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Last Posted May 31, 2015 at 7:38 PM
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#1052 Do you like the song above? in Music, Movies, TV

I suppose it helps a little bit that tom waits is hilarious in addition to being an absolute fucking god.

*warning: lots of base ahead*

posted about 9 years ago
#55 New Overwatch in-game video in Other Games
truktrukMaybe it's just the characters I've watched, but I'm not excited at all. It reminds me of Super Monday Night Combat with prettier graphics and slower gameplay. It seems more spammy than a 32 man pub in TF2.HeadfulofSandvichI can't be the only one who is reminded of Super Monday Night Combat when I see this game right?

I am vindicated!


yttriumHeadfulofSandvichthe two games so far to actually commit to being fps moba'ssavage 2 would like a word

Is that actually an fps moba? all I ever remember hearing about that game was that it was some shitty pay-to-win fps made by the same guys who made HoN? Correct me if I'm wrong, I have no actual idea.

posted about 9 years ago
#29 New Overwatch in-game video in Other Games
MadKYou are your own worst enemy.



posted about 9 years ago
#27 New Overwatch in-game video in Other Games
turtsmcgurtsbalancing a moba (multiple characters with abilities that must interact with other players / mobs / turrets / be balanced with all the other character abilities ect) with FPS mechanics (first third person shooting and movement) and dumb shit like enhancements (character upgrades similar to runes or w.e in LoL) sounds really difficult. most games run into issues keeping the balance in just one of those genres, so it wasn't too surprising to see the game die when some random indie company didn't have the ability to properly balance their game.

blizzard has the budget and skill to do so, not to mention they have heavily supported every game they've made for years after release, I think they can do it if they want.

i do have to say that i'm less excited for the game after watching this video, I don't know why exactly though. weird.

I think the big problem that these games run in to is that they are made by companies that set their sights too high, in that like you said, you have two genre's of game to balance not only in their own right, but in tandem with taking account for the other. If you asked me what company could pull off a game of this scope that demands so much in all of its aspects, my answer would indeed be blizzard, however lets not forget that when they up the anti that blizzard can fail too (dark souls 3). I'm certainly not writing the game off as a failure before its even playable by the general public, and there are going to be elements of any game that just don't translate effectively through videos created with the primary purpose of generating hype, and obviously I am anticipating playing the game and really do want it to be good, but all I'm saying is that the content that they have released does more to worry me than it does to get me hyped, and that's not a good sign :/

posted about 9 years ago
#20 New Overwatch in-game video in Other Games
RaytekHUD Bad
Easy Aiming Bad
Performance Bad

Game looks like a first person MOBA without all the strategy behind a MOBA

just like smnc and battleborn, the two games so far to actually commit to being fps moba's. too bad smnc ended up sucking and dying, and battleborn, despite being developed by gearbox, from what they have presented so far it looks like they may have trapped themselves in to a bad game. I'm hoping overwatch becomes the first fps moba that doesn't suck, but so far the only thing I can say is that they're doing a better job hyping the game, and hyping the game won't help if the game is bad.

posted about 9 years ago
#17 New Overwatch in-game video in Other Games

I can't be the only one who is reminded of Super Monday Night Combat when I see this game right? Same art style, a lot of the same mechanical choices, the hud is once again a clusterfuck, and the map design feels almost like blizzard just hired uber's map devs that got laid off and told them to continue where they left off. I'm not sure how many people have even heard of SMNC, and in regards to the company that made that game, all the people asked said that all they remember about them is that they made some ridiculous 100 dollar rts that nobody bought because of the price (planetary annihilation). This gameplay trailer along with all the other overwatch stuff I've seen just worries me because as much as I would love this game to be good (and hopefully more balanced than SMNC), I've seen nothing to make me believe that this game won't go down the shitter the same way smnc did except for the fact that blizzard's name is attached to this one, which I'm still not sure whether that's a good thing or a bad thing.
-My 2 cents

posted about 9 years ago
#101 has anyone else been playing this browser game in Off Topic

Does anyone still play this game? DOS and Hitler have been ruling US east for days now...

posted about 9 years ago
#31 Any JRPG fans in the house? in Other Games

Can't believe no one mentioned chrono trigger D: CT and FF tactics are both incredible.

posted about 10 years ago
#853 It begins! in Off Topic


Edit: Can you put the santa hats on the D and the K please and thanks

posted about 10 years ago
#107 Tf2 Locations in TF2 General Discussion

I can literally walk to where you live soap :D

Also, side-note, once you fill out the form, how long does it typically take for your name to show up on the map?

posted about 10 years ago
#69 Best person you have been on a team with? in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 10 years ago
#5 New game mode idea in Map Discussion

The only issue I can see thus far would be that while the gamemode would naturally encourage aggressive play, it pretty much takes away the option of sacking for a pick class as the pushing team, since by the time you respawn the enemy timer would probably either have already counted down or be on the verge of doing so, and suddenly that pick class that you sacked for becomes a liability on the defense unless you sacked for a defensive class in the first place, which in turn makes pushing harder. While I'm all for naturally aggressive gameplay, I don't feel that taking away a fairly successful method of initiating a push is the way to go. Perhaps extending the timer to something along the lines of like 1 1/2 to 2 minutes would allow for this option as well, as long as teams make this the decision for their strategy quick enough? Not sure on how this would affect the speed or flow of the gamemode in general. Overall though, this gamemode certainly seems really interesting in concept, and if someone could figure it out, I would love to see it in action.

posted about 11 years ago
#101 Best medic in whole TF2 universe in TF2 General Discussion

Flushy :3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=miWdzLE6MCY

posted about 11 years ago
#9 Merry Christmas to all in Off Topic

Merry Christmas everyone! <3

posted about 11 years ago
#53 desktop background thread in Off Topic


posted about 11 years ago
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