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Signed Up March 14, 2014
Last Posted March 3, 2016 at 10:28 PM
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#6 LF Pocket ESEA Low Open in Recruitment (looking for players)

Team is dead please stop adding me.

posted about 9 years ago
#1 LF Pocket ESEA Low Open in Recruitment (looking for players)

We are a newbie mix team coached by Marxist looking for a pocket soldier.
We are a serious team looking to improve.
We have stuck together despite being 0-7, and are looking for someone to play Sun, Tues, Wed, Thurs from 9:30 - 10:30.
Most of us are well over 20, being mature is a necessity.
Add me for a tryout.

posted about 9 years ago
#3 Windows 7 can't update? in Hardware

I had the exact same problem! Just today I got fed up and downloaded the Windows Update Troubleshooter from Microsoft's website. I was skeptical but it seems to have worked like a charm.

posted about 9 years ago
#16 How to get your own dedicated free server in TF2 General Discussion

If you ever type out "cd .. && cd maps" then I think it is you who needs to learn cli . . .
Standard way to achieve that is "cd ../maps", another faster way would be to actually just execute the two commands separately. But to each their own I guess.

posted about 10 years ago
#13 How to get your own dedicated free server in TF2 General Discussion
cd .. && cd maps

What why

posted about 10 years ago
#3 My Configs are fucked up in Customization

Might be an encoding issue?

When you click "Save As", to the left of the "Save" button check if you are saving as not ANSI?

posted about 10 years ago
#16 i52 Media Coverage in TF2 General Discussion

My opinion as someone who has never been on a competitive TF2 team, but who follows it:

Right now I find it pretty hard to follow the comp scene without spending a lot of time reading the forums, watching streams and asking questions in chat. For instance the times that I've gone on vacations, I've come back and had a rough time catching up on what happened.

I think that one thing that could really help people follow the happenings would be a constant flow of short, descriptive articles on the front page. While I appreciate the super high quality, well written articles that make the front page now, I think they come too infrequently to really keep people informed. I think that just a few quick sentences describing things like results and roster drama shortly after things happen would be very helpful.

Just for example, I missed the i52 qualifying round robin. When I logged in on Sunday, all I could see was an event advertising that grand finals would be mix^ vs xts. I think it would have been excellent (and not a ton of work) if someone who watched the round robin on Saturday wrote a few sentences about what happened, maybe mentioned xts redeeming their lan performance against 20b, how many rounds mix^ dropped, that sort of thing. Instead I read through the 81 posts on the forums, and after not reading anything too informative, took to stream chat to ask questions, where someone linked me the bracket.

Sorry this isn't particularly relevant to tagg going or not, just the thoughts of a tf2 fan regarding possible i52 media coverage.

posted about 10 years ago
#26 Newbie Mixes cont? in TF2 General Discussion

I've been lurking on these forums for a good 6 months now.
I tried two newbie mixes the last time and loved them, but I've had nothing but mediocre to unpleasant experiences in the 6 TF2 Centers I've tried.
So, I, for one, would be interested in playing.

posted about 10 years ago