Account Details
SteamID64 76561198027869967
SteamID3 [U:1:67604239]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:33802119
Country United States
Signed Up October 17, 2012
Last Posted March 29, 2013 at 2:44 AM
Posts 71 (0 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 0.35
Windows Sensitivity 1
Raw Input 1
Refresh Rate
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse G400
Keyboard some $10 Rosewill thing
Mousepad poster paper :>
Headphones Gamecom 780 (don't hurt me)
Monitor none
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#29 Electronic Music Fans, I need your assistance in Off Topic

This stuff isn't played nearly enough in anywhere

Here's a mix example

I like this a lot!

I have yet to meet a person who doesn't!

posted about 11 years ago
#26 Electronic Music Fans, I need your assistance in Off Topic

This stuff isn't played nearly enough in anywhere

Here's a mix example
Holy shit, this would be AMAZING to open my set with.
Thanks for this man!

Not a problem!

Anything I can do to get this genre spread everywhere and more known

posted about 11 years ago
#22 Electronic Music Fans, I need your assistance in Off Topic


This stuff isn't played nearly enough in anywhere

Here's a mix example

posted about 11 years ago
#96 Comms that make a 6s mumble terrible in TF2 General Discussion

*mechanical keyboards*

posted about 12 years ago
#41 Snow Sports? in Off Topic

The absolute best thing a skier or boarder can hear about a winter storm is that it is "life-threatening"

I will be on the slopes for the next week straight

posted about 12 years ago
#39 Snow Sports? in Off Topic


posted about 12 years ago
#9 Overclocking in Hardware

I'll just read the reddit thing and follow along. I can definitely get a few more degrees out of cleaning out my heatsink and reapplying the thermal paste

posted about 12 years ago
#4 Overclocking in Hardware

90 degrees is way past the point where the BIOS will automatically shut off your computer and you will begin to be able to boil water on top of your CPU so 90 degrees is definitely not the safe range for the temperature. Intel chips are supposed to be around mid 50s for max load and getting into the mid 60s range is "a little too high"

posted about 12 years ago
#1 Overclocking in Hardware

I am looking to upgrade my computer's components without actually buying new components (aka I want to overclock) and I don't know (too) much about the process so I was looking for tips.

The GPU was pretty straightforward, I moved some sliders in Catalyst Control Center until i got my Radeon HD5770 GPU clocked at 960 MHz and memory clocked at 1355 MHz. Scored 1866 in FurMark benchmark and the stress test pushed the GPU to a max temp of 80 C. Idles at 43-45 C. Don't think I can do much more there.

For the CPU, I know pretty much nothing about overclocking so I'm planning on downloading an overclocking utility (specifically Gigabyte's EasyTune 6: mobo is Gigabyte GA-P55-USB3). I'll just be doing a similar thing to my GPU in that it'll just be some sliders to move until i can max them out with the system stable.

My CPU cores (quad core i5-750 lynnfield) idle at ~28-30 C, and at load with prime95 they run at ~53-56 C. I have not cleaned the dust out my computer in a year (yeah I know I'm behind schedule) and I haven't reapplied the thermal paste since I built the computer two years ago. I still have the tube with the paste and there's plenty left. My case (Antec 900) is very open and my fans are mostly on medium because I can't stand the sound of them on high (one of them is stuck on high because I cut the wire but that's a different story).

My main questions are
1) is it worth it? (will my cpu bottleneck my gpu or vice-versa)
2) Is it safe? (dunno if I should be pushing my cpu too hard with the temps they currently get to)
and 3)Any tips? I know my way around the BIOS and i can change settings there, I just don't want to change them myself because I've never overclocked and don't exactly know what to change them to.

posted about 12 years ago
#92 The 120Hz Monitor Thread in Hardware
HutchI found a guy nearby on craigslist selling a Viewsonic vx2268wm for $130. I've been looking to upgrade from my 60hz to a 120hz monitor.

1) Should I get it
2) Do 120hz monitors exist without 3D? I really just want a monitor capable of 120hz but I can't find any without 3D and all that the 3D feature is doing for me is raising the price

So I'm gonna get it. How do I confirm that its in good shape? The guy selling says that it works "like new" but it's a year old and it's also craigslist. Are there any telltale signs like the high-pitched noise thing to tell me i shouldn't be getting it?

posted about 12 years ago
#21 Snow Sports? in Off Topic

Bump cuz big blizzard- bad for travel, awesome for skiing

And ofc I have to travel to get to any good mountain. Anyone actually using the snow to go skiing while I'm sitting in my corner crying?

posted about 12 years ago
#84 The 120Hz Monitor Thread in Hardware

I found a guy nearby on craigslist selling a Viewsonic vx2268wm for $130. I've been looking to upgrade from my 60hz to a 120hz monitor.

1) Should I get it
2) Do 120hz monitors exist without 3D? I really just want a monitor capable of 120hz but I can't find any without 3D and all that the 3D feature is doing for me is raising the price

posted about 12 years ago
#137 What did you get for Christmas? in TF2 General Discussion

I'm Jewish :c

Oh and I got nothing for Hanukkah :c

Insult to injury

posted about 12 years ago
#3 Best of Trading in Off Topic

this thread was created to make fun of the trading fortress community but i guess that's "inhumane" and "cruel" because i shouldn't be making fun of those with below average intelligence

posted about 12 years ago
#1 Best of Trading in Off Topic

I hate trading. The fact that I occasionally have to do it to get some of the items i want makes me sad. This thread is for posting the dumbest (and/or funniest) trading experiences.

Captain Painis Cupcake: are u stille selling ToD rickets?
Captain Painis Cupcake: *tickets
HUTCH: yup
Captain Painis Cupcake: i will offer 1.22
HUTCH: did you look at the trade in outpost
Captain Painis Cupcake: oh
Captain Painis Cupcake: key and 1 ref
Captain Painis Cupcake: well
Captain Painis Cupcake is now Offline.

posted about 12 years ago
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