Hey guys.
My best buddy Thintri and I are LFT as a pair. Roamer-Demo pair is kinda odd and we're only going to play together so I know that's difficult but in the magical case that there is a low open team out there in need of a demo and roamer we'll try out for you.
We've both been playing for about a year and a half competitively.
UGC Steel S11: HOBOSTIX, didn't play over half the matches, disregard.
UGC Steel S13: HOBOSTIX, made it to playoffs, 5-3 if I recall, last first playoff round.
CEVO-O S4, Bacon Lettuce and Testosterone, didn't quite finish the season with a losing record.
CEVO-O S5, HOBOSTIX, made it until I had to quit because bad internet of sadness, almost had an even record.
Thintri and I should be available for scrims most nights from 8 EST until 11:30 EST.
We're both pretty chill and love playing the game. We're not the best by far but we'd like to get better and have fun doing it.