Account Details
SteamID64 76561198136154658
SteamID3 [U:1:175888930]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:87944465
Country Italy
Signed Up July 19, 2016
Last Posted April 23, 2020 at 1:54 PM
Posts 172 (0.1 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 1.75
Windows Sensitivity 6/11
Raw Input 1
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Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Razer Death Adder Chroma (Got it for free :D)
Keyboard Blackweb; piece of crap mesh thing.
Mousepad CS:GO one w/ chickens I got from ESL NY
Headphones Apple Earbuds (old ones broke, need replacement)
Monitor Samsung monitor from Best Buy (smh)
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#37 Best TF2 parents? in TF2 General Discussion

Are we even still having this discussion...

Its kholy's dad, he'll bench everyone out of here if you say otherwise.

posted about 7 years ago
#38 album recommendation thread in Music, Movies, TV

Hard Rock
Billy Talent- Self Titled
Chevelle- Vena Sera
Deftones- Around The Fur
Sum 41- Chuck

Alt Rock/Assorted Rock
Weezer- Maladroit
Unwritten Law- Elva
Brand New- Deja Entendu
Brand New- The Devil And God Are Raging Inside Me
Fall Out Boy- From Under the Cork Tree
Four Year Strong- Enemy Of The World
Green Day- Nimrod
Jimmy Eat World- Self Titled
Matchbook Romance- Voices
Muse- Absolution
Muse- Origin of Symmetry
New Found Glory- Sticks and Stones
No Doubt- Tragic Kingdom
The Offspring- Ixnay On The Hombre
Queens of The Stone Age- Era Vulgaris
Rise Against- The Sufferer & The Witness
Royal Blood- Self Titled
The Story So Far- Under Soil and Dirt
Taking Back Sunday- Louder Now

Soft Rock/Blues
Black Keys- Brothers
Interpol- Antics

Psychostick- Sandwich
Rammstein- Sehnsucht
The Dillinger Escape Plan- One Of Us Is The Killer
Every Time I Die- New Junk Aesthetic
Breaking Benjamin- Saturate
A Day To Remember- Homesick
Underoath- They're Only Chasing Safety

All this shit should hopefully keep you occupied based off music preferances

Note* The assorted section is a wide variety of things that fit more than one category or are mixed.

edit: didnt link cause im lazy, sry :'(

posted about 7 years ago
#1282 ESEA-O S24 Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion


We must follow this mans example... he was doing it right.

posted about 7 years ago
#1 Last Thread in TF2 General Discussion

To bring to light the current events that have transpired, i would like to just apologize to all the people that were hurt or offended by my actions.

I did indeed conspire about throwing a match which was a half thought out idea that was seemingly meaningless at the time, going on few hours of sleep and other effects. This however does not excuse my dreadful actions. As the conversation with the party accused of throwing (neaksie) we both got more and more into the idea of trying to do this. I, like an idiot, went with it, thinking that there would be no repercussions. Not much happened with the event after we talked, when there was no confirmation about what was going on. Until the night of the match were neaksie threw the game. And at that time, i was already enthused about making it to playoffs that i forgot what he was talking about. Then i remembered and felt instant regret. I thought that since no one was financially harmed in the process of the event i could shove it under a rug, but that backfired.

Just to make perfectly clear, i never payed anyone nor have intentions of paying, despite any hate that i get. Again, sorry to all that i deceived, most noticeably my closest friends and teammates, whom were especially hurt.

Hope this clears everything up, but i do not expect forgiveness for those who are angered. I accept that the actions I intended and conspired to commit were in no was sportsmanlike or honest. And don't worry, i won't be much of a problem anymore for anyone anytime soon.

Best of Luck to All,

posted about 7 years ago
#36 LFP s25 low IM in Recruitment (looking for players)

This is the last thing i will say about these accusations.

