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Signed Up January 3, 2013
Last Posted July 21, 2017 at 7:23 PM
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#31 Season 13 Map List Is Out! in TF2 General Discussion
Soap"steel is the best highlander map, it requires coordination and teamwork"

Because other maps dont apparently

Steel is quite similar to Gravelpit in that it really rewards actual coordination and teamwork more than pure DM, whereas with a lot of other maps you can skirt by just by out-DMing the other team. It's a map that is godawful to play if your team can't get their shit together, but for teams who can coordinate it can be quite a bit more interesting to play than a DM-heavy map such as Viaduct. It's good to have maps in the rotation that are quite different from the rest; it helps filter out the teams that have awful teamwork but are just individually better than anyone on the enemy team and teams that might not have the strongest dm but have stronger gamesense and coordination.

posted about 10 years ago
#11 DM Changes in TF2 General Discussion
ScarletbscMangachuthe only reason i would use the rocket jumper is so i could practice shotgun, pretty sure 0 people have complained about it
market gardener/blackbox is reasonable

you need a rocket jumper to use your shotgun?

I think the thought behind that is you can jump around for better positioning without losing 30-40 some health with each jump.

But you only have a shotgun. It'd be stupid as hell if you could take good positions and then have actual rockets to fall back on for 0 hp, but you don't.

posted about 10 years ago
#27 Scout vs. Scout in TF2 General Discussion

Regarding point 3 capn, something that's worked for me and what I generally tell people is that if you're at a health disadvantage during a Scout duel, you need to get in their face because you need to be able to do more damage in order to make up for it and trading chip damage favors the other Scout (unless, of course, you can escape or get bailed out by a teammate). However, some people I've met said this was a dumb idea; what do you think about this?

posted about 10 years ago
#4 Keeping Track of Uber Advantage in TF2 General Discussion

Fragile pretty much nailed it, it's not really that hard to do once you get the hang of it, you just need to practice. Honestly, once you learn it it's pretty easy to keep track of advantages even when you're not the one playing Medic, though you're probably not going to be able to be as precise as the guy who has a constant visual on how much uber he has and how fast he's charging.

I'd recommend going into scrims with the mindset of "okay, I want to make sure that I'm tracking ubers as best as I can", if you do that you'll probably have it down pat within a few weeks. It's really not that hard, I promise.

posted about 10 years ago
#157 i'm tired of pretzels in TF2 General Discussion

why the fuck aren't you

posted about 10 years ago
#9 Pinion and Beyond Gaming TF2 Event in TF2 General Discussion

The prizes should be not having to put up with pinion on any server. 1st gets a full year, 2nd gets 6 months, and so on.

posted about 10 years ago
#20 mason reviewing demos in Mentoring

I play on a fairly loose leash and I really like using gunboats. I'd like to learn more about how I can make this playstyle work, and what I need to improve on.

posted about 10 years ago
#83 ESEA-O S16 Happenings/Predictions in TF2 General Discussion

Shoutout to Tina Belcher and the Uhhhs for a really fucking close game holy shit that was intense

posted about 10 years ago
#65 thoughts on blackbox and shotgun roam in TF2 General Discussion

Why is slowing the game down the microscopic amount the BB does a bad thing, though? I mean, if it was as good at slowing things down as the QF, or double Heavy, or some super crazy triple Engineer extravaganza, it would definitely be a problem, but as you said it's not to that degree. A little bit of slowness shouldn't be met with "omfg ban it it ruins the game!!1".

posted about 10 years ago
#10 why do people not use the esea client? in TF2 General Discussion
mansfield7tf2center is pretty decent now too, at least in terms of configs/usability

like 2/5 of the center lobbies i've played had broken configs that allowed literally everything

posted about 10 years ago
#24 WARs demoman blog. in TF2 General Discussion

War, what is the best way to call your teammates uneducated scrubs for telling you that you're overextended?

posted about 10 years ago
#24 ESEA S16 - Last day to register in TF2 General Discussion

24 Open, 6 IM, 9 Main and 7 Invite teams are paid up.

posted about 10 years ago
#15 LF ESEA-O team to sponsor in TF2 General Discussion

Thank you based Vhalin for paying for my team to play video games. We'll be sure to go 0-16 and prove what an amazing investment this was!

posted about 10 years ago
#783 ESEA's possible demise? in TF2 General Discussion

Is there any chance for an extension? My team is getting together to pay and all but I don't see any more teams getting signed up..

posted about 10 years ago
#181 ESEA PROMOTION in TF2 General Discussion

All good, haha. I've been talking to them and we're a lot closer to a consensus. Thanks for the pep talk!

posted about 10 years ago
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