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Signed Up April 21, 2021
Last Posted November 30, 2021 at 7:18 PM
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#2 LFP High Main in Recruitment (looking for players)

can I tryout?

posted about 3 years ago
#19 LFT YOUNG SANITY in Recruitment (looking for team)

cringe player lol but has great potential if he cools the ego and keep focus during nail biting game but I know he will keep improving with the right team and will be one of the best soldiers if he beats me in a tier 6 jump map :P

posted about 3 years ago
#1 JoeWoahSeph LFT Main S7 Roamer/Pocket in Recruitment (looking for team)

I'm so glad that I now know that I have time play for Season 7
- I'm a roamer main that is interested in playing next season
- 3rd place IM player from Season 6 of IM
- My intention is to be a main roster for season 7 and have intention is to making it to playoffs and hopefully win the season
- Always trying to improve and wanting to win
- I learned a lot from last season about myself and how to improve as a player/teammate and even tho we had our ups and downs I'm glad I had a fun season with Seance (aka dokbob), Wicked, Quantum, Young Sanity, Warm, and Dodecadron. You guys gave me one of the best season I ever had in a long time I really recommend everyone to either tryout for their new team or try them out because I see a lot of potential from everyone one of them.

My Contacts:
Discord: JoeWoahSeph#0569

posted about 3 years ago
#10 gorono lft adv scout in Recruitment (looking for team)

I killed him once in a pug. I DO NOT RECOMMEND.... (jk. He is insanely good at the game, seriously recommend picking him up. Dont miss your opportunity to try him out :D

posted about 3 years ago
#1 LFT Main Soldier in Recruitment (looking for team)

Hello there,

- I'm Joseph or as many people know me as 'JoeWoahSeph' and I am looking for a main team that has a goal on winning and willing to grind.
- I am a Soldier main that has been playing 6s during ugc season 25 and the current season of Rgl. I am currently rostered as sub for a team known as Sweaty Spaghetti for season 5 and I always made sure I was grinding a lot to make sure when they needed me I was ready to help them win their matches when they needed someone. Not to mention I'm pretty chill with a lot of people in the community and made sure I don't have any beef with anyone and if I did I would make sure to try my best to fix the situation to make sure there is no bad blood between and the individual.
- As of now I'm currently looking for a spot on a team for Roamer (since I have the most experience on flank) or as Pocket Soldier.

You can get in contact with me on Steam or Discord
Discord: JoeWoahSeph#0569
Here is my Ugc and RGL info

I can't wait to tryout with the future 1st place winners.

posted about 3 years ago