Hello, I've been looking for a reasonably affordable gaming PC. I will be playing many Valve games (TF2, CS:GO, etc.), GTA V, etc.
My top price is around $450, give or take some. I also have another PC I can salvage including these parts (only showing parts worth salvaging, selling or keeping other parts) - Seagate ST1000DM003 (1TB, SATA), RAM (4 GB).
I am looking for minimum 60FPS on relatively high settings, if not highest. I want to use Shadowplay.
I have a 1080p monitor (HP 22uh) that I can use. I have an office mouse and keyboard. I will be getting the OS separately. I also have a decent case, it just looks extremely ugly.
I would love a PCPartPicker list.
Current list: http://pcpartpicker.com/list/dNqHRG
The list does not include parts I already have
What I need:
-[OPTIONAL] Well ventilated, good looking case
I do NOT need an SSD. Sure, it could be useful. But, they are too expensive for my very picky wants.
Please tell me your critiques.
Thanks in advance.