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Signed Up April 6, 2013
Last Posted September 13, 2017 at 11:17 PM
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#63 UGC bans picking up dropped mediguns in TF2 General Discussion

Just ban the medic class and start practicing DM

posted about 9 years ago
#25 REALTALK.TF in TF2 General Discussion

I imagine that Froyo thing is bs since no evidence was posted, nice shit post

posted about 9 years ago
#14 ETF2L Premiership Week 7: LEGO vs. The Last Resort in Events

What are people opinion on how the update affected the game?

Might be hard to tell since it was a 5-0,5-0 clean up but opinions are valid

posted about 9 years ago
#11 Happy July 4th my American Brethrens in Off Topic

posted about 9 years ago
#38 6v6 NA Rules = EU Rules ? in TF2 General Discussion
shruggerI guess it is just a personal thing but i hate playing against the clock. I feel like the eu stalemates don't happen because the losing team HAS to push in with no advantage and take risks that most likely put them even further behind, since the winning team just has to defend/delay 6v6.

happens in pretty much every sport, it's risk vs reward

posted about 9 years ago
#1 Gold Cup in Off Topic

anyone watching or attending?

Preds? I think Mexico v US in the final and Mexico takes it

posted about 9 years ago
#31 6v6 NA Rules = EU Rules ? in TF2 General Discussion
DavidTheWinbotmodeI'm curious as to how 2 20 minute half 2 map setup windifference 5 would work, matches would work out to be about 90-100 minutes long which is not really that ridiculous in my mind
That's a suggestion that's been thrown around for a while but no one's actually tested it to the best of my knowledge.
OsirisJust throwing an idea out there: How about trying the option of a three-minute freeze time(like a time out) at the start of a new round(once per map, once per team), using the EU ruleset? You could make a chat command which has to be given before the next round's freeze time stops or before the next round begins, just like pauses.
Prem players have been asking for strategic pauses to be allowed for ages now and some faked real pauses (*cough* ipz's mouse *cough*) to get them.

A 5-7 minute strategy pause would be pretty awesome

posted about 9 years ago
#21 6v6 NA Rules = EU Rules ? in TF2 General Discussion
deetrTeapot_Kanecopamphleti like halftime and i dont like playing 2 maps a week
what they use at iseries isnt important because iseries might not always be the big tf2 lan
Well between both maps it's technically halftime.

A team that needs and uses the 'halftime' in europe to talk things through will already have condeded the points for one whole map. While in NA, both maps in the week have a half time so you get the chance to gather your heads and pull it back and get points for each map.

In addition to this halftime is important because most maps have different stuff on red and blu sides, and even if it's only a tiny difference (like process or gully) it could still make a huge difference. Hopefully we will be switching to granary pro soon so at least the massive differences per side on granary won't be an issue if halftime is removed.

then we add a rule like in tennis, switch sides every 3 rounds

posted about 9 years ago
#17 6v6 NA Rules = EU Rules ? in TF2 General Discussion

And we can never fight, 'parking the bus' teams can do it on any rule set, except EU rule makes it end faster if it's a bad game

posted about 9 years ago
#13 6v6 NA Rules = EU Rules ? in TF2 General Discussion

As a viewer I personally prefer a EU style, 2 30min maps makes it short and sweet, and as kaneco mentioned, you get a sort of half time between maps.

Long matches might me nice because it means more TF2 for the viewer but it drags if no one pushes for 20 minutes

question for teams that scrim and practice alot, do you not get tiered of doing scrims on the same map all week? The second map ads diversity

posted about 9 years ago
#9 6v6 NA Rules = EU Rules ? in TF2 General Discussion

if the majority of people is asking for it we can push eaea admins to at least consider it(idk if it hasn't been considered recently or in the past)

posted about 9 years ago
#1 6v6 NA Rules = EU Rules ? in TF2 General Discussion

After much discussion about rules

why not talk about the possibility of having same rule set in NA, since that's the one they use at the I-series. Both prem teams and invite times will be more familiar with them and most lickly increase the competition

just my humble opinion

posted about 9 years ago
#10 Heavy weapons guy in real life in Off Topic
cinderMake a comparison pic and post it on r/tf2. Front page for sure.

take the stick out of your butt and stop thinking you are better than others just because you play the same game but in a more organized way

posted about 9 years ago
#9 Heavy weapons guy in real life in Off Topic

Lol u guys r very close minded. Just thought I would post this to get some laughed but this is why I dislike most the community, very negative... good day sir, and see you never, one less fan u got. (still a mix up fan if they come back tho :p )

posted about 9 years ago
#1 Heavy weapons guy in real life in Off Topic

It might have been posted already but I haven't been on to see it. I just saw Furious 7(nice movie by the way) and The Rock picks up a drone machine gun and it looks like a non fat- beefed up version of the Heavy with his Natasha! lol

edit: spelling

posted about 9 years ago
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