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Signed Up May 19, 2013
Last Posted June 29, 2015 at 3:35 PM
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#31 tf2 memories in TF2 General Discussion

posted about 8 years ago
#58 FAVORITE PLAYER in Off Topic


posted about 8 years ago
#7 Formers smokers in Off Topic

I'm in a similar situation, I suppose step 1 was "don't smoke"
As for now I've switched brands to a brand I don't like as much and have made certain rules for myself if I decide to smoke, such as "No smoking inside." I guess the next step after that would be "walk from X to Y and back to X if you decide to smoke" Both of which have helped me cut down quite a bit.
I have yet to get to the only so many per day rule that I want to get to.

posted about 9 years ago
#15 Evolve Alpha in Other Games
turtsmcgurtsI expected the "ooh, but it's only an alpha!" excuse to be used sooner or later. It's also releasing in two months, so great alpha guys. seeing as how alpha came out yesterday or something, it's clear that this isn't an alpha in the way you think it is. it's an alpha because it's pre-release, nothing else.

It's not that stuff like the open mics/mute/sensitivity won't eventually be fixed, it just shows they don't care about the PC side.

as monster you want to run and farm to stage 3 because of permanent health.

An excuse? For what? I didn't make the game. Two months is more than enough time to change easily the easily fixable problems that you pointed out. And the game is only available to play for the weekend, so as far as technicalities go, it's an alpha.

Also, as far as monster meta goes, I don't know what game you're playing but you definitely don't have permanent health come stage 3, and in my experience going stage 3 makes the hunter's jobs easier(engaging on their terms). I think it's better to fight them with full armor at stage 2 and, hopefully, down a few of them. Then armor up again and re-engage, the reason for this is that if you can manage to kill 3 of them, or even just 2 of them, you can go straight to the objective and evolve and make the last players come to you rather than having to look for them. Not to mention the possibility of being caught out right as you evolve by a full team and you having no armor.
Of course, this boils down to preferred play-style. There is no "this is the best and only strategy" right now, like you seem to think there is.

posted about 9 years ago
#12 Evolve Alpha in Other Games
turtsmcgurts•60 FPS cap by default - It's alpha, and will likely change. But if it doesn't it'll be pretty dumb
•mouse input lag - I haven't experienced any.
•auto aim on the highest dps gun - Yeah, this is kind of dumb.
•aim assist for controllers on PC version (i know this is common, doesn't mean it isn't dumb though)
•permanently open mics - It's alpha, they've already talked about implementing push to talk.
•mute doesn't work - see above
•optimal strategy for monster is to run away 85% of the game - Only for stage 1
posted about 9 years ago
#11 Evolve Alpha in Other Games
JayGame looks like it has potential to be really good. As long as the game is more balanced than tank fights in vanilla l4d versus, like giving you more options to get in other than holding w and hoping to corner people it could be super fun.

The whole concept of Evolving adds a pretty cool dynamic that l4d tank didn't have. So if the hunters manage to catch out the monster before he can evolve he's kinda fucked. Come level 2 evolution it seems like the monster has a good fighting chance provided he doesn't get caught in an area advantageous to the hunters (multiple plateaus).

They're hunters, not survivors, and it feels that way, which is cool.

posted about 9 years ago
#1 Evolve Alpha in Other Games

Any of you guys get into the Alpha for Evolve?

If so, what do you think of it so far? Apart from bugs/issues that are usually present in Alphas

posted about 9 years ago
#23 EVO 2014 in Other Games

putting all my salty bucks on gackt to be 2014 evo champ

posted about 9 years ago
#9 EVO 2014 in Esports
downpouryeah id already decided that i really like dudley, but my biggest problem is I have no idea how to use his normals at all. I can (mostly) consistently pull off his specials, guess i just need to play more really.

I would suggest using a character like Cody or Guy to start off with, Dudley has a lot of tight links and character specific max damage combos that you'll want to be able to do if you want to do well with him.

Where as Cody's and Guy's links are fairly easy and they have no real get out of jail free cards, you have to focus more on footsies and spacing, which is a big deal if you want to play a character like Dudley.

The only reason I suggest doing those things is because I didn't, and as a result I had a lot of bad habits I had to break to play Dudley.

posted about 9 years ago
#4 EVO 2014 in Esports

wanting grandma smuggles to duff his way into top-8

posted about 9 years ago
#35 The Heaviest Frag Movie in Videos

Wasn't a fan of the music, but I enjoyed the video about as much as I could for it being a video of only heavy clips, and the whole hud/crosshair thing really needs to be fixed

posted about 9 years ago
#12 Kairu - Mid/High Open - any class in Recruitment (looking for team)

has been a pretty cool dude in my experience, also proven to be a solid player

posted about 9 years ago
#52 ESEA-IM Playoffs: Meat Market vs Ding Dong Daddy in Events

Just so I don't become notorious for being a shitposter
While mistakes were made on both parts, I'm not dissapointed in the slightest with my teamates, or DDD's preformance. The competition in the match(and all season) was great and the other team(s) were great sports and enjoyable to play against all around.
Really fun season and experience.

posted about 10 years ago
#49 ESEA-IM Playoffs: Meat Market vs Ding Dong Daddy in Events

I'm really going to miss alec's family

posted about 10 years ago
#19 ESEA-IM Playoffs: Meat Market vs Ding Dong Daddy in Events

posted about 10 years ago
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