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SteamID64 76561198043151908
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Signed Up April 20, 2013
Last Posted August 5, 2017 at 3:28 PM
Posts 128 (0 per day)
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posted about 7 years ago
#1 roamer lft low open in Recruitment (looking for team)

Looking for a team to get me started in 6s, low open. Open to any advice and will listen, thanks! I started out as a bballer and I want to venture out to bigger and better things in competitive. My DM is alright, but I need work on my game sense and positioning.

posted about 7 years ago
#56 2v2 BBall Tournament in TF2 General Discussion

I set up the tournament so that it would be as balanced as possible. If everyone can start heading over to the bball.tf discord, that would be very nice.
https://discord.gg/4daY6g This should be the discord link for bball.tf

posted about 7 years ago
#18 good live albums? in Music, Movies, TV

This guy is going to be a legend one day.
*edit: there are times where the video freezes up, I think its to prevent a copyright issue over youtube, just skip past those parts if you do end up watching this*

posted about 7 years ago
#54 2v2 BBall Tournament in TF2 General Discussion

Sorry for getting this out so late tonight, but here is the bracket you all have been waiting for!

Since we only had 26 total teams signed up I figured it would be easy just to add in random Bye's to make a 32 team bracket work. If you have a bye round the first round, you will automatically go on to the next round. I am planning to use bball.tf servers (2 of them), both located in chicago. I am also very fortunate to be able to use Please 2 Be Enjoying BBall server, thanks to wonderland and Exile! So we have 3 servers in total, so hopefully this tournament will go very smoothly.

Please be in the bball.tf discord by 5:30 pm EST so we can be ready to start on time. Here is the discord information, if you do not have discord downloaded, it is a very easy download. I will give bball.tf link and the discord download link to anyone who does not have discord.
bball.tf discord link - https://discord.gg/9Yme7c
discord download link - https://discordapp.com/

I really am looking forward to this tournament being very smoothly ran and in order for that to happen, we need to all work together and try to get into the servers ASAP to play the matches. Here is a first round schedule:
Game 1 : pop7up/bongosmiles vs. whsh/ambroon at approx 6:00 pm EST
Game 2: Mak/Jordy vs. Anarchay/wonderland at approx 6:00 pm EST
Game 3: fabulous/Reflecto vs. Ari/generic at approx 6:00 pm EST
Game 4: 5unny/hayes vs. Pye/sildeezy at approx 6:25 pm EST
Game 5: Neaskie/faahren vs. ArguedOyster/A.S King at approx 6:25 pm EST
Game 6: Meatball/phone vs. Krung/dd5f at approx 6:25 pm EST
Game 7 : Lizar/Noah vs. dogman/donutdad at approx 6:50 pm EST
Game 8: BigCash/snooder vs. Vulcan/Voyager at approx 6:50 pm EST
Game 9: DirtyMort/Cereal vs. MochaSukha/Marshan at approx 6:50 pm EST
Game 10: SOAP/Scream vs. Exile/Sincostan at approx 7:15pm EST

I am planning each match to take 20 minutes, first to 25 points. Getting in teams and starting the matches should take around 5 minutes. Above is only a schedule of the 1st Round.
For those who are not familiar with the weapons allowed on these servers, you may only use stock or original rocket launcher on the bball.tf servers. The cow mangler is allowed to be used on the please 2 be server, but not the bball.tf servers. For a secondary weapon, only the stock shotgun will be allowed. For melee weapons, you may only use stock shovel.
The rules of this tournament are very simple, shotgun jumping will be allowed but you may NOT goal tend. Goal tending is defined as standing on the hoop to keep the enemy team from capping. You will only get 1 warning about goal tending, until you are disqualified from the tournament.
1st Place team will get 6 keys (3 keys per each player)
2nd Place team will get 4 keys (2 keys per each player)
3rd Place team will get 2 keys (1 key per each player)
I will also be giving away my strange rocket launcher and strange shotgun tomorrow!
I can't really think of anything else right now but I will edit this post if anything important comes up.

