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Last Posted July 18, 2017 at 11:16 PM
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#63 ESA Rewind LAN: Grand Final in Events


posted about 7 years ago
#62 Rewind LAN Highlights in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 7 years ago
#35 ESA Rewind LAN: Grand Final in Events
Re4lityAntaresit baffles me why teams pick via against froyo time and fucking time again
what do you mean? the game was so close through out and it could have went either way.

He means that froyo pounds on the map, and they usually do. It also is worthy to point out that Se7en have no idea what the gamemode is because they had no clue you had to stand on the point to cap it when the time says 0:00

posted about 7 years ago
#35 Rewind LAN Highlights in TF2 General Discussion

posted about 7 years ago
#5 TF2 Rewind LAN Group Stages Stats in TF2 General Discussion

There sorry it is now public, I had my settings weird

posted about 7 years ago
#3 TF2 Rewind LAN Group Stages Stats in TF2 General Discussion
HighclassCan you make the spreadsheet public?

Whoops forgot to do that.

posted about 7 years ago
#1 TF2 Rewind LAN Group Stages Stats in TF2 General Discussion

Hello! I have spent the last several hours gathering the stats from the Round Robin Invite Stage of the TF2 Rewind LAN from today. Below I have included the statistics of each player that has been gathered from the stats of each map. All stats are taken from Dr.shdwpuppet's Log Page. If I made any mistakes please do not hesitate to let me know.

Disclaimer: Because I am using logs, time played accounts for pauses as well, therefore stats like DPM and HPM are in fact skewed slightly smaller than they should be. But the overall stats should be as accurate as possible.

Here is the Spreadsheet of Information

(If anyone knows how to just have the image of the stats on the post feel free to let me know so people don't have to use link)

To follow the Event check out ESA's Website

posted about 7 years ago
#53 Rewind meme thread in TF2 General Discussion

*Nursey gets 2 Crossbow kills on mid*

phorofor_: nursey got as many kills that mid as there are genders

posted about 7 years ago
#64 Predictions for Rewind LAN? in LAN Discussion

1st: Froyotech
2nd: EVL Gaming
3rd: Jasmine Tea
4th: Se7en
5th: Meat Market
6th: Street Hoops eSports

Well I think Froyotech has learned a lot from i58, in particular that you need a good team rather than a good player. So this direct upgrade with blaze and habib is sure to dominate this LAN. Similar to i46, I believe the NA Teams are really stacked this time around and have worked hard, Yomps and Bdonski are certainly playing with incredible skill and I think can handle the challengers from Europe and Australia. Jasmine Tea will break the curse of 4th place finally, but only by one spot. They are working hard and are certainly serious, and it will get them a spot in the Upper Bracket Finals but they will lose to Froyotech and then lose in the Lower Bracket Finals. Se7en seems more incomplete this time around from the Crowns roster. Yes, AMS is a god at times and alle is a very good demo, but they are just not equipped to handle the fast pace that the NA and Australian Teams can handle. (</3 Stark is my favorite TF2 player, sad to see him lose). Then from there, 20b without Duwatna is not going to do anything, and Meat Market is decent but not nearly the same level as Se7en or the others.

NA will pound gg!

posted about 7 years ago
#278 Global Whitelist Lists Post-Meeting in TF2 General Discussion
botmodeEverything in rando's post still applies and still makes the QF dumb af
you still have to run it at 100% of mid fights, which alone is dumb because the ubers are so bad you can't actually do like anything with them so you end up with a stalemate

I think it's a little narrow minded to think that the ONLY reason people don't want to play with these weapons is because they don't want to put in the effort to learn new things

I still fail to see how you have to run it to 100% of the mids. Kritzkreig is still a medigun option and it can defeat quick-fix when both are popped against each other. Also Kritz charges in roughly 32 seconds while quickfix takes 37 seconds, so in a typical average mid fight, both should get their respective charges at the same time.

Even without using kritzkreig, there are plenty of damage options that can kill a quick-fix charge
Demoman sticky trap of 3-4 stickies
Soldier rocket (direct) + 2-3 stickies
Scout meatshot + 2 rockets (direct)
Demoman pill + sticky trap + rocket

There are even more possibilities if you have offclassing such as snipers or heavies. All of these however requires coordination which is a key aspect of any competitive mode, especially 6v6 in TF2, so I fail to see how it is unreasonable for competitive players to at least be open to trying this out for a week to see if it is at all possible to play with and/or against.

As I have said before, I am not convinced the quick-fix belongs in competitive TF2 but I do not believe that it can be thrown out without proper testing.

posted about 7 years ago
#18 how 2 balance quick fix in TF2 General Discussion
SpaceCadetLiterally got several medic picks and got our medic killed because the pocket wanted to retreat and RJed before the medic was ready. Result was medic flying straight up in the air while the rest of the team kited the push.

