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Last Posted December 28, 2024 at 7:32 PM
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#23 Fireside announces Physgun Fireside Denver 2025 in News

cu@ lfg

posted 1 month ago
#15 The best thing 10 dollars could be spent on. in Off Topic

most faze way to lose major ever but absolutely insane series and donk was just a beast

posted 1 month ago
#78 RGL S16 Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

L for L

Wow miskyworks was dominating that game

posted 1 month ago
#54 RGL S16 Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

im sorry but if ktaeoh ringing made minaaj not a default ringer then it's absolutely absurd that he was forced in against meelo's wishes

posted 1 month ago
#35 RGL S16 Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

In the case of ktaeoh im pretty sure there was like a mutual agreement because all the top 3 teams were "ringing" someone in a long-term situation (ktaeoh for ccp, idare for meelo, and jj for glorious), so wasn't as big a deal.

In the end of course the team who has 6 should try and accept a reasonable ringer, but I don't draw the line at "roughly equal to the skill level" regardless. If you don't have your team for a match, you shouldn't be in position to leverage whatever ringer you want. That's what subs are for. The sportsmanlike thing for the other team is to try and find a compromise, of course, but they should be the ones who have more leverage imo

posted 1 month ago
#28 RGL S16 Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

I don’t think in this case it would have made a difference as ccp looked a lot better and fluff is good, but I do think this is a good time to bring up a discussion on ringer vs sub culture.

IMO, the current rules give way to much leeway to teams who literally are showing up to an official, scheduled match without 6 players on their roster. Why should the team who show up with a full roster ready to play have to be inconvenienced by having the enemy team literally get their choice of possible ringers who fulfill some vague criteria about being “close to the skill level” of the player they’re replacing.

Subs exist for a reason. You SHOULD be getting subs on your roster to sub in. Ofc, you can always claim that your subs can’t play, they’re away etc (even if it isn’t true), but in that case, the enemy team is really doing you a courtesy to allow you to play the match without a full team. Allowing that team to then pick whoever they want is a little crazy to me. In many cases (again, maybe not in grands this szn, just in general), the team needing a ringer can just pick someone better than their actual player who still qualifies as a default ringer, and now the team who are showing up without 6 are at an advantage?? How does that make sense? The team that has their full team should have MUCH more leverage about allowing players to ring.

Will it suck when you need a ringer for real, and the enemy force you to take a weaker player? Sure, but it’s really not their problem that you don’t have a useful sub and they shouldn’t be forced to just accept a good player. In a big game like this grands, just reschedule if possible, and if it isn’t possible, then again, not sure why the team who have showed up with a full roster are forced to just let the other team get the best possible option.

posted 1 month ago
#46 RGL S16 Advanced Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion


nobody beats ninjago 5 times in a row guys

posted 3 months ago
#329 OMG 4 in TF2 General Discussion
gianniideally it's permanent but appealable after a certain amount of time.
The point of getting unbanned for cheating should be that the admins have evaluated your behavior and concluded that you have changed as a person. it shouldn't just be assumed that you are any better of a person than you were 2 years ago.

The fact it's not already like this is honestly baffling. The amount of repeat offenders we'd have if cheaters were forced to write an appeal instead of just biding their time to play again would be close to zero.

yeah, something like that makes sense. can be hard to judge how a person has changed though, especially if they can't participate in the game (basically) in the meantime. but better than nothing for sure

posted 4 months ago
#321 OMG 4 in TF2 General Discussion
gambleAgree with the sentiment that cheaters should be permanently banned. There is no monetary incentive to cheat in tf2; it's a community/league sustained by passion and interest in the game, so if you cheat, you obviously don't give a fuck about anyone other than yourself, and as such I don't think there should be any reason not to just permanently excise you.

idk, if u cheat when ur 14 i dont think that should mean u cant change as a person ngl

definitely a case by case basis thing, if ur cheating and ur an adult i dont think u need a second chance

posted 4 months ago
#313 OMG 4 in TF2 General Discussion

It's a tricky situation when there isn't a determination made quickly, as going backwards to change the matchups in the playoffs after they're over is full of big problems.

