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SteamID64 76561198062657963
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Country Hungary
Signed Up April 28, 2023
Last Posted February 19, 2025 at 8:50 AM
Posts 4 (0 per day)
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#27 TF2 Promod in TF2 General Discussion
twiikuuJancsik_How is it bad for everyone's mental or idk what you mean by that? And what would be terrible about it?everyone who play valo ow rivals are addicted and have dapression bro

okay so you didn't answer why it would be worse than what we have, and if i get it correctly your other point is being able to play whenever you want without an hour wait for a match is bad because you get addicted?

posted 3 weeks ago
#23 TF2 Promod in TF2 General Discussion
twiikuuJancsik_I think there is a big potential for a TF2: Competetive game, like we could have a proper elo based matchmaking (that doesn't suck ass) instead of small self hosted pugs.i get that it's a nice convenience for players but it's a stupid amount of work to develop and maintain for an experience that's mid for enthusiasts to terrible in specific cases, plus seemingly dogshit for everyone's mental

How is it bad for everyone's mental or idk what you mean by that? And what would be terrible about it?

posted 3 weeks ago
#21 TF2 Promod in TF2 General Discussion
KourageousBageljustjazzi do think that it's worth discussing though. my areas of concern would be whos working on it? how do they plan on integrating currently built infrastructure (leagues, server providers, etc)? is there going to be a push for greater splintering from the base game wrt balance changes, class modifications etc or is it going to be purely a comptf2 promod w/ hardware optimizations? will we be able to airstafe out of airblasts again?
The biggest problem I could see is x, y or z change not being liked by a region (RIP global whitelist) and thus a fork would be made to appease those players. A surface level mod could be adopted with broad optimizations and client-side customizations, with any major changes being handled by leagues like weapon balancing.

I don't think it would happen, if we handle tf2 as one big game instead of seperating regions, it's already bad enough that we have a million seperate leagues with different rules. It would be a community project anyways, so the whole community could vote on how things should be handled.

I think there is a big potential for a TF2: Competetive game, like we could have a proper elo based matchmaking (that doesn't suck ass) instead of small self hosted pugs. My only problem with something like this is that, if the competetive mod differs too much from the base game it will be harder and harder to get a slow but steady amount of new players from the original game. Also what about highlander vs 6s would those be different forks? If not it becomes a lot harder to balance the game for both modes.

posted 3 weeks ago
#30 Cheater bans should be permanent in TF2 General Discussion
ZestyCongratulations to night terror for winning etf2l low!

They were better, ggs to them, I don't think it matters that he cheated or not, would have lost either way (maybe not on product, but they are better on 5cp maps), they played well as a team, and we were a bit sloppy, the preassure got to us at the end. We only trash talked to play mental games as a 'last resort', and we don't hate anyone on that roaster. Was a fun season, and I hope it's not the end for yakuza, we enjoyed every moment of it. We made friends, and improved a lot, so ultimately It doesn't matter that we got 2nd place, It's still a great achivement.

- yakuza_member

posted about a year ago