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Last Posted December 10, 2014 at 12:23 AM
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#21 dave, take it easy on dem' pubbers in Off Topic
KevinIsPwnif you think that door is the spawn then... i don't even know what to say

Yes, he shoots multiple stickies at the spawn door in the video. As far as I know the courtyard traps aren't spawnkilling. For a more in-depth explanation of our spawn killing rules see http://teaminterrobang.com/content.php?9-server-rules

posted about 10 years ago
#19 dave, take it easy on dem' pubbers in Off Topic

long time tf2 player and TI member here. I'm personally not involved with this issue, but from what I can tell the thread created by Boston Jake is only going to be used only for documentation - no action taken. The very brief video shows what looks to be like spawn camping, so I don't think TI is in the wrong here. If Dave continues to spawn camp on our server, further action will be taken. But I don't see that happening.

from the thread: "this should not be a big deal in any way. He was kicked once, with a complaint for public documentation and input for possible further action."

tetrominoI got banned from !? for having a shotgun with the f-word in the name and refusing to not use it.

Hi, I did a search for your STEAMID and there is no record of any complaint threads about you. Regardless, if you are referring to the word "faggot", that is against our rules because it's hatespeech. We encourage light cursing, but hatespeech crosses the line.

Also, fun fact, this thread was started by someone who has been quite the ordeal for us in the past.
appeal 2 http://teaminterrobang.com/showthread.php?44679-Denied-Ban-Appeal-future&highlight=future+sandwich
appeal 1 http://teaminterrobang.com/showthread.php?43466-DENIED-lets-be-quot-frank-quot&highlight=future+sandwich
issue thread 1?? http://teaminterrobang.com/showthread.php?41500-Future-Sandwich-perma&highlight=future+sandwich
reddit witch hunt (lol) http://www.reddit.com/r/tf2/comments/1gsvyg/i_need_impersonators/

tl;dr dave was spawncamping and has been warned. (and TI isn't as bad as some of you make it out to be)

posted about 10 years ago
#38 Upcoming TF2 bball Tournament in TF2 General Discussion

Name (the name you commonly go by): Hero88go
Steam Profile (link): http://steamcommunity.com/id/Hero88go/
Partners Name: Splee
Partners Steam Profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/speedemon17651
Team Name: meow
Team Tag: (≈◔.◔≈)

posted about 12 years ago