For an example, my team had yen ring against us in UBR1, and we lost that series 2-1. If we had won, we would have played the actual yen team in the second round. But when they retroactively FFL the games yen played in, we get to win our UBR1 game now, but we don't get to play UBR2 (which I guess we would have got a FFW for also)-- instead, the fake retroactive playoffs just has us go to the lower bracket immediately anyway. We ended up losing in the lower bracket semis, which we physically couldn't have played in if we got FFW's for UBR1 and UBR2 (for playing yen) (since then we make it to UBF and a loss puts you insta into LBF).

Ultimately, I don't think what they do here is wrong or anything, but it DOES ruin the playoffs for everyone involved. The yen team made it to grands, so they screwed over several teams by taking wins off of them, not to mention even more teams cuz yen rang for other teams as well.

But complaining about problems isn't very constructive without solutions, so here's what I proposed in the last post-season survey:

1-- If you're really suspicious of a player cheating, submit reports that have demos, ticks, moments that are sus, etc. Magic already pointed that out before-- this helps the AC a lot.

2-- However, I think what players want, in terms of not having seasons be completely ruined by a cheater, is faster action from the AC. So, my suggestion is: If reports come in that do have stv demos, and specific things to look at, then the AC can take an intermediate step between conviction:

--> If the AC deem that a player passes a certain threshold for POSSIBLY cheating (this is ill-defined, but let's say the AC think there's a decently high chance the player is cheating, based off the initial evidence from reports and whatever else the AC can do QUICKLY), then that player should be placed on a temporary suspension until the AC makes a final decision. That way, that player doesn't play, and for the majority of teams still competing, we avoid the issue of a cheater having to be retroactively banned and matches getting completely ruined.

Is there a chance that we suspend a player and they're later found to be clean? Absolutely, although as long as the threshold is set well, this should be a minority of cases. But even so, if this one player is suspended and misses out, say, on a playoff run, I'd argue that this outcome only really affects that player's team, and even then they only need to get one sub/ringer, and the team is still allowed to play without the suspended player. If that guy is clean and they lose playoffs because of it, then that's unfortunate, but if the MAJORITY of the time, we give MANY teams a cheater-free playoff experience, that's just a net positive overall and more players benefit.

- banning cheaters retroactively kinda sucks because many teams take L's in playoffs that cant be accounted for effectively (plus we all just wanna play playoffs, not get a free W months later cuz cheater got banned)

- to avoid this problem, I suggest giving the AC the power to suspend highly suspicious cheater candidates temporarily while investigations are taking place, so that they don't ruin playoffs (regular szn doesnt matter so much since overturning those games doesn't actually cause problems in the same way as playoffs)

- this suspension would allow the player's team to continue competing, but avoid the need to retroactively change game outcomes. If the threshold is set well, the majority of suspended players will be cheaters.

- In the event that a player is suspended and found clean later, it would be unfortunate for the team they're on, but ultimately forcing ONE team to replace ONE player temporarily in the MINORITY of cases is a small price to pay for effectively nuking the cheater playoff runs completely, which will benefit literally EVERY player on all other teams in playoffs.

posted 4 months ago
#297 OMG 4 in TF2 General Discussion

2 for 2 good job team

posted 4 months ago
#6 RGB 7 Shoutouts thread in LAN Discussion

Always a great time at RGB, shoutout to Fragile and the RGB staff for running a great event!

Shoutout to my team (finmin jasonh baconblitz b0nes and bloodmachine) for a fun time, and also to the other teams for ggs :)

shoutout to gotten for the nyc pizza slice and also to baconblitz for letting me stay at the airbnb

cya next time

posted 4 months ago
#232 RGL PUGs Public Alpha in Projects

how is this favorability score even calculated tho? Like if the ELOs are already not very well defined (lack of players, statistics), then some algorithm telling me I should win the game by a lot and then lose ELO for winning by a little seems kinda off. I think you should always gain ELO for winning, even if it's just a bit if the favorability is in your favor or whatever. Idk if that is something that happens in other games where an ELO system is used, but in chess for example ur not gonna lose ELO for taking too many moves to beat someone who has a lower ELO than you.

posted 4 months ago
#8 RGL S16 Advanced Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

thats almost certainly incorrect tho, wheres this spreadsheet

posted 4 months ago
#1 FANTASY FOOTBALL??? in Off Topic

Hi guys, anyone interested in playing a fantasy football league? Played last year with ampere/arcadia/others and it was fun, might need a few others this year to get a sizable league. Msg me on discord if ur interested and like fantasy football! If we need space ill add u to the disc/league

ball knowers required.

discord: hami__

posted 5 months ago
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