LOL whos the snowflakes really
Here is the main problem: Obviously, that White person that was described in the image has no knowledge of what it is like to be German, Swedish, or Danish. They only know what it is like to live in America, and that's also the same reality of their parents. While leftist, millennial minorities like you think it is funny to make jokes about how "THEY HAVE NO CULTURE WTFFF XD" and how they have no knowledge of seasoning food, they often forget how White people lost their culture to begin with. With each new generation that stems from an immigrant, they become more and more assimilated with the general culture of America - and eventually, the Korean boy, whose great grandfather spoke only Korean, ends up not even learning the language growing up. You can't bash White people for being culturally insensitive when all they have learned FOR GENERATIONS is how to be an American, not a German Swedish Dane.