I can't be the only one to think that beasly sounds at least a little bit like vinnydaboss.
Is it because they're both Italian (I have no idea if he is or not) or am I just dumb.
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I can't be the only one to think that beasly sounds at least a little bit like vinnydaboss.
Is it because they're both Italian (I have no idea if he is or not) or am I just dumb.
Sad song of sadness
Rest in peace, Mein Comrade
It's supposed to snow sometime tomorrow here in NC, but if it snowed every time it was "supposed to snow", this state would feel like Quebec, so I'm not so sure what to think yet.
On a side note, I have been doing this for literally an hour and only managed to produce only 2 satisfying songs. WHY AM I SO BAD AT THIS.
So then, with the "themed names" thing, what are you referring to? Names as in item names, team names, player names, ect., because atm it's sort of unclear what that is referring to.
Fen10:30 in the morning so tired
I thought this movie was pretty good overall, although I do have a few comments:
Most notably, the clips were rather choppy, especially with the sniper clip, and while the choppiness did sort of help give the actual frags more "punch", so to speak, when you're going for a more epic trailer-type song, the smoothness of the clips really stands out as that's really what is going to complete the feel of the whole video.
The speed-up's and slow-down's were excessively abrupt at times, most easily showcased in the demo clip, where the action speed changed so abruptly it made it tougher than it needed to be to follow the clip, this sort of stayed the same throughout the entire thing.
Other than those 2 things, no other issues really seemed to stand out, and overall, it was a really well-made video. The sync with the song was INCREDIBLE, easily the best part of it, and I thought the colors were really good with the style you were going for. Glad to see more people making more frag clips/movies, and I really do hope you continue, I look forward to the stuff you will come up with next ;)
Welp, with AG taking a FFW over top guns, as long as no random upsets occur, Mad Men will have to beat both AG and Mix^ on viaduct week to tie for the lan spot. Otherwise, AG are going to lan.
Looking for 2 scouts and possibly a demo by 11:59 tonight. Div is UGC plat (would have been open but missed the payment deadline). Contact this guy: ( http://steamcommunity.com/id/MissWatson/ ) for more info.
I'm really happy to see that a lot of people are starting to see the actual point of the pick/ban system, which is to force adaptivity and metagame diversity. With that in mind, here's my proposed system for the pick/ban concept:
NakedapeEach player in the class they play gets 1 ban per weapon class.
Beat me to it, but yeah, this to start. However, the system I'm thinking of imposes a more Dota-esque pick/ban style that goes as follows: Each player starts with one ban in either Primary, Secondary, and Melee. They get to choose in what order they would ban them in. The drawback to this is that if you intermix the banning and picking, then players have to think about what they want banned most from a class before the opposing player picks it for use. So the final system would look like this:
Start with scout. 1 Ban on either a Primary, Secondary, or Melee. Switch to the other scout, he picks a ban. then move on to the next class. Continue on down the list, continuing to do this with each class until the first round of bans over. Then starts the first picking round.
Starts with the scout again, where he may select 1 weapon from any category to be picked and allowed for use that game by whichever side picked that item, meaning that the opposing side can not pick and or use an item that has already been picked by the opposing side. This applies to all classes and in all loadout slots. Any items left over from the pick/ban system are auto-banned for that lobby, but for valve, are recorded as a different statistic.
This same system continues for 3 rounds of pick/ban. At the end, you have a pool of weapons that are not necessarily the weapons they are used to playing against or with, but at the same time, are forced to adapt to and deal with.
One very important thing to note is that the only weapons that I think should be able to slip under both the "if they're not picked they're banned" clause and the "if I picked it you can't use it only I can" clause are the stock weapons, as well as a very selective list of unlocks that would be decided by the top levels of tf2 HL comp, through methods such as an official vote, in which only the leaders of any teams in platinum in UGC that has been in platinum for a couple seasons, would be allowed to participate in. This selective list of unlocks, such as gunboats and kritzkreig, which these top HL players would be able to agree upon these weapons being a wholesome good to the game mode, would also not be auto-banned if they didn't get picked, in addition to all stock weapons. These weapons would also be available for use by either side, whether they are picked or not. This would not protect these weapons, however, from not being banned. All that would happen is whenever one of these weapons is banned, the player on that class on the opposite team from the person who banned it, would get an extra pick on that item slot in order to be able to recover and still have diversity mid-match on that item slot.
I have tested this system with some friends, and have found it to be extremely successful once the match gets started. The only problem I ran in to is how long it takes to actually get started, since you have so much picking/banning to do. However, if this entire system were completely automated, I believe it would only take minutes to complete this process from start to finish. The best way to enforce this would be with another Dota-esque concept, which would be a time limit per ban/pick round.
TL;DR: This pick/ban system has the potential to spice up the TF2 competetive scene, and should be embraced with vigor. In the future, if this system were to be enforced in a 6's lobby system and maybe potentially league play, it could lead to some pretty big upsets solely due to getting, for lack of a better term, "out-drafted".
mustardoverlordif this is the case, then why is sal asking us to test the pick/ban system idea? wouldnt that suggest that our ideas matter to valve as well?
anyways, look at the cevo hl banlist imo, it's pretty much perfect
tell me, at this current point in the game, who else would he be able to ask to test this?
There is a point that a lot of people are missing about the weapon ban concept. On the surface, it seems like if we just have the people who are most experienced with the format decide the ban lists for this system, then you have a system that people can enjoy, but this view is looking at the situation from the wrong side.
The pick/ban system is not for the people who already understand the current meta and the reasoning behind the ban lists that already exist, the point is so that valve can see what the pub players whom they are attempting to introduce in to the competetive scene think about the weapons. Players in the in-game pug system who have a tendency to ban certain weapons are most likely coming from a pub background, and so valve receives feedback about their most popular format of TF2. At the same time as receiving this data, valve can use this system to funnel people in to the competetive scene, and so at the end of the day everyone wins. And who knows? Maybe the pub players who are trying this system will ban the stuff that's already banned in league play anyway. That would really tell us if the weapon bans that we defend so passionately are really as great as we think they are.
THG is looking for a starting scoot to finish off our roster! contact me or metawe ( http://steamcommunity.com/id/metawe ) for tryouts!
We're a new team with a couple of semi-experienced players who wanna start in UGC plat and work our way up as a team. At this point, we just need a pocket who is willing to listen, improve, and maintain a cool attitude.
Med: Paleo
Demo: Dalton
Pocket: ?????
Roamer: Headful of Sandvich
Scout: Leess
Scout: Yibran
I might try out for roamer, depending on how this season goes. Hit me up anyway, we'll see how it goes.