Did the Medic/Soldier not communicate correctly? Probably Yes. However, that doesn't mean the item mechanic is good for competitive play. Little gimmick items like this are the main reason the quality of 6's play will go down.

Incredible, a mechanic in competitive the utilizes communication, game-awareness and the progression of skill. It is almost like quick-fix involves learning a new aspect of the game that vanilla players seem to ignore.

This sounds like the same people who complain that kritzkrieg should be banned because it is not the vanilla tf2 medigun, yet it is not banned because once people learned how to use it, and also how to counter it, it became just an average weapon.

posted about 7 years ago
#273 Global Whitelist Lists Post-Meeting in TF2 General Discussion
botmodenobody at the top is scrimming with this shit because of LAN
I would like to have a whitelist meeting that doesn't involve a delusional megalomaniac trying to unban every broken item in the game and also has fair representation from all regions.

The issue is that you and many others are labeling a weapon broken based upon information from 3.5 years ago. The game has changed drastically and it is time to reevaluate weapons. I do agree the timing is less than ideal and it may be better to wait until S25 before implementing any changes to the whitelist, but the competitive community can not be so narrow-minded as to utilize only a fraction of the possibilities of gamestyle in this game because they do not want to put in effort to learn it.

posted about 7 years ago
#268 Global Whitelist Lists Post-Meeting in TF2 General Discussion

I would like to put a little post from the Ozfortress League Director Obla

The first meeting, which was held in private, was well structured and followed a set of rules. However, there were only ten or so people there and as such, having a proper meeting was a lot easier.

Yes, we agree that the second meeting was poorly structured and as a result, the discussions that came of it suffered. The idea from that meeting was 'We don't know how it will affect the game, and the only way we will ever know is if we unban it and try it out.' We're currently in the experimental period (a week) where players are just trying it out and providing feedback. We expect changes to the proposed bans and unbans in the very near future. ESEA has already expressed concern over some of the changes already (to be specific, the Quick Fix and Solemn Vow).

We're listening. We're watching. Let the week play out.

I am glad at least the managers of these leagues are not so stubborn as the players on the forums. The whole point of a whitelist is to encourage gameplay of weapons other than the vanilla tf2. I would like to point out the hypocrisy in demanding that certain classes not be allowed variation or direct upgrades but weapons like gunboats or crossbow are allowed which are direct upgrades for the respective classes. Competitive TF2 should exist to shine a light on the players with the highest level of skill, and part of the skill in TF2 is being able to adapt to the many different styles of weapons and ways to play the game. There are broken weapons which should not be used in competitive, I completely agree with that, but the community has no idea how these weapons will impact the competitive scene unless they try it.

I was not around from Season 14 ESEA to have actually experienced the quick-fix unban, but from watching videos and reading what players at the time were complaining about, the vast majority of concerns concerning the weapon have either gone away or changed completely so it is impossible to assume that Season 14 is comparable to the situation now.

As I said before, I look forward to hearing the feedback from this week of scrims and pugs as to whether or not certain weapons will be allowed. The best mechanic for testing the utility of a weapon in competitive is through practice, which is not always as quick as one game also. I have full faith that given the time, the competitive community can decide which way is better for the meta (for proof look to last season with Atomizer and Base Jumper).

posted about 7 years ago
#221 Global Whitelist Lists Post-Meeting in TF2 General Discussion

I actually think it is a great idea to allow these weapons to be unbanned for this week to determine if they are viable in competitive without breaking the balance or causing a drastic meta change. Weapons like the quickfix and soda popper offer an inherently different style of gameplay that teams would need to adapt to as they use them as well as against them, but that is not a bad thing. It seems unreasonable to think that competitive tf2 should utilize weapons that ensure the players are skilled because such a few weapons means after a couple seasons there is no longer a growth of skill. Introducing new weapons (one's that are balanced enough to not drastically alter the game) offer players new ways of playing the game and growing their skill. And the important thing to take away from this new whitelist is that this is by no means a finalized done deal, this is for players to try it out for a week in pugs before finally determining if the unlocks/locks are good for the next season.

I will however agree with others who have posted about the LAN whitelist. I do not think it is fair to all the teams to change the unlocks so close to the LAN date, even though these are weapons that are probably not going to be run that much. The next season of ESEA, ETF2L, UGC, and the Asian Leagues (sorry forgot what they were called) are so close that the discussion needs to be made now, but any change to the immediate LAN seems to hurt the teams that have been preparing for the LAN for awhile.

PS: As a medic main, I personally do not like the addition of solemn vow, I look forward to seeing how it will affect the next week if it is run. I think that it is one of the few weapons in the game that undoubtedly lowers the skill ceiling of a class. Quickfix on the other hand is a weapon that may be a slight upgrade in most instances but does not appear to be something that causes a loss in skill as players will have to learn how to utilize quickfix's advantages and avoid the disadvantages.

posted about 7 years ago
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