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Signed Up August 10, 2024
Last Posted August 10, 2024 at 9:18 PM
Posts 2 (0.1 per day)
#15 felon and his cronies are still out there in TF2 General Discussion
LastandFirstcrawdbka freshman in high school sits at home being weird to strangers on the internet for fun instead of making friendsdont quote me on this but its summer rn school has been out for 2 monthsLMAO you think that creature is gonna stop being butthurt when school starts? He longs to be like us, playing pugs, having fun, not being banned. Couldn't be me.

I've never met someone so geared on hating on me, lol. also, if i wanna pug, i will just get scrims bro?? i got accounts w/ 100+ logs on them from scrims alone hahaha.

posted 1 month ago
#14 felon and his cronies are still out there in TF2 General Discussion
dbka freshman in high school sits at home being weird to strangers on the internet for fun instead of making friends

try this: grown man sits at home on a tftv thread ragetyping against a 16 year old who has trolled him in a video game :D

posted 1 month ago