Account Details
SteamID64 76561198035764881
SteamID3 [U:1:75499153]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:37749576
Country United States
Signed Up June 7, 2013
Last Posted March 30, 2016 at 10:12 PM
Posts 17 (0 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 2.47
Windows Sensitivity
Raw Input
Refresh Rate
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Razer naga
Keyboard black widow ultimate 2012
Headphones turtlebeach x12
Monitor asus 144hz something idk i forgot the exact
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#7 Busterr Looking for team open scout in Recruitment (looking for team)

Ok real talk, buster is a PRIME example of taking criticism, and applying it in game seconds later, it's insane. I've seen this guy go from steel to where he is now in a matter of a few short months. Super fun guy, and is definitely what he says he is, looking to improve, no bull shit there.

solid open pick up

posted about 8 years ago
#7 Jumping 300 and 50fps in Q/A Help
frequentConsider capping your framerate using the fps_max command to decrease fluctuation. Recommended cap is monitors refreshrate * 2 +1. e. g. 60 hz monitor = 121 fps.

But yeah if you're dropping to 50 that's a problem, probably an external program using lots of cpu capacity.
deetrfrequentConsider capping your framerate using the fps_max command to decrease fluctuation. Recommended cap is monitors refreshrate * 2 +1. e. g. 60 hz monitor = 121 fps.

But yeah if you're dropping to 50 that's a problem, probably an external program using lots of cpu capacity.

If you're going to cap your framerate just cap it at the highest fps you can consistently get. The shit about refresh rate is wrong, having 122 fps is objectively better than 121 fps.

I did this in the past the first time this problem arose (the problem magically vanished for about a year, just came back) and it didn't change anything, it simply went from whatever i capped it to, and went down to ~50 again.

yukiHave you tried being off friends/disabling steam community? Is a similar issue present in other steam or non steam games?

No luck.

I checked my temps just now, my cpu and gpu are both hovering around the average 50c, and there's no fluctuation in them really. Running a virus scan now with Malware Bytes hoping to pick something up.

posted about 9 years ago
#1 Jumping 300 and 50fps in Q/A Help

Got a computer that should be running 300fps easily, but instead i'm running at 300fps for a few minutes, going to 50 for about 10 seconds, and then going back to 300. I'm already running on an fps config, but it doesn't really matter. No heating issues, no driver issues that i'm aware of. A few of my friends have had similar problems

This makes it particularly difficult to stream, considering I get 200 while streaming, but then the fps drop cuts me down to 20.

posted about 9 years ago
#67 Anime North (May 22)? in Off Topic
PankeymanPrecure is my fave animé. It has my waifu and cute babes punching stuff and nice fanart *winks*

I don't care if you're into anime or not. This guy was one of the best at transitioning scenes and his work shouldn't go unnoticed.
Paprika is fucking TIGHT

precure is literally aimed at 5 year olds
if you're gonna do idol anime at least go with im@s

posted about 9 years ago
#2 periphery lft demo in Recruitment (looking for team)

Super chill guy, never seen him lose it. Knows when to play forward and back, solid DM. Definitely can pull his weight on a mid or even high open team.

posted about 10 years ago
#16 YAAOOO ITS EXTINE in TF2 General Discussion
PoonCanoeI am having an out of body experience


posted about 11 years ago
#1 YAAOOO ITS EXTINE in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 11 years ago
#18 absurd fps drops while streaming in Q/A Help




woops, duplicate pic, one sec.

edit :fixed

posted about 11 years ago
#15 absurd fps drops while streaming in Q/A Help

Nope, watercooler is keeping my cpu at a nice 54c, and card sticks to 50c aswhell. My OBS process spikes to 60% cpu usage whenever I get an fps drop, so its a full obs issue.

posted about 11 years ago
#13 absurd fps drops while streaming in Q/A Help

Woops, yeah, i'm dropping TO 20 fps. Even for streaming, i doubt seeing my OBS jumping from 17% cpu usage to 50% is normal.

posted about 11 years ago
#9 absurd fps drops while streaming in Q/A Help

Nope, full screen using game capture on tf2.

Turns out i was using the wrong bit-version of obs, 32 instead of 64, however this doesnt seem to effect me at all :/

posted about 11 years ago
#7 absurd fps drops while streaming in Q/A Help

Someone on the OBS forum's thread mentioned that I should try setting my max fps to 120, tried it, fps drops persisted.

I did some poking around at my processes, whenever i get an fps drop, my CPU usage spikes to 90%+, with obs taking up over 25% of it.

posted about 11 years ago
#5 absurd fps drops while streaming in Q/A Help
mthsadwhat CPU are you using specifically and is it overclocked?

AMD-8350 not overclocked.

GeknaiirI would assume your stream settings are just bad.

I didnt have this issue on my old card, 650ti, i havent tinkered with my stream setting whatsoever when i swapped them out.

defyanyone who is knowledgeable with streams will definitely be able to help you out if you post some logs from obs

logs from a short stream today

posted about 11 years ago
#1 absurd fps drops while streaming in Q/A Help

So I recently got a new gfx card, 760, to go alongside my 4ghz amd cpu. Now for some odd reason, i get insane fps drops, beyond anything that should even be imaginable.

Tf2 when i'm not streaming is anywhere around 300-400 fps
streaming I get 80-120, but I'm getting insane dips to 20fps, for what seems to be no reason.

I use OBS to stream to twitch.tv, I close everything I can to get maximum performance out of my tf2 and my stream, but the problem persists. I've tried reinstalling my card drivers and my OBS, with no luck.

Any ideas?

Edit : yeah, i meant i drop TO 20 fps.

posted about 11 years ago
#6 Smooths still wont save in Q/A Help
flippersheh. the problem is still persisting, surprised people care about this now i mean its not gonna get fixed any time soon so you might as well just get over it and learn sfm which is a shitty alternative but do you really have a choice.

edit: im sorry if this was too blunt

Yeah, it's really abnoxious, but getting over it really is the only choice. It's even more obnoxious trying to learn how to make movies, since smoothing was an important part of it.

So reinstalling tf2, deleting pre-steampipe tf folder, and renaming the demo all dont work.

Literally the only thing I can think of at this point is that reinstalling all of steam would fix it, maybe it's not saving because it cant even find the directory?

posted about 11 years ago
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