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SteamID64 76561198072507984
SteamID3 [U:1:112242256]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:56121128
Country Austria
Signed Up April 30, 2013
Last Posted December 27, 2015 at 12:06 PM
Posts 43 (0 per day)
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#3 Terrible Screen Tearing in Customization
stabbyTearing should only be occurring when your FPS exceeds your refresh rate. It's odd that you're experiencing it with low frames. 70 minimum is actually about what I'd expect from your specs, by the way--tf2 is simply poorly optimized.

Make sure fps_max is set to "0", it can create odd "tearing-like" artifacts and there's no point in capping unless you're using Lightboost/ULMB or Gsync.

Back up your settings/autoexec and try the launch option "-default" to let tf2 auto configure itself. If this fixes it you can rest assured it's a certain command/setting or combination of commands in the game that are the culprit, not your setup.

Speaking of gsync, it *is* a very nice upgrade that would resolve tearing, among other things. If you have some holiday money left, you might want to consider researching gsync monitor options. You could sell your current one and buy a nice used display with similar specs + gsync for a reasonable net expense...heck, I'd sell you my Gsync vg248qe for what you could sell that benQ for, come to think of it :P

Thanks. For some odd reason, after a night's break, the game works just fine now.
I would also like to let you know that at high fps gsync actually increases input lag so i would not recommend it for games like tf2 or csgo (source: http://www.blurbusters.com/gsync/preview2/).

posted about 9 years ago
#1 Terrible Screen Tearing in Customization

After i restarted my pc i got terrible screen tearing in tf2 and idk why. Perhaps someone could help me out.

Specs: i7 5700HQ, 970M, 512GB SSD, BenQ XL2430T

I tried capping fps, installing the newest version of the HUD i am currently using, restarting the pc, forcing refresh -144, checking my monitor is running at 144hz, different monitor settings such as AMA off and high.

On a side note, my fps seem quite low for my specs (970M is like a 960), ranging from 70 - 170 fps. I run the game at 1080p at medium-ish settings with shadows on high.

Update 1: Tried CS:GO, no tearing there and fps are consistently higher than in tf2 (at ~ 200).

posted about 9 years ago
#1126 Cheater/Hacker thread in TF2 General Discussion
Looking at his solly logs you provided, it is not very conclusive tbh. 32 AS is pretty good for ulti so not sure if he really was bad at aiming those rockets, especially since you got 12 but it does look like there were some subs so not quite sure.

I joined as the third sub in the match which explains why his logs would be a lot better than mine. His rocket aim wasn't as bad as his jumps/strafes but it was bad enough for me to beat him reasonably comfortably in the 2 rounds we played despite me not being a great solly. Compared to his scout/sniper logs his soldier play definitely would not seem to match that of someone consistently top damaging in his matches/getting such high accuracy.

Also, do you know him at all, your steam name has the clan tag that he plays a lot of his games on and your tf.tv name is the same as a name he used in one of his games.
Also, do you know him at all, your steam name has the clan tag that he plays a lot of his games on and your tf.tv name is the same as a name he used in one of his games.

They have each other added

Yeah, the clan i am in have played with him. Seemed kinda suspicious but i just nodded it off towards skill rather than hacks.

posted about 9 years ago
#1123 Cheater/Hacker thread in TF2 General Discussion

Hi there, i've been following this thread for quite a while, i thought i may tune in on this one as it this seems to be a difficult one compared to the others.

MearlitePlayed against what seems like an alt earlier (low hours) in ultiduo. His rocket jumps/rocket aim and strafing was pretty terrible but his shotgun was godly.

What stands out to me is his scout accuracy, although i have a friend who did get 78% in one mix but this guy seems to be getting it sort of consistently.
Looking at his solly logs you provided, it is not very conclusive tbh. 32 AS is pretty good for ulti so not sure if he really was bad at aiming those rockets, especially since you got 12 but it does look like there were some subs so not quite sure.

Sniper accuracy is high but still within reasonable limits if he is a highly skilled player or just a bad hacker.

If you look at the damage done, ~25% was done with the shotty which is definitely more than i would do in terms of % but as he did 75% with his RL i am not sure whether his damage with the shotty supports him using shotty hacks.

Bad strafing, pretty good indicator of a sort-of low skilled player as you mentioned but bad strafing may also mean that you get to AS him more, and 12 is sort-of avg (a little above mine) in ultiduos.

Overall, i think that he may have been using shotty hacks due to his consistent accuracy over multiple games but IMO a demo would be needed to properly determine that.

PS I hope i didn't do too badly analyzing the info and i look forward to replies :)

posted about 9 years ago
#3 Freezing and Timing out v2 in Customization
Are you using any Graphics configs for either TF2 or CSGO?

What kind of PC specs do you have?

Have you tried reinstalling either or both games?

Are your games installed on a HDD or a SSD?

Sorry for not including those in the initial post. I will do so now.

I am using graphics configs but even when i remove them the problem persists.
My specs are a 5820K @ 4ghz, gtx 970 @ 1455mhz core and 7500mhz mem, 16GB DDR4 ram, x99 ud5, MX100 512GB(the rest are unimportant i suppose).

