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Last Posted December 27, 2023 at 3:41 PM
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#71 funniest tf2 dramas? in TF2 General Discussion
wonderwonderTurbomonkeyAnd my personal favourite is a player called Jakescrzy slapping Sorex and making him cry for being a creep. I can't remember the lan.
What is so funny about it?
Still didn't get an answer. What is funny to slap someone and make him cry? Would you laugh as well if me or someone else slap you?

Learn english wonder

posted about a year ago
#69 Copenhagen Games 2022: LAN is back! in LAN Discussion
Last but not least, it is almost a certainty that entry to the event will only be possible with proof of vaccination against or recovery of COVID19.

What about COVID tests if provided every 48h

We have no information about whether you will be able to enter with a negative test. However, afaik that would only be possible if the test is less than 24h old in the first place.
I am told Denmark has reintroduced COVID19 policies again as of today (they previously had no restrictions whatsoever). This is an indication that the situation there can change quickly. In my personal opinion, I would expect that by april 2022 conventions, concerts and other events will likely only be allowed for people with a vaccination or recovery.
In any case, you will have to decide whether you want to take the risk and book your stuff if you are not planning on getting vaccinated.

kk, thanks

posted about 3 years ago
#67 Copenhagen Games 2022: LAN is back! in LAN Discussion
Last but not least, it is almost a certainty that entry to the event will only be possible with proof of vaccination against or recovery of COVID19.

What about COVID tests if provided every 48h

posted about 3 years ago
#5 KRITZBERG FOR DEFENCE hop the fence into Prem. in News

However, that's not all. KRITZBERG has one more ace up its sleeve - wonder. This well known across all Europe (and, we're sure, also across the world) veteran has made his way up to the highest divisions in multiple games, including Jedi Knight Academy, Team Fortress 2 and later on Overwatch, to now step in as KRITZBERG coach.

Named a golden child, wonder prefers to be called The Orange King. Claiming highest titles ever since he was 10 years old, and now, 18 years later, looking to secure another one, this time it's: ETF2L Premiership Division Champion.

We asked Wonszu, the team leader, to share some insights on singing wonder for the season
"Well, he just wrote to me and asked if he could join as a coach. Now that I think about it, he just used a fancy name to get a roster-rider spot. He doesn't do shit."

While we've heard of such cases, we have a strong suspicion that this time, it's KRITZBERG refusing to provide full transparency into what they're cooking up for the season.

We believe wonder will prove to be a priceless addition to KRITZBERG lineup, perhaps resembling one of the coaching greatest, former Se7en player kaidus.

Here's a list of some of wonders achievements:

- Jedi Knight Academy Best Player of All Time from 2002 to 2009
- 6v6 Team Poland Captain
- Highlander Team Poland Captain
- 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 Best Scout in Poland
- ETF2L Season 24 Vintage (as a pocket scout with F2 dying just once)
- ETF2L Season 25 Animate (as a sub, but played best of all twelve players in a match versus Ascent.EU)
- OW Multiple Top 500 Season Finishes
- OW 2nd Best Lucio in the World

Whenever you see some shiny plays from KRITZBERG FOR DEFENCE remember who stays behind the scenes.

posted about 4 years ago
#54 Calling out div 1 etf2l teams in TF2 General Discussion
pot8olol u beat 7 and u play div1 looser

Pot8o you're the 7eve7 slayer too. Maybe join my team and we go prem?

posted about 4 years ago
#51 Calling out div 1 etf2l teams in TF2 General Discussion


won vs S7v7n


posted about 4 years ago
#33 Calling out div 1 etf2l teams in TF2 General Discussion

Also, do you seriously think it's ok to force a team that never declared to want to go to prem nor had a single organizational fail, to make up for people that just change their minds or forget about sign-ups?

Cause I don't.

posted about 4 years ago
#32 Calling out div 1 etf2l teams in TF2 General Discussion
MiaKitsuneGraba's message to his team, Thursday 4th June:

Guys, you can't help but notice that there's no competition in division 1 nor any challanges waiting to be completed. The whole season will be just based on us prooving that we indeed are sandbagging.

This will be acompanied by:
- pointless scrims against div1 teams
- wasting time for pcws where we have no objective
- fun overload (as latetly)
- not a single fuck given about what we do wrong
- reducing the number of maps we want to play probably to zero

What's more... people will have to go to uni, probably before the season even ends. The playoff stage is within 3-4 week range from the last game of the main season.

So I say... think how it'd look in prem....
- quality games giving a return on the time invested
- some real fun happening (casted games, interviews : D)
- keen atmosphere during gaming hours
- our missplays exposed to the max - constanly improving
- 2 map scrim days where we feel our need for competition is fullfiled
.... and more

Seriously, I feel like this division 1 is not worth the effort and I know this change of heart comes out of nowhere but maybe that's what we need to salvage this team from troll mania.

Did our Discord get hacked or what?
Seriously? Publishing private conversations?
After the final tiers get published?


To clarify - this was my initiative after an absolute disaster of a scrim night. We didn't take the games seriously and I got pissed off. Since I'm the leader I decided to initiate a little debate. The quoted text is a result of my post-pcw cigarette reflections that turned out to be dispelled as soon as we got to the later part of the discussion which isn't presented here... what a surprise.

Mia ... obviously, I do believe we could do well in prem, which this "NOTHING-CHANGING TEXT" states, but it doesn't mean it's doable. For many reasons...

I'm sure the leader of your team also thinks you could do well in prem, that's probably why you signed up for Premiership Qualifiers. But as we can all see, the fact that he does doesn't mean you're playing there ... even if you, unlike us, were confirmed in the news (and got your TFTV interview ;D)

posted about 4 years ago
#8 ETF2L SEASON 35 DIVISION 2 PREVIEW in TF2 General Discussion
How washed is graba? Who knows man he wasnt that great when he wasnt washed so i cant imagine his performance to be very solid now either.

hahah +1 bro

posted about 5 years ago
#13 m0re hud in Customization

Hey how to remove the uber meter with numbers next to crosshair and bottom ubercharge meter

posted about 8 years ago
#18 ETF2L S24 W2: PC MASTER RACE vs. Perilous Gaming in Matches


posted about 8 years ago
#6 ETF2L S24 W1: Comfortably Spanked vs. PC MASTER RACE in Matches

Vaccinator drops ruinning the stats :]

posted about 8 years ago
#18 SDX 2013-reborn in Customization


Possible to bring back the old chargemeter : ?
Also could you fix the hp regen numbers for medic, they show up like damage numbers (fly around, appear above the health numbers), please ?

Thanks for the update !

posted about 8 years ago