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Signed Up November 18, 2015
Last Posted July 18, 2017 at 11:16 PM
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#25 ESEA S25 W7: froyotech vs. Ascent in Matches
NurseyMATCH IS AT 11:30PM EST, NOT 11

So expect it to start at 12:30 EST boys

posted about 7 years ago
#22 ESEA S25 W7: froyotech vs. Ascent in Matches

This will be a great match, as long as rando is only allowed to play roamer and nothing else.

posted about 7 years ago
#7 ESEA S25 W6: Gnomercy vs. Faint Gaming in Matches

gg was too quick

posted about 7 years ago
#5 20B RETURN???? in TF2 General Discussion

I am really glad to see some old players returning and teams reforming, just as new teams are rising in invite, could make for a great next season. I just hope that enough other players are interested to fill the teams for the extra spaces these players need on their teams.

posted about 7 years ago
#43 ETF2L S27 W5: ANTIC vs. Se7en in Matches

What happened?

posted about 7 years ago
#30 Questions for b4nny in TF2 General Discussion
rowpiecesBrenPretty sure B4nny has tried to get into Overwatch a few times as a streamer but didn't carry over the level of popularity he has in TF2, dunno if he was expecting to reach Seagull status or what but that ship has sailed a looooong time ago xdwhen he streamed overwatch he got 4k viewers

To be honest I don't think it has anything to do with viewership. I think b4nny genuinely doesn't like Overwatch when compared to TF2. I myself finally gave in and bought overwatch a week ago, and I can honestly say that from the first week playing I feel so much more confident that after I played TF2 for the first year. Overwatch just feels like it will take less to master in comparison to the mechanics of TF2 and since b4nny does so well at TF2 mechanics I think he probably feels like the downgrade in Overwatch is beneath him. (b4nny does have a pretty thicc ego)

posted about 7 years ago
#4 ESEA S25 W1: Legalize Ranch vs. EVL Gaming in Matches

Rando on scout... saam's fat dpm vs rando's clutch misses... should be an entertaining meme

posted about 7 years ago
#3 shade and garbuglio join froyotech in News

why is the pocket soldier on roamer for EVL and the roaming soldier on pocket for Froyo

posted about 7 years ago
#14 ETF2L Fresh Meat Challenge in TF2 General Discussion

I wish we would do something like this in NA cause I feel like I shouldn't try and play with europeans with 200 ping and at unreasonable times :(

posted about 7 years ago
#137 Rate Current Map Pool in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 7 years ago
#85 Is scout too strong? in TF2 General Discussion

TLDR: Scout's abilities make it appear more successful than it is, and the majority of Scout's successes come from the coordination and ability of the soldier/demo/medic of the scout's team.

Personally I believe that Scout is often referred to as the dominant class because scout in the current meta plays well off of the work of other teammates. Certainly the scout is very good in 1v1s but to be completely honest, this game does not always rely on 1v1s, and that is kind of a good thing. In the big team fights, even though scout does not do splash damage, scout is still versatile and viable because of the ability of scouts to "clean-up" on the damage output of soldiers and demos. I think it seems almost unfair to base whether or not scout is balanced on the ability of these damage output classes to last against a scout in every 1v1 situation.

Another important aspect is the "bombing" or "sacking" of soldiers into the combo. Yes scouts are great at denying a bomb from a soldier but I almost feel like that is the point. If a soldier was able to bomb effectively every time it would almost make it too difficult for a team to ever hold aggressively and would just encourage the meta to rely solely on a push from the offensive team, which isn't the best imo, I would rather see either team with the ability to push.

I actually would be interested in seeing the effects of slightly nerfing the damage spread of scouts at mid to long range, but again I do not think it will or should make much difference. I think the current meta does a great job at glorifying scouts but that comes from people looking at logs or at clips of frag videos and forgetting that soldiers and demos play a big role in laying down damage and securing chokes/winning big fights.

I do not think there is anything wrong with scout inherently winning 1v1s against other classes. I like the idea of a balanced meta/game not every aspect being balanced. Besides, scouts can just be more fluid if you really want to avoid a 1v1 scout v soldier to help out your soldier tbh.

posted about 7 years ago
#61 b4nny Documentary in TF2 General Discussion

You can't deny that b4nny pounded in most of that game. Even though his team lost. Especially on Gullywash. Even when he loses b4nny pounds!

posted about 8 years ago
#5 mario party 4 prepares for Invite debut in News
owldont you mean chinese taipei?

Go home Xi Jinping

posted about 8 years ago
#6 froyotech picks up arekk in News

So far a fantastic pickup for Froyotech. Results from first match provided sufficient proof that arekk is going to do great things with Froyo! 34-19 impressive fragging!

posted about 8 years ago
#73 esa lan thanks thread in TF2 General Discussion

Big thank you to you for keeping logs updated frequently with the Invite Tournament as well as with the Oven Tournament, it is great to analyze stats and you did an amazing job on top of things.

posted about 8 years ago
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