Edit: Found a Team
Hi my name Grumpy, and I'm lft medic. I'm not sure what level I can play at. I've played a number of seasons of HL medic and backed up for a couple UGC 6s and Open teams, so I know the mechanics of the class.
ESEA profile: https://play.esea.net/users/1427102?tab=history
Steam profile: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198020441036/
-Can maincall
-Can make decisions for myself
-Good awareness
Things I need to work on
-Continue to better understand the 6s meta
-Shake off the rust
I'm working and my work schedule sometimes asks me to work late. I will always know about 4-6 days in advance. I live on the west coast and can pay for myself. I also have a server and mumble if you need it. I got a problem with tilting, I don't clutter comms I'd just not like to be in that head space.
Add me through steam if your interested.
Thank you.