Senior at Texas A&M University!
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SteamID64 | 76561198046182112 |
SteamID3 | [U:1:85916384] |
SteamID32 | STEAM_0:0:42958192 |
Country | United States |
Signed Up | April 6, 2013 |
Last Posted | September 13, 2017 at 11:17 PM |
Posts | 482 (0.1 per day) |
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would a more realistic pros v pubbers/youtubers involve no class restrictions? or would that be way too unfair for the yt team since they can have multiple medics? this would be a 6s competing in the pubber territory
lf u have roommates that will share bills, never pay their half(unless u really know for sure the type of person there is) but they might keep taking advantage and stop paying shit
make rules with your roommates about having guests, having guests sleep over, who's stuff is who in the fridge....
find an affordable transport to campus. gas and parking permit may be expensive. I bike rike 6 miles everyday to campus(on way) sometimes ride the bus too
NokkYou can buy this table top:
and these legs:
and it all comes to under $50
coño eres de Cuba? o soy de la estrella!
high hiding places for roamers
Looks like there are no weak links, you can't say, atm, that they should replace a single player for anyone else, looks like the 'perfect' team. REALLY hope they play like that
Team down with overwatch!
on his stream, Mike confirmed epsilon to reform:
Mike, KnoxXx, numlocked, schoky, TEK, flippy
got it, I had just found out, I, having a kid, think this is sickening, I'm sure any parent here would agree, anyway, I see how my posts are very shit-posty.... really appologize for that (no sarcasm intended)
1 scout , 3 solly?
if its 1 scout maybe heavy should be banned? but I doubt that MM will ban a whole class entirely so it would be a step in the wrong direction at this point
b4nny is a cunt without sportsmanship
This is disgusting!!! Worst of all is that some subway executives new about it a while back and looked the other way! I like subway and hope it doesn't shut down but I hope people that knew will pay for being dirty money loving fucks! I'm going to stop getting subway until this shit is cleared up
tldr: Jarded is a sick fuck! i hope becomes the 'woman' when they put him in jail