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Signed Up August 28, 2014
Last Posted September 20, 2016 at 10:13 PM
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#12 Healthpack Reskin (help pls) in Customization

Hey guise - I cleaned it up a bit and got it to work, since Halloween / Full Moon mode was on while I wanted to test it.
Preview here

Download here + "install" instructions

Ginormous thanks to redd0t for doing probably 50% of the work out of generosity / kindness

posted about 10 years ago
#12 halo 3 jump movie in Off Topic

This just made my day yo, I haven't seen a Halo 3 jumping movie in maybe 4 or 5 years, and those movies were what got me into rocket jumping.
And now I wanna play BRs on the Pit.

posted about 10 years ago
#12 Bro Caps Sale in Hardware

This'll make for the perfect kill bind key.

But $32+ for a singular key?

posted about 10 years ago
#17 book recommendations in Off Topic
Rambadiliancant go wrong with the great gatsby

That's what I was thinking. Dude has one lifelong goal, puts his life on the line to get to it, regardless of what's in his way.

Show Content
Gets rich, dies trying.
posted about 10 years ago
#3 Selling to steam? in TF2 General Discussion

Have you checked out the community market at all?

You can sell Stranges, Genuines, Vintages, Unusuals, Collector's, and consumables - tags, chemistry sets, and fabricators.
I'm probably missing more, but you can see it all for yourself at the main Market or the TF2 section of the Market

posted about 10 years ago
#10 Healthpack Reskin (help pls) in Customization
redd0tYup, it seems like Paint.NET didn't save it correctly, make sure you check these flags in VTFEdit and save it:
- No MipMap
- No Level of Detail
- Eight Bit Alpha (Format Specific)

I would also suggest you move the "KIT" letter towards the middle if you can to make it look more prettier :3


Also found out that it didn't save the alpha channels correctly. I'll upload the finished product here.

Woah, alright, thanks! I'll go and fix that - I honestly had next to no idea what I was doing in terms of formatting besides saving as a VTF.
And yeah, I'll move the kit to the center because you're a hero.

Edit: Damn, you're good. Thank you very much! It definitely looks better than what I had.

posted about 10 years ago
#8 Healthpack Reskin (help pls) in Customization
redd0tTF2 Facepunch/Emporium is probably where you should be asking since bunch of talented material editors are there and they might help you.

The steps you have followed should be correct including the file location. I would suggest you to extract medkit.tga file out of medkit.vtf file using VTFEdit and work on that using (in your case) Paint.NET. I assume the problem is either the way the photoshop program you use causing the problem, it might even be the .vtf file itself where you have to check some of the flags e.g. no mipmap, no level of details etc. To eliminate this issue you can import the .tga into VTFEdit and choose the correct parameters. Even though I use Adobe Photoshop with vtf plugin, I still do prefer using VTFEdit to avoid any complications.

If you would like to share the project you have, I can even look into it.

Thanks, I've checked out GameBanana guides and multiple Youtube videos, and I'll try Facepunch if this doesn't work - I'm gonna put the .vmt with the .vtf, in case TF2 searches for all of the assets for customized objects. After that, I'll edit the .vtf without alpha and see how that goes.

The .vtf (With alpha) is up for download for anyone that wants it - I'll put up the final product if I make it work and if anyone wants that.

posted about 10 years ago
#6 Healthpack Reskin (help pls) in Customization
KanecoWell it does matter because these servers can set restrictions with the sv_pure cvar

Try it on a local server and make sure you're running it with sv_pure 0.

If you're testing it on sv_pure 2 servers then it will never work, sv_pure 1 might or might not work depending on the server whitelist.

Also, custom materials are different from weapon models, etc...

I was on a pub I was familiar with, so my stock Rocket Launcher and Stickybomb Launcher reskins were showing up; I didn't think it'd affect the Healthpack reskin.

And I didn't edit any VMTs / Materials. Gettin back to work on this. Thanks anyway.

posted about 10 years ago
#4 Healthpack Reskin (help pls) in Customization
blinKYou're probably posting on the wrong site, I don't think a lot of people here know much about this. You'd get better information elsewhere.

> TF2 Customization
HUDs, crosshairs, and other forms of game customization

GameBanana wasn't coming up with anything, and I figured the 20+ HUD threads, configs with retextures and such someone would be able to help.

KanecoAre you testing this on a local server or online?

Online / pubs, though I don't think that should matter since I downloaded reskins from GameBanana and installed them in the same manner without a problem.

posted about 10 years ago
#1 Healthpack Reskin (help pls) in Customization

If anyone that's made a reskin could help me, it'd be greatly appreciated.

I turned this picture

into this

and I extracted medkit.vtf to my desktop, edited with Paint.NET + the .vtf plugin, so it looks like this

and then I saved it as a VTF (of course) with alpha.

I've "installed" it by putting the appropriate series of nested folders into my custom folder, as well as turning the series into a .vpk and putting it in my custom folder along my skins.

but it still doesn't show up in-game :(

Thanks in advance

Edit: Thank you to whoever posted the original picture in another thread within the past week. It's eggcellent.

posted about 10 years ago
#4 I want to make video games. in Off Topic

The better you are at learning, and the more patience you have, the more prepared you'll be to learn "actual" programming.

Check out Alice - it's a program teachers use to teach students the fundamentals of computer science, or the way that programming languages will interpret lines of code.

Once you learn that, I recommend getting into C# or Java. Depending on your will to learn by reading and doing, I'd recommend getting and reading a textbook, taking notes, and doing examples, when you have the time. Never hesitate to look up tutorials, but also don't just copy things straight from a video or article - learn concepts and understand the mechanics so you can implement them how you want to.

Foxjust do basic tutorials and make your own things

don't try to take on a huge project, just think of some simple games like pong and try to emulate it

to get better at coding you can take courses at codeacademy and work your way up from there too

All of that. CodeAcademy has free online courses that serve as previews to the given language / concept, and probably their courses (but enrollment is $29/month - I don't know the quality, but if you have the time and the drive, I'd say gopher it).

posted about 10 years ago
#149 TF2 benchmarks in TF2 General Discussion
if you had very odd looking motion it sounds like you must've alt+tabbed or changed settings mid-demo

I didn't do anything mid-demo, but I Did change my autoexec.cfg between timedemos.
timedemo benchmark1 -> demo works fine, people are moving -> get results -> remove Rhapsody's cfg from my autocfg -> timedemo benchmark1 -> demo has people doing attacks and particles working, but everyone's standing still -> better results, but I don't know if that's due to the lack of player motion :x

Edit: Thanks though.

posted about 10 years ago
#18 Music to relax in Off Topic

All day.
and a song that played during i52

posted about 10 years ago
#147 TF2 benchmarks in TF2 General Discussion

Aero disabled with Rhapsody's Performance Config
2639 frames 69.206 seconds 38.13 fps (26.22 ms/f) 3.250 fps variability
Aero disabled
2639 frames 57.827 seconds 45.64 fps (21.91 ms/f) 2.554 fps variability

CPU: i5-3230M CPU @ 2.60GHz
Graphics Card: Intel(R) HD Graphics 4000
(I'm on a laptop; HP envy dv-7)

Config: Above
Dxlevel: 90
Shadows: Disabled
Res: 1600x900
Win/full: Windowed

I actually had one more fps with Aero enabled without Rhapsody's config.
Also, for some reason, when I removed Rhapsody's config, the demo looked like this - so the broken / lack of motion might just be the difference in frames? Has anyone else experienced this?

posted about 10 years ago
#86 desktop background thread in Off Topic

posted about 10 years ago
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