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Last Posted December 17, 2013 at 4:21 PM
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#167 Impeach ElenaMorning in TF2 General Discussion
obe_runescape_boy_420obe_he struck back by calling her a fat whalelol he didnt retaliate by calling her a fat whale that was clearly from a private conversation where he referred to her as a fat whale and it seems like that was never meant to be quoted.
Oh right, because it was said privately means it's okay that he said it. It's almost like it never happened because he said it in private. Good thing you believe that, especially given the number of times people in this community are crucified because of things they say in a private conversation between two people. (see: femmefatale being crucified because of a chatlog with mustardoverlord that was posted in this very thread.) oh but it's okay when steve says something bad in private. we like him.

note that i think the femmefatale chatlog is definitely pretty expository of her poor admin'ing. pretty weak. but still, we decided it's okay to hound her for that, but steve's private chatlogs are precious apparently. ok that's fair.
runescape_boy_420this thread is bout impeaching someone bc they're apparently a bad admin because they ban ppl they dont like, it isn't a thread about "boo hoo i got called a tiny asian".
Look, if this thread was ever intended to successfully impeach Elena or solve any kind of problem, it's done a fucking terrible job. It's offered ZERO solutions over the span of 6 pages, and it should have offered a solution in the OP. The closest thing to a solution we've seen is "stop fucking playing in mix." Steve has only posted once since the thread was made and it was just some random joke. There's literally been zero contributions to the thread that have been quality aside from Lange politely asking for a little civility in the replies. Just nothing but drama and airing out dirty laundry. Pretty run-of-the-mill shit thread.

Anyway, I brought up the racism thing because in the original chatlog steve responds with "that's racist as hel" [sic] and acts the victim. I literally cannot take him seriously since he uses nigger as often as he does. Decoy being in a steam group that's actually called "ur a fucking fag" puts him in a pretty bad light as well.

Oh, but we're gamers. Nigger, faggot, and raped are all okay words to use casually. Make a vaguely racist comment about how someone is asian, though, and you're literally the worst person on the planet.

nigga who the fuck is you

posted about 11 years ago