I have reinstalled both games and steam on separate occasions.

I am running all my games on an SSD (MX100 512GB) but i have tried running tf2 on my WD 2TB Green.

I'd also like to mention that this happened to me about 6 months ago but at that time i was moving from windows 7 to 8.1 so i had to do a clean install of the OS anyway and the problem disappeared.

posted about 9 years ago
#1 Freezing and Timing out v2 in Customization

After having my initial question about sniper zoom sensitivity answered in this thread: http://teamfortress.tv/thread/24546/freezing-and-timing-out i am experiencing freezing, stuttering, sound-looping and after some time i time out in both TF2 and CS:GO, leading me to believe this is a source-engine related problem. I would really appreciate some help in this matter, as if it is resolved, it could help many other players with similar issues.
I have tried reinstalling steam, reinstalling tf2, running tf2 without scripts / mods, unblocking all possible tf2 ports on my router, uninstalling my antivirus and antimalware (in safe mode with internet unplugged ofc) and verifying game cache (on both tf2 and cs:go). I would appreciate some advice on the issue at hand.

I am using graphics configs but even when i remove them the problem persists.

My specs are a 5820K @ 4ghz, gtx 970 @ 1455mhz core and 7500mhz mem, 16GB DDR4 ram, x99 ud5, MX100 512GB(the rest are unimportant i suppose).

I have reinstalled both games and steam on separate occasions as well as trying backed up versions.

I am running all my games on an SSD (MX100 512GB) but have tried running tf2 on my WD 2TB Green.

EDIT 2: Made a short clip of the problem:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=117F4R9ctE0&feature=youtu.be (note, in the first 2 seconds there is also some freezing and lagging, just not so obvious)

Update 1: I am also getting "CD Authentication error" occasionally. I also get the "game is in insecure mode" error some times.

Thank you,

posted about 9 years ago
#5 Freezing and Timing out in Customization
JimiJamdoesn't the command zoom_sensitivity_ratio accomplish what this script does?

Thank you.
I am still getting freezing though and it also happens in cs:go (i have no scripts in cs:go or modded files..yet).

posted about 9 years ago
#3 Freezing and Timing out in Customization
_KermitWell the wait command will probs fuck the script up as it's disabled almost everywhere in TF2.

oh right...they got rid of that quite a while back. Thanks for the reminder :)

Still getting the problem. Even when i remove this script the problem occurs.

posted about 9 years ago
#1 Freezing and Timing out in Customization

After adding this sens aim script i am freezing and then timing out. I know something is conflicting but not sure what it is.

Edit: Still getting the problem after removing the wait command. Even when i remove this script the problem occurs.

Edit2: I removed the scipt and changed the command zoom_sensitivity_ratio value as suggested. i am still getting stuttering, and not only in tf2 but also cs:go. I have verified game cache.

posted about 9 years ago
#976 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

I am currently using KBNhud. The player-model on the bottom left is very irritating coming from raysHUD. I have tried to go to options-->multiplayer -->advanced and then unticked the box "use player model in player class hud". That just changed the model to a stock scout one rather to show what i have equipped.

However there are 2 further issues:
1) I also have a problem where the crosshair keeps resetting to "none" (aka stock).
2) How do i make it so that the circle around the crosshair only appears for specific classes

posted about 10 years ago
#1 How do i remove the player-model in KBNHUD? in Customization

The player-model on the bottom left is very irritating coming from raysHUD. I have tried to go to options-->multiplayer -->advanced and then unticked the box "use player model in player class hud". That just changed the model to a stock scout one rather to show what i have equipped.

However there are 2 further issues:
1) I also have a problem where the crosshair keeps resetting to "none" (aka stock).
2) How do i make it so that the circle around the crosshair only appears for specific classes

posted about 10 years ago
#12 Where is the "models" folder in eve / bast HUD? in Q/A Help
omniThey never had models folders.

No HUD uses model folders.

Stop installing dumb shit.

Oh, but raysHUD did. Nvm then.

And what you may deem dumb others may think of as interesting and fun (such as the black/dark spy model)

Thanks for clarifying :)

posted about 10 years ago
#10 Where is the "models" folder in eve / bast HUD? in Q/A Help
BonafideYe thanks I really wanted to know which other forums you usually visit, now I can check if you make the same dumb threads there

How are these dumb threads? I have a tf2 related issue / question and i come to a tf2 forum for answers. I really wonder where the models folder went. Was it compiled into a .vpk or similar?

posted about 10 years ago
#8 Where is the "models" folder in eve / bast HUD? in Q/A Help
BonafideI think... I think we found the new face -.-:

Spy face?
What face?
I don't come here often just when i have tf2 related issues because i am usually on linustechtips.com.
I would apprectiate if you answered my question instead of criticizing my choice of spy mods.

posted about 10 years ago
#6 Where is the "models" folder in eve / bast HUD? in Q/A Help
wcan you see the dark spies through walls

No...it makes the spy more..well spy like. Hiding in the shadows :)

Have a look for yourself -.-:


posted about 10 years ago
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