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Last Posted April 6, 2023 at 11:47 PM
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#62 Ways to discourage stalemating in 5cp in TF2 General Discussion

Play more maps/gametypes and allow more unlocks, watch people cry for 6 months, then watch teams learn new tactics and think of new ways to be inventive and the game becomes more interesting to watch and play.

And if this doesn't work at least I have 6 months worth of whining on the forums to read and laugh about.

posted about 8 years ago
#64 i58 UF: froyotech vs. Crowns eSports Club in Matches

Wait what is he doing that is considered unfair?

Only admins are allowed on the server to spectate unless opponent agrees, having some guy sat behind you or on a chair next to you or on mumble watching some sort of STV with minimal delay isn't against the rules and if a team wants to utilize it, good luck to them.

posted about 8 years ago
#14 I58 Seat Picker (Live @ 5pm BST 04/05/2016) in LAN Discussion

Anyone else having issues linking their accounts with TicketFactory?

posted about 8 years ago
#31 FaZe SDB and Forsaken in Esports

Good for them hope they can make a success of it.

Give me TF2, my favourite hobby anyday though.

posted about 8 years ago
#138 Poor Sportsmanship in The Dumpster
Raptor00XFunsI mean, sheepy won us our semi final game pretty much just by tilting the other team over the course of the season
If sheepy does it, you know it's a bad thing

Just find it harder to believe Sheepy can actually tilt people, people take things too seriously. An edge to a game is great but it's more important to play the game in good spirits and come out with your head held high whatever the result.

posted about 8 years ago
#107 Poor Sportsmanship in The Dumpster
mafia_is_mafiateamfortress.tv community can more childish than r/tf2. Anytime people bring up genuine concerns they'll inevitably be called a retard and its fine because its cool!

This is true but it's still by far the most hilarious thing to happen on here for a while. Don't really care about any personal disputes between TF2 players, it's up to them to live with it and deal with it, just funny how so many people react, reminds me of the Ruwin thing. Never change TF2 :D

posted about 8 years ago
#8 Getting used to viewmodels? in TF2 General Discussion

You can get used to anything with enough practise and mental strength to look past it. For instance I now play on 60hz, taken me a few months to accept certain things will be harder, but I focus on things not affected by this.

Viewmodels on/off makes a tiny difference to your overall performance, you just got to learn to look past it if you really want to use it. Personally I think it's not worth it unless you want to prioritise matchmaking over normal competitive.

posted about 8 years ago
#19 Are e-sports Olympics a possibility? in Esports
ZestyU can watch most trad sports and understand the main point/objective of what's going on instantly
Somebody whos never played a videogame before isnt going to know what the fuck is happening at olympic dota

I agree but have you tried watching Dressage? Not only is it boring as fuck, I have no idea what is happening and the Horse appears to be doing most the work. If Dressage is an Olympic event then surely there is a clear case for eSports.

With that said I'd prefer things like Dressage and Equestrian out of the Olympics along with eSports. I would rather see some form of international body form for gaming that organises it's own "Olympic Games for eSports" form but there are far too many things needing to happen for such a thing to ever occur, and the likelihood of this is really small.

As for eSports - It could happen, it might not. Professional gaming is growing and will continue to grow, a lot depends on professional bodies/groups forming and pushing for the game to go with direction. (World Esports Association) formed this year, perhaps that is something they could grow into pushing? Who knows, it all depends on what the people pushing the games want. Esports is weird, I am no expert as many other people here watch CS:GO, Dota 2, LoL and I have no interest in those games, but it seems to me professional games are pushed by leagues/developers/sponsors/broadcasters/players themselves - So there would have to be some form of unity and active campaign to push gaming in this direction. Potential of eSports is huge, everyone will know but convincing the IOC it should be an Olympic Sport? Massive effort.

posted about 8 years ago
#34 TF2C kicks long time admin/mod Fairy in TF2 General Discussion
crystalswhy do people hate tfc it does its job well

I don't think people hate TF2Center, they just dislike the administration.

posted about 8 years ago
#5 The future of tf2 and i58 in The Dumpster
Orang3I am not saying tf2 is dying, i am just curious on the future of tf2 and where it is headed.

Wait and find out!

All you can do is encourage as many non-comp people to play as possible (yes even for Highlander). Also running teams on TF2 is huge, community needs more people willing to lead and organise.

posted about 8 years ago
#100 cheater reaches #1 in MM in TF2 General Discussion

Oh I just played this with some random TF2'ers, met the cheaters within our first game together - Really sad Valve haven't done anything about it because it ruins the integrity of the game and spoils the experience for so many new players.

posted about 8 years ago
#51 Olympics Discussion Thread in Off Topic

Finally some coverage of the Women's beach volleyball :>

posted about 8 years ago
#3 why does noone like jeremy corbyn in World Events

Surely you can find better sites to find the answer to this? There are numerous political writers who will tell you why. But I shall try to do you justice:

However as he's the Labour party leader, a traditionally Left wing party which has taken a more left-centre stance in recent years it's been in government from 97-2011 but he has more far left leaning views, some see him as a borderline socialist and his closest friends are on the extreme left wing of the party. No surprise he is hated by more right wing supporting people and also moderates.

