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Last Posted April 6, 2023 at 11:47 PM
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#100 DHS2016 GF: Perilous Gaming vs. nameLess in Matches
Gravitythis was really boring to watch, i'm surprised people actually enjoyed it

I find the last/mid/2nd stalemates really dull but sadly in 6s that is playing to win - But when a game is played like the Crowns vs Comfortably Spanked game, TF2 is amazing - the best game to watch by a mile for me.

posted about 8 years ago
#99 DHS2016 GF: Perilous Gaming vs. nameLess in Matches

Wait what happened? Missed the last few maps, they got kicked off stage or something for taking too long?

posted about 8 years ago
#21 can you be good if you dont watch tf2? in TF2 General Discussion
sildeezyReviewing your own/your team's/other players demos is probably one of the best ways to improve if you do it right.

It has nothing to do with being "high" or "low" level at the game. I'll just leave this here.
clckwrkhow to not improve: complain that the top team is too good and do nothing in your power to download an STV demo and watch how they play.

the idea that we "hit more shots than other people" and that's why we win is not the whole truth. obviously DM plays a role in how good a team is, but lower-ranked invite teams thinking they're just as smart or innovative as we are on the fly is ridiculous. the reason mixup was even good in the first place is they were smart players who could adapt to situations, in the same way we can. listening to people from other invite teams saying we win because I run around killing everything is cringey because lets me know they think they have huge TF2 brains when they make mistake after mistake allowing us to just start steamrolling. also half of DM in real games is situational. i'm pretty sure banny is topdamaging over every other scout in the league. i guess it's because his DM is just the best now, not mine? I dunno it's pretty easy to get better if you put your egos aside and just watch how people play. Half of my scout skill comes from watching pov demos of wltrs and enigma and knowing when I could catch players out of position.

it's really not that hard to get better at the game. not many hours are required if you put the time into scrimming to get better and deathmatching for an hour a day instead of CS for 3. an essay doesn't take long to write if you dedicate your time to writing it, but it can take a whole day if you spend half the time on reddit

That still remains one of the best posts I have read on this website. Thanks for sharing.

posted about 8 years ago
#20 can you be good if you dont watch tf2? in TF2 General Discussion
PendjiWhat does watching a pro teach you? How to play in the odd case that your personal play style fit theirs perfectly?

You can find examples of people who aren't the brightest but just play their main game 3-4 hours a day and reach a high level of play.

If something doesn't work, you stop doing it and improve. It doesn't take the commentary of a pro to understand that. At most you'll learn nifty tricks that'll net you 2 kills once a blue moon, but otherwise watching the last 5% of a player's TF2 journey won't teach you that much. Obviously it's a good supplement but not something I'd do outside when I eat and can't play myself.

Can you give me some evidence to back up your worrying amount of misinformation?

posted about 8 years ago
#518 unpopular tf2 opinions in TF2 General Discussion
Twiggyi think the level in eu prem is quite pathetic to the point i stopped watching prem casts to learn more about the game/how to play.

i also think the greatest ever team was i49 mix^ and not froyo/epsi because they did not rely on one single player to make sick plays (hello cw mike sheep) nor on scout dm powerhouses but on their actual team play.

I actually agree that i46 mix^ is one of the best teams ever, but if you think great teams like iM/Epsi/Froyo were carried by one player you clearly don't have a clue about TF2.

posted about 8 years ago
#6 "Matchmaking will fail" - Muselk in TF2 General Discussion
panda106"People hate to face this truth, but the majority of TF2s playerbase are interested in it for its casual gameplay, not competitive (obviously /r/tf2 is a bit more hardcore). Even if 20% of the players were on competitive 24/7 (not gonna happen), once you begin to divide those players up by region, skillgroup, whos in game, and whos queuing, it just WONT work."


Depends how you define "failure" - if the purpose is to get new people into competitive TF2 and grow the game, then it certainly will fail if the leagues don't act.

But he cannot really speak for what "most people" enjoy - TF2 has such a variety of gamemodes, players and people from different areas, and a huge universal appeal, he cannot say with certainty whether it will fail or not. A lot will depend on Valve as usual.

posted about 8 years ago
#124 Euro 2016 - France - Discussion Thread in Off Topic
Trianglei feel bad after that win

we deserved to lose after that shot from bale wasnt stopped

Not sure what game you were watching, typical English negativity.

2nd half we were camped in their half, Wales were unlucky with both goals, their fans were fantastic and they defended well but for the first time in a long time I am proud of our team, they fought despite going behind, the manager was really positive and got their rewards. Second game we dominated, this time we get the late goal. Rashford is a revelation, one touch and moves, I am just glad we finally worked out Sterling is worth 4.9 million not 49m and took him off, Kane completely out of form - but at least we got good players we can bring on.

As a football fan who supports a team that isn't used to winning, all I ask for is they play positively and with heart and they did that today (except Sterling, absolutely useless, Liverpool must be laughing getting 50mill for him).

posted about 8 years ago
#100 Euro 2016 - France - Discussion Thread in Off Topic

Ball possession means nothing if you don't score, seems to be an obsession about it in some quarters of football since Spain/Barca team could ping the ball around with ease and press you to death. It's easy to keep possession vs a team like Iceland sitting in with 2 banks of 4 and Sigurdsson making an extra man in midfield without the ball, especially with people like Carvalho in the side, but what you need is quality in the final third.