1.) i cannot trade skins on my account because i am VAC banned on csgo, meaning i couldn't have given anyone items, so saying they received items is literally impossible.
2.) i never offered erratic skins other than the time that i said, "yo throw for aussie medigun xddddddd"
3.) most of these events occurred in an intoxicated state, winch has been a real issue of mine for quite some time, affecting both internet and real life events. i have just now taken actions to get help on this issue.
4.) why would i pay money to get rolled in playoffs?
5.) the thing involving slicers team was between me and tsar, and our sens of humor for each other is fucking weird, so i don't understand why this needs to be brought up if nothing ever happened or was intended to.
6.) if you are accusing me of being an idiot, would like to personally attack me, or just wanna call me shit do whatever u want. add me, comment on my profile. whatever the fuck.
7.)All events that transpired have been between close friends who i was merely kidding (in cases of pop7up and erratic) and shouldn't be taken so heavily, as there was no depth to these statements. i didn't realize joking around with friends was subject to the entire community getting mad at me.

That's all I'm gonna say. Believe who ever you want, i just wanna play the game. Enjoy your open drama everyone.

posted about 7 years ago
#13 LFP s25 low IM in Recruitment (looking for players)

they forfeited before i made my drunken, sleep deprived remark. thats all im gonna say about it.

posted about 7 years ago
#7 LFP s25 low IM in Recruitment (looking for players)

thanks for the advice bear, and this is just to see how a team would go, might just play open again if all falls through. :D

posted about 7 years ago
#4 LFP s25 low IM in Recruitment (looking for players)

Im not gonna say much about this crazy accusation. but first off, we were getting in playoffs already despite housewives losing... so why allegedly bribe them. And half the team players are going to counter strike next season, so why would they want TF2 items. And i gave some extra items to a friend a couple days after cause i had extra shit and they dont have much, i didnt think was so wrong...
Does that clear up your accusations? if not msg me instead of bring it to my lfp thread aswell. thx <3

also barefoot, about 4 of our losse were 5v6, and i, along with most of the players, want to try IM to improve, even if it means not doing too well.

Show Content
wolsneSomething has been bothering me recently, and it involves how exactly you made playoffs. On a team that has been plagued with roster issues, and struggling in the easy conference, with a 10-6 record and sporting 3 FFWs. You've hardly taken a round off of most any of your tougher matchups and yet you still plan to move up to IM? I've been tracking the projected teams that will likely make playoffs, and yours wasn't on that list, until recently.

This match is very curious to me. Neaksie alone is leading in frags, dominations, and 3rd for Scatter frags this season. Yet he gets 1 frag in this match? And look at the other players as well, they all perform terribly, and got 5-0'd in 17 minutes?

The ONLY way you make it into playoffs is if Real Housewives of ESEA loses their match.

So I decided to do some digging. I took a look at Your Backpack and noticed that it dropped in value $25 a day after that match was played. If this isn't more than enough evidence to suspect you of paying Real Housewives to throw their game just to make it into IM then I really dont know what is.

tldr; Jduff is suspected of paying another team to throw so he makes it into IM moveups.
posted about 7 years ago
#2 LFT High Open Soldier/Scout in Recruitment (looking for team)

chill guy, solid fragger, can easily hang in playoff open.

Pick him up.

posted about 7 years ago
#1 LFP s25 low IM in Recruitment (looking for players)

fuck it, you win wolsne, i still don't condone any accusations about fixing shit.

posted about 7 years ago
#3 april fools jokes in Off Topic

im pretty shure its an April Fools joke, but if it isn't, its a very VERY poorly timed ad choice


posted about 7 years ago
#8 Slithery-O's, the brand new cereal... FOR SNAKES! in The Dumpster

This doesn't deserve dumpster :c

I will fully support any financial steps into making slithery-o's the biggest thing since fucking Rice Krispies.

posted about 7 years ago
#6 New Map Cup Money in TF2 General Discussion
SpadesYou could also hunt down cookiejake and consume him for supplements.
(and then take his winnings too if they are distributed)

fixed your typo there ;)

posted about 7 years ago
#73 Is this what we are teaching kids nowadays? in The Dumpster

Unless there is a strong way to enforce Communism, much like Stalin's gulags, there is no assurance that people will follow the main idea of no personal possessions. There will still be crime and what not, but unless there is a strong way to enforce these laws, greed and vanity will ensure.

Unless Communism is attempted on a small country with an abundance of already existing wealth, i don't think a true Communistic style of rule could ever be achieved.

I mean i could be wrong, I'm no expert, but that's how i see it.

posted about 7 years ago
#47 Is this what we are teaching kids nowadays? in The Dumpster

Wow, this thread got dumpstered :c FeelsBadMan

posted about 7 years ago
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