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Signed Up April 6, 2013
Last Posted September 13, 2017 at 11:17 PM
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#111 ESEA-I S20 Happenings/Predictions in TF2 General Discussion
AlkalinefatswimdudeEnigma possibly LFT
You sure about that? ;)

call me dumb, but I still didn't get it, please elaborate

posted about 9 years ago
#7 ETF2L HL Nations Cup #4: Scotland vs. USA in Events


posted about 9 years ago
#65 ESEA-I S20 Happenings/Predictions in TF2 General Discussion
lets move on
posted about 9 years ago
#2 Dubai to host $250,000 ESL event in CS2 General Discussion

wait, it doesn't say what time the tf2 people will play at

posted about 9 years ago
#13 Help remembering the name of this TF2 Player in Off Topic

who is that joke guy

posted about 9 years ago
#58 TLR possibly not going to LAN in TF2 General Discussion
Sideshowthi4g0There is the question of the skill it come from unusual is the issue that I will be able to donate as much as he wants just want something in return I can be at least less than half the amount I'll give you know?
As generous as your offer is, the money is not the problem. The issue is that the border control needs to know where it is coming from - it must be able to be proven to be from a reputable source e.g. work.

if he needs to 'work' can he do what other lazy fucks in this game do(but I still respect people who do this) stream everyday, have a shitton of people subscribe and boom a 'steady income'

posted about 9 years ago
#1103 Do you like the song above? in Music, Movies, TV

pretty good, I really enjoyed the acoustic sounds

posted about 9 years ago
#80 Dumb Competitive TF2 Trivia Thread in Off Topic
dummysorry for my betrayal tyrone

-one time during a euro cast, tyrone was on mumble mocking the casters accent. He failed to realize that he wasn't using whisper and it ended up on stream and got kicked from mumble. CB playing it off like a pro!

-in a My Gaming Edge video you can hear tyrone fart. Some of the comments on youtube actually hear it but they got downvoted. I'm too lazy to find it but it was vs coL i think? on badlands?

-speaking of mygamingedge, before CB started it DaZeD and caseyfoster actually approached me to lead a TF2 division for netcode (a big CS site for those that dont know) I actually got yz50/tyrone/numlocked a few other people but when CB told me he wanted to start his own site i ditched netcode. But being the obnoxious idiot that I am, i used my admin on the netcode forums to edit every dazed post with alien dick, or talking about sucking a big alien dick....and I may or may not have edited one of his posts to make it seem like he wished his dad had an alien dick.

-on froyo, I didn't really have a problem with ruwin but a few players did and basically forced ME to cut him. I made the most logical decision and proceeded to cut him on april fools day. I did it on mumble while my pussy teammates pretended to be afk and ruwin asked me multiple times if it was a prank.

-one time blaze lost his passport at ESEA LAN. After 30-40 minutes of searching he realized it was in his LEFT
pocket. He usually keeps it in his RIGHT pocket guys!

-after having the worst LAN performance of all time, blaze almost succumbed to the depths of IM forever until I convinced him to make a lineup that became br0.

-after i46 clockwork was very discouraged and lost faith in the LG lineup. He ended up quitting and me and yz50 casually asked him if he wanted to join br0. He said "sure" not knowing that br0 was a collection of the worst teammates (including myself) to compete at the top of invite, half of which being degenerate drug/alcohol abusers that never played sober (not an exaggeration), and blaze.

-When my Pandemic lineup (reptile/oplaid etc) left pandemic for complexity, the owner of pandemic offered us like $1k to stay on the condition that we cut oplaid because he thought we joined coL because pandemic could no longer pay oplaids writing salary.

lol i have so much more interesting ones but i feel like they are too controversial. Maybe if I'm super bored and feel like burning a shitload of bridges. you scared you invite fucks????

please light a fire under more people's asses, maybe they start manning up, not like those pussy teammates of yours!

posted about 9 years ago
#55 SGDQ 2015 in Other Games

Diddy kong racing run destroyed my childhood memories... I had so much trouble beating that... tbh, I only beat it in co-op mode with my friend standing at the finish line shooting at opponents to slow th down! lol

posted about 9 years ago
#99 TF2 ISLAND in Off Topic
vileit looks like blacks and jews are the most valuable.

dude, mexican r the most valuable! they learn usefu skills when crossing the border. for example avoiding the authorities (can sneak around and back stab other tribes) eat and drink very little since they don't carry much ((it's an island so there isn't much to eat probably, so u don't need to feed them much). most are small and skinny so they might look weak and fragile to others in the island, but reality is that they are probably packing heat since they might(do) have those to all the
Mexican drug cartels

posted about 9 years ago
#88 A new team s22 in TF2 General Discussion
fireindaarcadepissheadA minimap would be fantastic for TF2 casts, it's much faster and more chaotic than CSGO with everyone flying around in a midfight and rockets and stickies going all over the place.
Would that really be useful? I feel like there would be so many dots just on top of each other that it wouldn't really give any new info.

I understand, but it's a very easy way to tell if someone if flanking, or back capping. those this are missed by the camera/caster many times(not trying to dis the folks who do camera and stuff)

posted about 9 years ago
#82 A new team s22 in TF2 General Discussion
GentlemanJonhektikExcuse me, but didn't one of those guys get banned for hacking? :/When the screenshot bug was available, so servers could grab screenshots from the player's client, matnun was caught with a radar on screen. Admirable outed his own team mate in a drama worthy of Shakespeare. Et tu, potato?

off topic but wouldn't casts benefit from a radar on the HuD?

posted about 9 years ago
#170 Emotional Experiences in Off Topic

watching my son being born

posted about 9 years ago
#15 Ascent edges out FROYO, advances to grand finals in News
Knuckles_I'm not sure many teams if any would be so willing to replace their med like froyo did. There are open teams that in the first match of the season would pause for an hour if they had similar issues. Hope ascent realizes how lucky they are they weren't up until 3 am

is there no rule on how long the pause can be?

posted about 9 years ago
#3 testing for PEDs in Esports

real talk

posted about 9 years ago
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