We scrimmed Brian's team a lot and he rings for us also. He was one of the best pockets in open last season. He also is perfect in mumble. He's never gotten angry in mumble even when other people are nasty to him. He's a good maincaller. And he's a nice human.
Account Details | |
SteamID64 | 76561198025433285 |
SteamID3 | [U:1:65167557] |
SteamID32 | STEAM_0:1:32583778 |
Country | United States |
Signed Up | February 28, 2016 |
Last Posted | May 29, 2024 at 9:43 PM |
Posts | 703 (0.2 per day) |
Game Settings | |
In-game Sensitivity | 10 or 11 inches/ 360 |
Windows Sensitivity | |
Raw Input | 1 |
Resolution |
1920x1080 |
Refresh Rate |
144 |
Hardware Peripherals | |
Mouse | g403 |
Keyboard | whatever.. i prefer black but i think im using red |
Mousepad | lT'S BIG AND SOFT |
Headphones | Sennheiser HD 598 Special Edition |
Monitor | 144hz asus |
we scrimmed them and frenzy is a pretty good demoman
My team played Iggy's team ~20 times last season. Iggy did a good job keeping up with the 3 IM players on his team. He has decent medic mechanics. He probably holds the world record time for tr_medic :P. Iggy is a solid medic and he will only keep improving.
consistently high dpm when we scrim his team
decent medic and a nice person in mumble
UPDATE: Got a full roster :))) no more tryouts needed
UPDATE: Got a pocket :))))))) still tryin out scouts
We got to open playoffs last season and lost the first match
We will try to play IM next season
scout - nazara
scout - whymeo
roamer - nite
pocket - Squidamatron
demoman - Hedgehog Hero
medic - charis
good demo dm
PajamaSam Everyone is so mean and ugly... No one treats other people like people should be treated.
watchu talkin about
IggynacioHedgeI don't have anything to compare with, but I got these ones months ago and I like them.
They block out a ton of outside noise it's like wearing moderate ear plugs. They do have a coiled cable though. Some people prefer not to have that. Durable and foldable too. I have a big head and they were tight at first but they feel normal now.
I also got these recently, amazon also offers some good bundles with it
Oh ya that's the exact deal I got!
I don't have anything to compare with, but I got these ones months ago and I like them.
They block out a ton of outside noise it's like wearing moderate ear plugs. They do have a coiled cable though. Some people prefer not to have that. Durable and foldable too. I have a big head and they were tight at first but they feel normal now. They'll stick out from ur head a bit on top just cause of the shape of them.
also good at counterjump granary
pretty gud at medic and nice in mumble. Would do good with a talkative/assertive pocket and talkative teammates
high open or better on soldier
hasn't been toxic when he rang on my team or in pugs I played with him
did good on pocket when he rang
pretty good mechanics
has the potential to do well in open with a group of positive constructive teammates
he will be dedicated to his team
also a nice person to talk to
idk any programming languages so I started making a Turing machine to play hangman. It only supports the first 2 letters of the alphabet cus I got bored
Unfortunately the secret and the guesses are on the same tape so you'll have to cover the secret with ur finger :D