digitalpantherNusemanwhy aren't people more hyped forhype!
r e t s h 0 c k
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Last Posted | September 13, 2017 at 11:17 PM |
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digitalpantherNusemanwhy aren't people more hyped forhype!
r e t s h 0 c k
aim-stop fag
I don't see how this makes me a fag
If anyone wants to see scores and can't watch stream this is the thread!
milohow does it feel knowing mangachu has placed higher than you in invite
I thought this was about Nintendo integrating some tf2 characters into smash bros, that would be interesting
termowill mike and numlocked embrace once more?
he has kaidus, not really a downgrade
what is the rule regarding picking up weapons(including medi gun) for LAN?
why doesn't ESEA do similar awards?
HL lol
Is Froyo dropping ash true tho?
would be funny to see Merlin
GetawhaleI very much enjoyed tonight's cast. You and Deer were perfectly entertaining, and I listened to the first few rounds Audio Only on the drive home - it sounded awesome!
I want to throw out my oddball suggestion about intros. I'm sick of at the start of casts, hearing everyone do the same "Hello my name is X, and this is Y. How are you today Y?" "Oh I'm great I'm excited for some great TF2!" As a viewer, that is not interesting to hear at all.
If you really insist on asking how the other caster is (they will always say good or great) at least add something extra to the end of it to make it more interesting. Something about the match importance, or the teams, or some storyline. Mix it up! It sounds very canned when you just say How's It Goin.
This is 100% cosmetic and does not affect a cast but is something I've wanted to express for a while. Not just EVL, but all orgs.
Keep it up guys!
but remember there is usually a lot of dead time before the match that casters must fill up, if and only if that's the case, I don't mind them going a bit off topic