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Signed Up March 14, 2014
Last Posted November 13, 2014 at 2:43 PM
Posts 9 (0 per day)
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#8 Intel Core i5-2500K or Intel Core i5-3570K in Q/A Help
smoboNeither. The i5 2500k is two generations old, and the i5 3570k is one generation old. They're no longer in production, and their prices are going up. Get it i5 4690k, the current generation i5.

If you have a microcenter you can buy from, getting a package deal of motherboard + i5 4690k would be an awesome value. The best thing here is that they don't sell incompatible package deals, so you don't have to double check everything.

EDIT: If you're buying a motherboard separately, you're looking for a LGA-1150 socket, and most likely Z87 or Z97 chipset. Something with an H chipset won't be good for overclocking, and a gentle overclock is a great way to improve your TF2 performance.

If you don't want to overclock, you can buy a non-K version of the processor and an H-series motherboard that still has an 1150 slot. That'll save you a decent amount of money, but the overclocking potential is gone.

Do you think if I oc the 4690k it'll do the trick?

posted about 10 years ago
#1 Intel Core i5-2500K or Intel Core i5-3570K in Q/A Help

I want to play Team fortress 2 on max setting @120 frames constant with my MSI R9 270X GAMING 2G. I know team fortress is a cpu heavy game so should I buy a or a
also what mobo should I get w/ it

posted about 10 years ago
#1 Best CPU for TF2? in Q/A Help

I'm looking to get a new CPU for TF2 as my current jaun sucks dik.
TL;DR CPU = Best performance for the $$ atm
(pls dont reccomend i5 or i7 because i dont have that kind of $)

posted about 10 years ago
#13 Good AM3+ CPU For TF2? in Hardware
downpourthere arent any
get an intel mobo + an i7 instead
i have the FX-8350, its very mediocre for TF2, dip below 120 on midfights and pubs and HL are a lost cause

what gfx card do you have?

posted about 10 years ago
#12 Good AM3+ CPU For TF2? in Hardware

i did lol

posted about 10 years ago
#1 Good AM3+ CPU For TF2? in Hardware

Will perform well in tf2?

posted about 10 years ago
#8 Low FPS With Good Computer in Q/A Help
Bonafide8GB Single channel @699Mhz
How did you even get this? haha

Must be a prebuild that was told to be good by some salesman

It was custom built, I'm using an extra that I had. the @699Mhz was just what speccy told me it was running at.

posted about 10 years ago
#7 Low FPS With Good Computer in Q/A Help
ukmexpensive gaming pc

Expensive to me may be different from expensive to you?

posted about 10 years ago
#1 Low FPS With Good Computer in Q/A Help

EDIT: It seems to been agreed upon that the problem is my cpu. Any suggestions on a new AM3+ CPU that would achieve a swag amount of frames in-game?

My problem is that even on my expensive gaming pc WITH chris's MAXFRAMES config I STILL can't get above 60 fps in mid fights/uber pushes and barely over 120 in normal gameplay.
My specs are:
Win 8.1
AMD FX-4300

although speccy says @699Mhz
asus m5a78l-m lx plus

BenQ XL2411Z (1920x1080@144Hz)
Generic Non-PnP Monitor (1920x1080@60Hz)
2048MB ATI AMD Radeon R9 270x (MSI)

931GB Western Digital

I've seen much worse PCs get way more frames w/ chris's config.
I had this problem with a diffrent gfx card (radeon 7770) and upgrading to this one expecting 150 constant w/out chris config but what i recieved was a playable 120 w/ drops below 60 in mid fights :(

This stuff may have caused it
-My cpu dieing?
-I've gone thru tons of configs over the years and maybe one of them had a command that fucked up my fps?
-It's all just my imagination and these are the frames I should be getting?
-Could be the dual monitors

posted about 10 years ago