Account Details
SteamID64 76561197998944560
SteamID3 [U:1:38678832]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:19339416
Country Israel
Signed Up February 17, 2013
Last Posted September 2, 2024 at 6:48 AM
Posts 481 (0.1 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 2.9
Windows Sensitivity 6/11
Raw Input 1
Refresh Rate
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Razer Deathadder v3 Pro
Keyboard Mode Sonnet (Gateron Milky Yellow)
Mousepad LGG Saturn Pro
Headphones 7Hz Salnotes Zero 2
Monitor BenQ XL2540K
1 ⋅⋅ 28 29 30 31 32
#9 deliHUD in Customization

Will you add the option for "tf_hud_showservertimeleft 1"?
Also great job ;)

posted about 11 years ago
#9 Good Gaming Headset,Mouse,Keyboard and Mousepad? in Hardware

EDIT : Why am I getting -frags? all I did was try to help the guy, these are my perspectives of things that are good, sorry if I wrote something wrong :/.

Mice you can go and search on the thread about mice on the forum search there is already a thread about mice.
The top 4 Mice ATM are probably
Logitech G400/G400s
Razer Deathadder 2013
Zowie FK
SteelSeries Sensi/Xai - This one has accel, which makes it bad already, but it's really
good, not sure about price though.

There is also a thread about Mousepads on tf.tv, just search on the forum search bar.

Top 3 Mouse Pads that you would want to go after are :

Razer Goliathus Speed/Control - Your prefrence which one.
Puretrak Talent / Stealth - Both are good, talent is prefered.
SteelSeries QcK+ / Heavy - Again, your prefrence.

And again, keyboards have a thread aswell, I don't really understand much in keyboards since the variaty is major, as defy said, a mechanichal would be the choise for gaming, but they aren't the cheapest, I use a Tt MekaG1 and it's great, but I'm sorry that I didn't buy a keyboard without a numpad but you can attach it if you want.

Top Keyboards you want to search are :

Razer Blackwidow - Machanichal pretty solid, expensive.
Tt Meka / Challenger / Others - Mechanical, great preformence with nice side bonuses, avrage in price.
Ducky Keyboards - Mechanichal, designed for gamers, pretty amazing, expensive as fuck.

I'm sure Logitech has some, and so does Microsoft, so the keyboard doesn't matter THAT much, so long as it feels nice for your hand, and you don't hurt yourself while using it or dislike it after a week.

I personally prefer Headsets rather than headphones with a clip on mic, but it's again what you prefer.
If you want awesome sound and awesome clip on mic that will brake faster than a normal Headset mic, then go for it.
If you want aweosome sound with an awesome mic, that will never brake if you have a solid gaming headset, then go for these Headsets :
Now there is a prefrence with Headsets, 2.0 - 5.1 - 7.1, you need to choose which kind of surround system do you prefer.
To me 2.0 is great and suites me the best, also I don't have a 7.1 sound card lmao.
If you don't have a sound card that fits these other than 2.0, then don't buy one.

Razer Megalodon is the one I use, has both 7.1 and 2.0, so fits whatever you want, is great overall.
I had also Tt Shock ONE, was great, broke after a month, regret buying it.

There is also the Earphones segment, and so many more, I'm not the one to give advice here.

Hope I helped with somewhat, add me if you can't find the threads about Headsets, Mice, Mousepads, Headsets.

P.S 200$ Is a really low budget, you will be limited, espicially in the Headsets segment.

posted about 11 years ago
#18 ETF2L Prem Grand Final: Epsilon eSports vs. Broder in Events
numlockedLucky_PierreLooking forward to this preview of the i49 final :)quick, get the euro +frags in before the americans wake up


posted about 11 years ago
#10 happenings v2 in TF2 General Discussion

You forgot Dave__AC AKA Dave__AnalCrusher AKA Cheeseless_Pizza.

posted about 11 years ago
#3 happenings v2 in TF2 General Discussion

r.i.p in cheeseless pizza blank <|8O)

posted about 11 years ago
#13 Looking at new mice. in Hardware


posted about 11 years ago
#32 New Upward Bug/Exploit in Map Discussion
Oblivionagei tried it and it didn't work D: oh well time to play the actual game


posted about 11 years ago
#30 New Upward Bug/Exploit in Map Discussion

Why didn't you answer my question?!
What did you mean by "screen in game?"?
Tell us really simple on how to do that exploit!
Please ;).
Oh btw, take this friendly stereotype of Italia just 'cus we love you folks.

posted about 11 years ago
#28 New Upward Bug/Exploit in Map Discussion
Fico7JackyLegsFico7there is no way you can get a teleporter there without noclip, you liarComeon bro, please tell us the bugs already! inb4 it gets fixed!, by the time you post your lovely video, Valve will see it and BAM will get fixed :,( we all want to know how to do that!Please, help the community!screen in game?

