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Signed Up April 6, 2013
Last Posted September 13, 2017 at 11:17 PM
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#8 Brady suspension vacated in Off Topic
DemariniJimiJamThis is unrelated, but I can't wait for the day Brady retires and the younger Pats fans struggle to understand a world in which their team isn't a Super Bowl contender every year. I'm tired of hearing about this team
Look at this chump who doesn't realize the power of avocado ice cream. Brady has beaten every NFL team, now he's beaten the NFL, I wouldn't be surprised if he beats death too. GOAT.

actually he hasn't beat everyteam like, Bret farve has, I love Brady but this statement is just not true, he hasn't beaten the patriots

farve beat them all

posted about 9 years ago
#288 Razer Arena - TF2 Frag Fest (EU&NA) in TF2 General Discussion
Ond_kajaJohnMilterYou have to change to spy instead of pyro, Is that a massive pain in the ass? Or a better question yet is are you a real person?????? holy fuck its unreal
so what's the benefit of having class limits? absolutely none, unless you are actually retarded

or worse, 6 pyros. that's the new meta

posted about 9 years ago
#26 So I played my very first lobby today! in TF2 General Discussion

don't take shit talk the wrong way, lobbies arent too serious (but dont be a dick and run a spy all day on 6s lobbies) But if you are learning comp its cool, people can be dicks if you are not that good.

posted about 9 years ago
#81 ETF2L-P S22 Happenings/Predictions in TF2 General Discussion
Sentinelkiler4funDid someone call?

Also people here don't see tf2 as a "job" cause there is literally no incentive to do so rather than the yearly lan. In NA they have ESEA ones, which allow them to adapt better to lan environment (and the incentive to pratice to play in a lan is bigger as well).

Dont get me wrong, I wasn't trying to fire shots at the eu players, you fgts are great. All I said was that NA is a bit ahead on the whole "esports or streaming as a legit career" thing so of course they'll have more dedicated players.
cirloWhat's better in your opinion?
-Tek & Zebbosai
-Tek(pocket) & Mike(roamer)
-Tek(roamer) & Mike (pocekt)

Personally I think Mike has an absolute synergy with KnOxXx making a combo that is quite at the same level of b4nny & Shade, and since a solid combo of which members know each other really well is the cornerstone of a good team that would be a good start for a team capable of everything..

while questionable at times, zebbo is a solid off-classer

posted about 9 years ago
#75 i55 Viewer's Guide in News

what was the viewer peak?

posted about 9 years ago
#6 i55 LF – froyotech vs. Reason Gaming in Matches

EU final! pick it up reason! let's go!

posted about 9 years ago
#68 tf2 dream team? in TF2 General Discussion
Mapleuniversethe only two other scouts that I can remember who were as dominant as clockwork are shocky and ruwin. ruwin wasnt in form when he came back and im pretty sure that's fresh in everyone's mind. Shocky hasnt played on a top team for a while either, I think he's in lower divs or something? If we saw either of those two come back to the game in the form they used to be, we'd see lists without clockwork.
It's been a while but I remember carnage being the dominant scout for a good while.

he was so dominant and a very strong sniper, but I feel he didn't play for too long

posted about 9 years ago
#65 tf2 dream team? in TF2 General Discussion

scout: enigma / Shocky (or cw)
Roamer: Seagul
Demo: Platinum
Medic: Pyyyour

posted about 9 years ago
#9 scholarship help in Off Topic

Here in the tf2 scene I am a 'nobody', I am simply a casual opinionated fan, don't have the time to play although I would like to later, I'm married and have a kid, I'm from Texas, and I got 1 more year till I get my Batchelor's in Industrial Engineering.

It would be nice to get some vote, like I said before, money is tight for me and for my family and the less loans I get the better. You can vote for anyone you want but I ask that you vote for me as we have at least one thing in common (tf2) and I'm telling you that I'm in great need of some financial aid, if you don't like me, what I said, or what my bio says it's fine if you don't vote for me,

only vote if you wanna help out a community 'member' in 'need'

I don't mind answering more if u have questions but that's the general
me and what I think is enough to to know to get a general feel for me

posted about 9 years ago
#5 scholarship help in Off Topic

new link

I posted here to get some extra votes, I also posted on my fb and a few more places.

the only aid I get is loans, I have to use those but trying to get a scholarship or two to reduce the loan amount, you should only vote if you want to help me out, it only takes a few seconds (sorry if i wasted your time with a broken link) if you don't want to vote you don't have to, just asking for help if you have a bit of time

Edit link, was missing my profile number

posted about 9 years ago
#1 scholarship help in Off Topic

Could you take the time and give me a vote, I'm hoping to get some aid. On my last year of my batchelor's, I have a family, work full time and trying to finish school this next year, so money is tight. Ask me question if you have any but here is the link:

thanks in advance

posted about 9 years ago
#65 Favourite Vegetables? in Off Topic

love me them carrots, asparagus, celery, and radish

posted about 9 years ago
#18 Updating the MGE map/mod in Map Discussion


posted about 9 years ago
#20 UGC Highlander NA Season 16 Grand Finals in News

no article for the champs?

posted about 9 years ago
#19 UGC Highlander NA Season 16 Grand Finals in News
Charles32TevsNo need ! GG! Congrats to
Show Content

like I said...

posted about 9 years ago
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