From labour's point of view, the party is the largest in opposition to the government which means it is meant to hold a position of strength to speak against the government and attack their policies and Corbyn has been criticised for his effectiveness in doing this. I think the Tax Credit cuts being voted down was their only real victory in the house so far in opposition, even then they had a lot of Tories(Conservatives) rebelling. It's fair to say the SNP (Scottish Nationalist Party, which ironically hold liberal views) have been a far more effective party in opposition to the government.

Also from an electorate stand point - I know some labour party supporters who oppose Corbyn despite identifying with a lot of his political ideologies simply because he is not seen as electable in the next General Election, he is more of a Social Democrat than a Socialist , whilst the country in recent times has always voted for a party who's leader has more moderate stances, so they can appeal to undecided voters. Corbyn won't do this as effectively as someone like Owen Smith.

He also isn't universally hated, he remains popular with Labour Party members because of his politics and honest, calm approach to debate, and comes across as very caring of the voters needs, especially those who are on low incomes and welfare dependent. There is a sense that many politicians are out of touch of reality, which if you ever watch the PMQ's on a Wednesday morning, you would understand why they think this and why the appeal of a candidate with more civil manners is more appealing.

Hopefully I did you justice but he's not a popular choice among his fellow party members because he belongs to a clique within the party and is seen as unelectable by others. Meanwhile outside his party he is disliked for his social democratic views. And if you believe in it, many think there is a media campaign against him because he threatens those who are super rich and want to stay super rich.

posted about 8 years ago
#60 Official Full Tilt i58 Fundraiser in TF2 General Discussion
clckwrkYes, my point is basically that there is no risk. Especially when you consider a group of foreigners have done it on multiple occasions without any issues. The parties never take place in the hotel room; it's strictly for sleeping. You'll have fun at the venue bar, maybe go get something to eat, then taxi back in the morning. The hotel staff isn't going to knock on your door and throw the lights on just to say "haha, gotcha!" at 3 in the morning. Just use the room for what its purpose is and try to get some sleep. No one will bother you.

Yeah you are completely correct, from a liability point of view Hoteliers won't allow it, if there was a fire for example it would be extremely hard for them to manage with rooms over capacity.

From a customer point of view, I have shared rooms and seen other people (not me) kicked out, and yes even at 1 or 2am when we returned I remember Mould getting kicked and the person at reception actually knocked on our door 5-10 minutes after we entered, only 3 of us in a room with 1 double bed and we were being quiet as can be. So you have probably been sensible/fortunate not to be called on it. If I wanted to sleep on the floor at a hotel room and good chance I might do it this year, I would enter the Hotel by myself like 5 minutes after. Groups of 3 or larger seem to be getting watched quite closely by staff in Coventry/Telford. I guess it depends on the staff, if they care about that sort of thing.

If Thalash wants to try and book 2 rooms so people fit in safely and sleep in a bed rather than a sleeping bag on the floor which is frankly fucking awful, only camping is a worse experience to me personally, it's totally up to him. If you want to book 1 room to save money, don't mind sleeping on the floor it's up to you. People are increasingly very judgmental about the principle of attending LANs on the back of the communities money and about costs vs comfort.

I won't sit here and judge other people for how they manage themselves financially, or make assumptions about cost of living for someone else. At the end of the day we have to manage our own financial situation, if someone is willing to make a donation drive and people are willing to pay, good luck to them. I won't be donating simply because I don't have the money. I think as long as they use whatever money they are given for it's actual purpose of attending in the LAN and playing, then we all win. As long as we don't have situations which I have heard of in the past where people use the money for other purposes, it's all good for me.

posted about 8 years ago
#43 Official Full Tilt i58 Fundraiser in TF2 General Discussion

Hotel rooms generally have policies, mostly relating to fire, insurance and safety where part of the terms and conditions of booking the room is that the number of people sleeping in the room does not exceed the stated number of bed places. If you book a room with 1 double bed, you can only have 2 occupants.

Depends what room you book, if you hire one that allows maximum of 3 occupants, you won't be allowed to sleep on the floor. Getting two would be sensible, unless you want to risk getting in trouble with the hotel staff.

With that said - My car is available for free overnight accommodation use, ask Hallow for reviews, A+ comfort.

posted about 8 years ago
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