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Signed Up August 29, 2020
Last Posted December 20, 2020 at 6:32 AM
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#11 soap dm / mge repos rehosted / remaintained in Projects

i got bored and googled the steam ids of these accounts bumping old threads and they have bans for cheating on some community servers, some bans are even from 2018 and 2019
not sure what's going on here

posted about 4 years ago
#29 Is Lange OK? in Off Topic
RoLheres an example of one of the numerous videos hes posted in the past few days
this is literally just a reupload of the song ghostwriter (notice how the song, the description, and the comment reply are ALL unrelated to each other)
The dude has schizophrenia. He has a chemical imbalance in his brain that can only be fixed if he'll be willing to take medication. Telling him "yeah dude everything you're saying is insane" isn't going to cure his schizophrenia or change his mind. At this point he needs to be forcefully admitted to a hospital and the doctors need to be shown or told about his activity on social media so he doesnt just put on a "hey im totally normal" act for the doctors so he can get out of the hospital sooner and without them diagnosing him.

i think it's more insane to say that someone should be forcefully admitted to a hospital because internet detectives diagnosed them with a mental disorder that they have only pop-culture knowledge about

posted about 4 years ago
#5 Pipe Physics Fix in TF2 General Discussion

i assume that you want the iron bomber pipes to not use the stock pipe's physics? that'd make the pipes about 30% slower

posted about 4 years ago
#2 Key board notwork help in Off Topic

bind move, jump, and duck to mouse buttons

posted about 4 years ago
#30 Iron Bomber+Regular Pipes have the same physics in TF2 General Discussion
funhaver1998i do feel that it should touch your model to hit

wouldn't that be a major nerf to the weapon especially against scouts whose models are so tiny compared to their collision hull

posted about 4 years ago
#17 Iron Bomber+Regular Pipes have the same physics in TF2 General Discussion
ZestyHmm that seems like a bug. If the Iron Bomber has a special attribute to change its the collision and physics model to be the same as stock, they're probably intended to have the same hitboxes right? Might be something worth playing around with in that mastercoms mod either toggling so the iron bomber has the same behaviour as other grenade launchers or all grenade launchers have the same behaviour as the iron bomber.

some more testing:
- grenades use a 4x4x4 box for collision with players
- the jar projectiles also use this box (they're grenade-based so it's not really surprising)
- the iron bomber instead uses a 8.75x8.75x7.7142 box

comparison: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/389102232747900929/750007009432043657/unknown.png

out of curiousity, i changed the iron bomber's projectile in the same manner as how loose cannon's projectile is changed (so it affects its physics model), this made it use the 4x4x4 collision box against players and also since the physics is changed, it now rolls straight down ramps and travels a lot slower than stock grenades (a tumbling sphere is apparently less aerodynamic than a tumbling cylinder)

posted about 4 years ago
#9 Iron Bomber+Regular Pipes have the same physics in TF2 General Discussion
you can see that the stock pipes contact with the projectile hitbox really irregularly where as any contact of the hitbox and iron bomber sets it off

here's something extremely confusing: the iron bomber is actually easier to land direct hits with, even though it has the same trajectory as stock

firing at the same angle, randomness removed:
iron bomber:
more confusion, here's the loose cannon, watch as how the cannonballs just miss when the model clearly intersects with the collision hull:

it seems grenades need their centre point to intersect with a player's collision hull to be considered as a direct hit, but the iron bomber is a strange exception (more reason to not use stock lol) edit: read #17

posted about 4 years ago
#117 TF2 update for 8/21/20 in TF2 General Discussion
Rockz500 interp spy literally backstabs you when you see him right in front of you, not deserved

that only works while both of you are backpedaling in the same direction while they're in front of you at close range
ik it's dumb but it's the most avoidable scenario ever

posted about 4 years ago
#114 TF2 update for 8/21/20 in TF2 General Discussion
Vizardlmao fuck this community, gets rid of 0 interp but not 5, truly productive. get rid of the one that was never a problem but not the one that lets you backstab from the international space station

0.5 is a stupidly high max value for cl_interp, but i feel like if you get stabbed by a spy with over 500 ms of reaction time you probably deserve it

posted about 4 years ago