The better you are at learning, and the more patience you have, the more prepared you'll be to learn "actual" programming.
Check out Alice - it's a program teachers use to teach students the fundamentals of computer science, or the way that programming languages will interpret lines of code.
Once you learn that, I recommend getting into C# or Java. Depending on your will to learn by reading and doing, I'd recommend getting and reading a textbook, taking notes, and doing examples, when you have the time. Never hesitate to look up tutorials, but also don't just copy things straight from a video or article - learn concepts and understand the mechanics so you can implement them how you want to.
Foxjust do basic tutorials and make your own things
don't try to take on a huge project, just think of some simple games like pong and try to emulate it
to get better at coding you can take courses at codeacademy and work your way up from there too
All of that. CodeAcademy has free online courses that serve as previews to the given language / concept, and probably their courses (but enrollment is $29/month - I don't know the quality, but if you have the time and the drive, I'd say gopher it).