What a name, but the idea is pretty good, I like it
Account Details | |
SteamID64 | 76561198083292101 |
SteamID3 | [U:1:123026373] |
SteamID32 | STEAM_0:1:61513186 |
Country | Poland |
Signed Up | March 1, 2014 |
Last Posted | March 28, 2016 at 12:07 PM |
Posts | 722 (0.2 per day) |
Game Settings | |
In-game Sensitivity | |
Windows Sensitivity | |
Raw Input | 0 |
Resolution |
1600x900/1366x768 |
Refresh Rate |
Hardware Peripherals | |
Mouse | |
Keyboard | |
Mousepad | |
Headphones | |
Monitor |
XxGamerNickxXDirectX Version: DirectX 12
Wait a minute, how? Are you running Windows 10 Preview?
Kranklove-whats ur graphics card?
I run DirectX Diagnostic this time, cause this one shows the graphic card better than the CPU-ID abit:
PathogenLooking at the screenshots, I noticed your custom cfg files (Scout, Soldier, Regen, and so on) are located in the root cfg folder:
...\Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf\cfg
instead of a custom cfg folder that TF2 would scan. For example:
...\Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf\custom\my_custom_stuff\cfg
Moving them to the correct directory may not fix your 10 fps problem, but it would be a good start.FireStarwPutting your cfg in custom as opposed to the root cfg folder just means steamcloud won't mess with it. (and it loads first) However it might be that you have config in both directories that have a conflict.
Still the same :/
I'm done with this laptop...
Hey, btw, I got these command lines after clicking on then shut away the "Options" button.
Please notice those red lines only:
This is something screwing up with the textures, try defragmenting the game files and veryfing them, that may help
DirtyMortLooks good may have to give it a try
It's kinda outdated you know, check my GitHub, you'll find a updated one
noperiot124Beater for the love of everything that is holy please tell me you are using numlocked's rollout on process when he taunted at the end of the videolink please?
I think it was SUAVE vs someone on Process, go search for it, it was casted on TeamFortressTV stream
Also why don't you try yourself? Not that you can roll back to DX9 after trying
Bucakelol. inexcusable.
ugc, what a joke
Because you know how to lead a TF2 and Dota 2 league huh?
LeRayonVertwhat is the line "NegativeColor" in hudhealthaccount.res? I know PositiveColor is health pickup but my 'NegativeColor' is red and I don't remember ever seeing it on my screen. Thanks.
It was for the old GRU that made you lose 6 HP per second
You need to add the new font definition for the damage numbers and change the font in huddamageaccount.res, and next time don't make a new thread, post here
omnifictstmomniMy bad, wrote this on the toilet on my phone.
I swear you are literally always on that thing...
On his phone
or on his toilet
I guess both
CSS, HL2:DM, Quake Live, GTA SA:MP, GTA VC:MP, MTA SA, Borderlands, FC3 coop and some other games
I never seen this before, that's weird, did it come in yestarday's update?
Now Twitch shows 0 viewers for most games, low viewer count for streamers with lots of viewers and showing streams offline when they're online, is it just me or google fucked twitch up?
I never seen him before, who is he?
he will bring top gear to a wider population in a witty and intelligent manner.
I liked the show for it's humor, now it's going to be some intelligent program that won't be fun
runescape_boy_420im not a whitey so i dont care about college bball, i watch real nba and refuse to allow pigmentless nutcases to bask in undeserved glory.
ok what was that supposed to mean