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Signed Up August 31, 2015
Last Posted February 20, 2016 at 9:12 PM
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#42 Stock TF2 server in TF2 General Discussion
sombrezHydro ramble

I heard all of those stories about how awful Hydro was, but I'd still like to have it in the rotation, at least for testing. Also because I, and probably many others, was too late to the party to witness it.

yttriumI'm trying to improve it over previous iterations by allowing some unlocks and having a really nice mapcycle. It won't replace pubs, of course, but I feel it's a nice medium between lobbies and pubs for a competitive skill level.

Careful here. From my experience, Pubs with people actually trying never work out. It just ends up in a demo/soldier spamfest with three medics. Coordinated pubs are horrendous. The beauty in pubs, at least for me, is that you can just hop in and out and play casually as well as playing with friends from the community. Due to this, I think enabling alltalk (as well as gravetalk, obviously) would be a good idea.

Screwballtbh not worth the effort
These community servers live for like a week at best. Blame quick play.

No, blame the shitty community servers like Saigns that made Valve server quickplay necessary.

posted about 9 years ago
#653 /r/tf2 posts that make you cringe in The Dumpster


DAE competitive players afraid of change?! XDD

posted about 9 years ago
that's why you're supposed to use it like flame instructed. Use -default, save that as derp, use -autoconfig, etc.
Once you've done those steps you can reinstall your cfg (excluding fps commands) with your binds, fov settings, etc. Then you can start comparing it with your fps when using a graphics cfg

Ah, I misunderstood part of the post then. Thank you!

posted about 9 years ago

Hm, I do get decent FPS, but isn't it a bit hard to compare because -default prevents you from increasing your FoV as well as removing view models, both of which would decrease FPS?

posted about 9 years ago
#21 "Masters of Classes" powered by TF2Stadium in Projects

Can't wait, this is going to be great! Little sad so many of these courses are overlapping, but at least they'll later be available on YouTube.

posted about 9 years ago
#2 Overwatch beta preview livestream in Other Games

Goddamnit Slin, you beat me to it. Very much looking forward for the first actual gameplay video we're getting. The theory crafting based on abilities and staged gameplay videos alone is getting old.

posted about 9 years ago
#231 Overwatch Event Impressions in Other Games
BonafideSpycyno they just need a spy class and the game is totally ruinedThere already is a spy class

There is? Which one would that be?

posted about 9 years ago
#218 Overwatch Event Impressions in Other Games

Hm... Overwatch, for me, will probably replace pub server TF2. It just looks a lot more fun and diverse.

Competitive, not so much.

My main concerns about the game so far is that Blizzard has been really, really good at making characters fun to play, but not very fun to play against. Limiting your opponents' movement in an FPS really is not a good idea. And not only does McCree have a flashbang (aka an insta-win-button), they also continued that philosophy in Roadhog and Junkrat with their grapple hook and bear trap.

Movement in general seems very limited- which is not a bad thing, just not my thing.

Finally, only Payload and A/D CP maps. Nope, nope, nope. Really not interested in that since it always seems to turn into a tedious attrition grindfest instead of 5CP's tug of war I love.


(edit) Also, I dislike how Blizzard won't be allowing the community a lot of customization. No community servers (or so I heard), no weapon bans, no character bans etc. So we'll be forced to stick with what Blizz throws us. I don't know how that is in CS:GO, LoL or DotA 2 though, might not be as big of a downside as I'm thinking.

posted about 9 years ago