*edit 1: Please record demo's of you are playing in the tournament. I think it would be awesome if we could make a community bball video out of the cool shots to happen tomorrow night*

*edit 2: Updated discord link - https://discord.gg/4daY6g*

posted about 7 years ago
#46 2v2 BBall Tournament in TF2 General Discussion

I have 24 teams signed up, tomorrow is the last day to sign up.

posted about 7 years ago
#4 McGregor vs Mayweather in Off Topic

I think if McGregor is going to win, he is going to win by knocking out Mayweather. Mayweather can obviously out box him and win by points, but I think if McGregor gets in there, he is fast enough and packs a hard punch, Mayweather is done.

posted about 7 years ago
#1 McGregor vs Mayweather in Off Topic

I'm surprised this thread has not been made yet (I don't think it has)
Who do you think will win though?
I really think McGregor is going to pull it off.

posted about 7 years ago
#41 2v2 BBall Tournament in TF2 General Discussion

So far, I have 24 teams signed up that I know are playing. Team list:
1.) JDawg/laz
2.) Kobe/oasis
3.) ool/hula
4.) Krung/dd5f
5.) drifta/maxxy
7.) Lizar/Noah
8.) Mak/Jordy
9.) fabulous/Reflecto
10.) BigCash/Snooder
11.) ArguedOyster/A.S. King
12.) neaskie/faahren
13.) 5unny/hayes
14.) DirtyMort/Cereal
15.) Meatball/phone
16.) Exile/Sincostan
17.) whsh/ambroon
18.) Aurora/Vexon
19.) MochaSukha/Marshan
20.) Pye/sildeezy
22.) pop7up, bongosmiles
23.) Vulcan, Voyager
24.) Ari, generic

If I forgot any teams, let me know and we will sort it all out.
Please remember that the registration for this tournament closes on the 26th at 12pm EST.
I also just realized that for EU, this tournament will be pretty late. I unfortunately am unable to change the time for this tournament because I have already had so many teams sign up. This tournament will happen July 28th, 6pm EST - 12am EST. (In military time 18:00-24:00).

posted about 7 years ago
#23 2v2 BBall Tournament in TF2 General Discussion

There are multiple EU players in this tournament, and I just wanted to make it clear that we will be using NA servers. I do not mind if EU players sign up, but we will be using NA servers only UNLESS we have 2 EU teams against each other (they can use an EU server so both of the teams can get good ping). Just wanted to make it clear before I have more EU players signing up. The finals match will be best 2 out of 3, and will be played on NA servers only. I am really trying to decide if this should be a single or a double elimination tournament. I do think double elimination would be best, but time is also an issue here. I do think double elimination could work since we do have 2 servers. I believe I currently have 8 teams signed up so far, so keep the sign ups coming!

posted about 7 years ago
#17 2v2 BBall Tournament in TF2 General Discussion

Yea, this is pretty interesting. I of course want this tournament to be as fair as possible for EU bballers. I was planning on having a best 2 out of 3 for the finals match. There is a good change the final 2 teams will be NA vs EU, if that is the case I am thinking about having the first match at an NA server and second match at an EU server to keep it as fair as possible for both teams.

posted about 7 years ago
#15 2v2 BBall Tournament in TF2 General Discussion

Yea, thats alright. If 2 EU teams get put up against each other, yall can just play at an EU server so you can get better ping. Playing bball with 150 ping sucks.

posted about 7 years ago
#13 2v2 BBall Tournament in TF2 General Discussion

Both servers are in chicago. We have 2 right now, each server can hold a maxmimum of 24 players so I think it will be great for the tournament.

posted about 7 years ago
#7 2v2 BBall Tournament in TF2 General Discussion

1 more week until the sign ups close, make sure you sign up by the 26th 12pm EST!
A few teams signed up so far:

Big shout out to stax for donating 2 keys to increase the prize for the winners. The 1st place team will now get 4 keys!!!

There are a few bballer's who still need partners, add me if you are interested in playing and don't have a partner and I will try to hook you up with someone. http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198043151908/

posted about 7 years ago
#4 2v2 BBall Tournament in TF2 General Discussion

Anyone can sign up dd5f, but we will be using NA servers.

posted about 7 years ago
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