Account Details
SteamID64 76561198050618142
SteamID3 [U:1:90352414]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:45176207
Country United States
Signed Up August 3, 2020
Last Posted March 9, 2023 at 9:57 PM
Posts 8 (0 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 1.5 hs, 2 projectile
Windows Sensitivity 6/10
Raw Input 1
Refresh Rate
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Logitech G Pro Wireless
#1 Q2 2023 RGL Settings/Peripherals Survey in TF2 General Discussion

Survey here.

I made one of these last year, but figured it's about time we do one of these again. I would greatly appreciate if this is shared with players on your teams or otherwise people you know within the RGL community. The responses will always be public, with the goal being to help players find certain aspects of their game that they may want to be tweaked to be more in line with other players.

If you have any issues with the survey or responses that have been made, please contact me on Discord: grey#2625

All responses can be found here.

posted about 2 years ago
#2 RGL Peripherals/Settings Survey Q3 2022 in TF2 General Discussion

Responses can be found here.

posted about 2 years ago
#1 RGL Peripherals/Settings Survey Q3 2022 in TF2 General Discussion

Hi all! It’s been a while since one of these has been done, so I figured I’d make one, this time a bit more extensively.

Spreading this around to get as many responses as possible would be great. If you have any questions or issues with the form, please let me know.

I am not on the RGL team; this is an unofficial survey, however I will be maintaining all responses.

posted about 2 years ago
#17 I made a custom grenade launcher crosshair. in Customization

Could we get an updated link?

posted about 2 years ago
#2 I am totally spooked rn in Off Topic

There's an incredibly small chance that you have something malicious on your computer, although you should check anyways. Be sure to run anti-virus software if you have any, just to be safe.

If you haven't been VAC banned, then you should be fine. Restart your Steam, computer, etc. Also be sure you aren't running the game with any launch options that could cause issues (such as -insecure). You can also try removing your custom folder, as there may be some sort of addon you have that is causing issues. If you're still unable to connect to VAC-secure servers, try reinstalling TF2 and/or Steam itself.

Hope this helps a bit, let me know if you have any luck!

posted about 2 years ago
#101 CastingEssentials Spectator Plugin in Projects

For anyone that still uses this, I realized that there isn't exactly a default config to use for CE. I made one from scratch, anyone is welcome to use it. You can find it here.

It is made to work with Essentals HUD and CastingEssentialsRed but should work with default HUD and CE too. The settings are tweaked to my personal preferences, but they are very easy to change if you would like to do so. As always, there is setting documentation on the CE Github Wiki.

Place casting.cfg in /tf/cfg. Launch your game with "-insecure" in your launch options. Connect to an STV, then type "exec casting.cfg" into your console.

1 through 9 = corresponding class on RED team. 1 is scout, 2 is soldier, 3 is pyro, etc
F1 through F9 = corresponding class on BLU team. 1 is scout, 2 is soldier, 3 is pyro, etc
Right Arrow = go to next auto camera position
Left Arrow = go to next previous camera position
Right Control = toggle player outlines

posted about 2 years ago
#5 is looking for new talent for 2022! in TF2 General Discussion

Hey! I'd definitely be interested in both casting and production, as I've been learning CE and practicing my commentary.

posted about 3 years ago
#287 match stats in Projects
24EW[TFTrue] The log might have not been uploaded. HTTP error 500

any ideas how to solve this guys?thx in advance
internal service error; not your end

Presumably they mean "how would a server owner fix this issue". I came here for this exact same question. From what I've found so far, it seems to be something to do with cURL but I'm not entirely sure.

posted about 4 years ago