looking for team)

the greatest demo of all time and his alias reflects that

posted about 3 years ago
#103 darwin/grapejuice lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

on metal ur doing it on evens way b4 any1 dies or is at risk of. its very bad since ur consistently creating the snowball that loses ur 2nd and theres a lack of recognition on ur part in disads when teams are evidently just playing around ur decisions. its also impossible for ur team to help u since ur doing a gimmicky (not by itself bad) variation of it which plays a major part in its success since ur actually ctapping it to land on top of the ramp leading into alley which ppl dont typically attribute it as dangerous. its ur default though, the more u do it, the more ppl get used to it, the worse it gets, until it reaches this point of feeding. ive never felt the difference in timing, add more variance to it. or just do something better.

"my timing is generally bad when I do this play."
thats a positioning thing, not timing.

"This is simply incorrect."
i can load demo
"simply disrespect"
highly doubtful
"misjudge the decision making"
im not judging it @ all.

mentors r overrated, inefficient.

posted about 3 years ago
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