Teapot_don't think we should read too much into mix^'s performance today, platinum probably crazy jet-lagged. Should do better tomorrow.
did they lose?
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Teapot_don't think we should read too much into mix^'s performance today, platinum probably crazy jet-lagged. Should do better tomorrow.
did they lose?
Should also have nominations for casters(castors hall of fame). maybe 1 per season
thesupremecommanderI think that, in order to have a "proper" HoF, it might be advisable to put restrictions on what players can be inducted. Most people will automatically think of players who are currently playing to induct, but a Hall of Fame should focus more on past players who have made a great impact on the game, and the way that it is often done is by requiring nominated players to have been retired for a certain amount of time before they are eligible for consideration. Something like 3 seasons or so.
this ^
maybe have a commitie nominate 10 players and make it a vote only 5 players go in...
this should also be for players who done play anymore or at least that have been out for 2 years or more. not current players
I like the idea of this bring class based
I think a tf2 version would be interesting. let's leave a request/comment to do tf2!
nixnyterd_asteroid is "robot destruction" which looks like a moba style map
edit: okay the bots don't push out of their lil zones
sorry for my newbness but what is "moba"?
technically they all lost. only 1st place is winner
ok? thanks for that super insightful info. that definitely makes having an online qualifier for a lan event over using lan results from a week ago the smart thing to do!
like that post is so retarded it makes me want to punch a hole in my monitor and go slash a random person's tires.
marmadukeGRYLLS5-0(1?) 5-4 mix both maps.
on a side note, woulda been stupid as shit if teams that just lost at lan won a spot to i52 based off of online performances, lol.
technically they all lost. only 1st place is winner
BLoodSireawesome read...someone should do a Mixup thing...
whats the score