Portugal must be a more frustrating side to watch than England, I think Iceland were good value for their point, defended well.

posted about 8 years ago
#87 Euro 2016 - France - Discussion Thread in Off Topic

I have barely watched Ronaldo play since he left Man United but when he was there he used to get played on the wing, run at players and cut inside to devastating effect. These days he seems to be operating as a striker, considering his goal scoring record it makes sense, he's an all round player, pace, good in the air, skillful, can finish but with this Portuguese team he gets the service of a customer at Pizza Hut. Most of Portugal's crosses hit the first man in the second half, corners were poor or went short, lack of movement around the box. Iceland were good value, Sigurosson could walk into a lot of international teams.

Don't Portugal have a decent striker anymore, can't they put someone upfront with Ronaldo or put him on the wing? They look so bang average, they don't look like a team to me.

posted about 8 years ago
#53 B@GSER FIVE undergo roster shuffle in News

I think the issues B@gser5 have had is they are chopping and changing their roster too much, they had a solid team at the end of High playoffs, I get Nesh wasn't playing but I don't get why they moved Timus to backup (My attempts to decipher from the interview leave me without the answers) - Uubers was a solid player for us but asking him to step up to Prem with a new team with their own distinct style. Don't even get me started on the Demo's, Shappie is a good player for the level but they seemed to have chemistry with Unlimited, whenever we played them they always kept their Demo/Medic alive, making them a hard team to break down - Strengths of B5 were always their teamwork, good decision making (considering most people think Russians play like retards, they played a smart, safe game) then they massively edit their roster - should be trying to keep it as close to the successful formula they had in High, now they're losing games - from experience I can say massively changing your roster won't bring you success, sadly they already done it too much. Maybe Dima is unlucky with some of his players, but these sorts of changes sadly too me indicate a possible fold in the future, which is a shame I really rate the B@gser5 core of Mr Epic, Dima, Timus and Unlimited.

Good luck to them, but I think some leadership naivety has cost B5 this season.

posted about 8 years ago
#22 UGC 6s Matches Postponed in TF2 General Discussion
LKincheloeOn the bright side: Since they're wasting their time doing this they're not breaking anything meaningful.

Apart from the thousands of players who play the league, yeah nothing lost! Dumb comment, TF2 is too small a game for people to celebrate fact one league is struggling and people cant play. If people in UGC don't play cos of DDoS they might not want to progress their game to different leagues (or stay in UGC longer and longer) meaning smaller future playerbase, after all I bet a large portion of competitive players started there, particularly in NA.

posted about 8 years ago
#58 how do I finesse this girl in Off Topic

Stand outside her window at 3am and shout her name,

posted about 8 years ago
#33 Dreamhack Summer Qualifier 4 Playoffs in Events
Ond_kajathere's literally no incentive to play unless you are the best team, at which point you can barely fund yourself to LANs without fundraisers. but to be the best you have to put a lot of time and effort into the game, except putting a lot of time and effort into the game is barely worth it in the first place.

if you want to see teams becoming better, there has to be an actual incentive to do the boring stuff in playing the game (organising, practising, team talks etc.). i've done them over and over again and after 7 years of playing this game i came third in prem which granted me an amazing amount of €200 which can fund 1/10 of our lan trips on budget+ (if the money were paid out BEFORE the LAN season, which is unlikely by ETF2L standards). i realise if i win this AMAZING prize of €1000 + win s23+24 + dreamhack, there is going to be a total of like €4000, at which point you can MAYBE even afford to book hotels during your lan trips. now was that worth the amount of time you put into the game to actually become the best? probably not.

if you think that becoming the best in the game is actually worth it, you are delusional. this isn't some pro esport, i play the game because i think it's fun, and although i WANT to become the best, i neither want or can put hours on end into this game because i actually have other stuff do in my life.

now can you idiots PLEASE stfu about the "state of tf" or whatever, I don't play the game for a living and you have no rights to complain about the standard of gameplay or production quality if you don't do anything yourself to try to improve the situation (maybe make a team that can beat the prem teams, except you can't because you're also fucking terrible).

I agree, I don't see TF2 as eSports and I am long past that stage but for people like Sideshow trying to organise this stuff and giving the game a future, they need the best teams/players to go even if they have to beg for money every LAN so not to be out of pocket. I honestly think TFTV should do fundraisers for these big LANs every year until the game does eventually grow big enough to attract the level of sponsor that will offer LAN support consistently again.

(I doubt this will happen but that is the only possibility) Good luck to the teams going, think it will be a great event to watch.

posted about 8 years ago
#19 Talent, skill, and coordination in Q/A Help

In TF2, as with e-sports something that is key is your hardware's performance, I don't see how a player can compete right at the top (for a team competing for 1st) without having a computer performing at it's peak. Biggest improvement I made as a player was upgrading hardware, I played right up to being in Div 1 on a 60hz monitor with 120 fps, only when I improved my hardware I was able to step up another level.

As for improvement well, I think it's hard to argue against clockwork, we all have our potential limits, as he says it's best to gain experience and bring more to your team, a well balanced side is one that has a good atmosphere, good team spirit, some leaders (I never known a successful side without good leaders/characters in it), somebody who can pick your team up. That is how I try to play the game, that is how so many perceived "average" players like myself (though it is true, I am average) can play at higher levels with better players.

posted about 8 years ago
#46 How can we bring more people into TF2? in TF2 General Discussion

My experience in promoting signups for TF2 has one common trend, go and look at the stats if you don't believe me but there is always a positive impact on the signups (whether a percentage increase or slowing the trend of decreasing) with ETF2L after a newbie tournament or event is held by the league. Leagues should do them at minimum once a year, ideally 3 times a year for each gamemode.

posted about 8 years ago
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