What do you mean by that? if you meant showing us how to prefrom these bugs by screenshots, then yes, please do! or atleast explain with words or something!

posted about 11 years ago
#88 Escape Plan Proposals/ideas in TF2 General Discussion

How about just be the exact opposite of the Equalizer, high health will deal normal
damage, and as you are lower on health you will do less damage.
I'm not so sure if this is even possible but, if the Equalizer does it, why can't the Escape Plan do it?

A -5 damage done for every 25 hp lost.
200 Health = 65 Damage
175 Health = 60 Damage
150 Health = 55 Damage
125 Health = 50 Damage
100 Health = 45 Damage
75 Health = 40 Damage
50 Health = 35 Damage
25 Health = 30 Damage

For the love of Gabe, it's called the "Escape Plan" not "How to get killed faster when
low health Plan".

And for everyone saying that this is a good nerf, think about this situation :
You're a soldier, fighting another soldier on the badlands wood padio close to launch pad, you killed him but you're really hurt, about 18 health left and you want to escape either from the house or choke, the soldier you killed calls that you're 18 health and a scout from the badlands battlements (balcony with boxes) sees you running away, shoots (he only needs) 2 pistol shots and BAM, you're dead.
Before this nerf, you would have escaped

Also, as a roamer I use the Escape Plan way too often, and now, well fuck it, I'm going Tek style, time to pull out the Pain Train, wish the Market Gardener would have been allowed on ETF2L.

posted about 11 years ago
#24 New Upward Bug/Exploit in Map Discussion
Fico7there is no way you can get a teleporter there without noclip, you liar

Comeon bro, please tell us the bugs already! inb4 it gets fixed!, by the time you post your lovely video, Valve will see it and BAM will get fixed :,( we all want to know how to do that!
Please, help the community!

posted about 11 years ago
#30 Slinfire HUD Release in Customization
MR_SLINPretty sure you're trolling me, but I'll answer you anyways...The HUD focuses on being minimalistic and only presenting necessary information, or useful HUD elements. I felt that marked for death, bleeding, last damage done, etc. were not necessary. If you're bleeding, your screen turns red. It should be obvious. In addition, this is one of many HUD options, so feel free to choose whichever HUD. This is simply an option for people who like the "pretty stuff" taken out. Things like unnecessary boxes around HUD elements, fancy text, or large elements that are in your face.Also I play a bit of highlander every now and again and find that the scoreboard is a good compromise to allow for players to do both 6s and HL.

I know you think of me as a troll, but seriously, I only troll on your streams now and then just for funzies, here I defenetly didn't troll, you explained perfectly what you wanted to achieve with this hud and I completetly understand your point, I was just advicing on what I want to see when I play the game (competitive that is).
And I play highlander aswell, I didn't say that this scorebaord isn't good, I was just thinking that if you have already a "change scoreboard" button from broesel, then why not use it? :>!
Or how about creating your own "competitive main menu" perhaps? I think it will fit perfectly with your competitive hud :D! (I'm serious).

posted about 11 years ago
#6 ShinyHUD Redux in Customization
ScottyleinAre there custom Crosshairs avaible?

Yes, the broesel one's and also konr wings.

posted about 11 years ago
#4 ShinyHUD Redux in Customization

I actually got a ton of things in mind, and I would seriously love to work on this with you, I got a bunch of experience and knowledge working with huds, assisting with huds and improving them for the better, I added you to talk to you, I think this is a wonderful hud with great potential, I can help in serval ways, animations, crosshairs, fixing some stuff, and personal opinion and what can be improved.
I added you so just letting you know, I got a ton on my mind and I can work with you on this :)

posted about 11 years ago
#26 Slinfire HUD Release in Customization
MR_SLINFeel free to let us know about any other features or suggestions that you have in mind.

How about you start with adding the "Marked to Death" sign, bleeding sign, maybe a damage done next to the health/ammo (wherever you feel like it's the best, check bladehud to understand it), and that's just the start, if you said you intened to make it a competitivehud then..well I guess that using kbn/broesel/yA/omp etc', would be a better decision for people like me (I like playing on almost everything that TF2 has to offer!), but if you're a 100% competitive player, I guess you need to add not so many things, maybe a smaller scoreborad that will fit 6v6?
Love ya misa srin.

posted about 11 years ago
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