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Signed Up March 13, 2015
Last Posted January 15, 2016 at 9:55 AM
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#3 Another new DM server courtesy of APP! in TF2 General Discussion

Recently we had some problems with our old machine. After months of trying to track it down, we found out it was faulty ram. We have since moved to a new machine, and have not seen any of those problem since then. Feel free to go test it out if you would like. As someone who actually played when the servers were having problems, I would like to hear your opinion on how they feel now.

posted about 9 years ago
#1219 Cheater/Hacker thread in TF2 General Discussion
AltoPlayed against this guy in a center a couple days ago.
Has a VAC from CSGO two weeks ago (that he says is for a bhop script in HL1), immediately started playing tf2 after and going off as scout.
Are the only logs with accuracy stats, he broke 75% accuracy in both of them.
Furthermore, logs of him doing well only started appearing on 6/23, which should be the day he got CSGO VAC'd, the ones from before then are laughably bad. Probably got caught cheating in CSGO and moved on to TF2.

No UGC history, STEAM_0:1:81290271.

I have a few IP's logged to this guy. The most recent is this one. Valid as of july 4th.
No alts on the other ips that i have logged.

posted about 9 years ago
#242 Concerns about Flares that Care in TF2 General Discussion

so apparently this is not happening. B_red has decided to shut down the flares that care steam group and twitch. apparently they rather start a new group and try at a later time. So I guess app will not be hosting the server. if I come across more info about this I will post again sorry guys.

posted about 9 years ago
#237 Concerns about Flares that Care in TF2 General Discussion
JDawgGreat! I added you to see if there is any way I can help. I hope that the event goes very well tomorrow.

the best way you can help, is to spread the word.We need to let people know that the event is not cancelled. I will be making a public post in the announcements sections of our website and also a announcement on the flares that care steam group about the server IP addresses. just let everyone know that we're not going to let this ruin our good time

posted about 9 years ago
#234 Concerns about Flares that Care in TF2 General Discussion
JDawgWow, we have a really good TF2 community. Good job to Digresser for posting this thread, without you, I don't think we would have caught on to snoven like we did. I'm hoping we can turn this scam into something great for the charity.

The community of will be working with Miggy to supply servers for this event, now that he has control of the group and event. Luckily for us he has hosted charity events in the past, and is hosting another one this year in fact.

We are not going to let the actions of one person ruin this charity event. There is no reason we should just stop this due to one person's actions.

I will work throughout the night to get the server setup by tomorrow for the event. I will also have a chat command that will be available on all of our servers to donate directly to child's play through the motd.

posted about 9 years ago