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SteamID64 76561198029121502
SteamID3 [U:1:68855774]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:34427887
Country Chile
Signed Up January 3, 2015
Last Posted February 15, 2015 at 2:34 PM
Posts 2 (0 per day)
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#205 StatusSpec in Projects
thesupremecommanderDid you enable any of the modules via their console variables? Nothing is enabled by default.

im officially stupid, thanks.

posted about 10 years ago
#203 StatusSpec in Projects

Hey im getting this in the console:

[StatusSpec] version 0.23.1 | a Forward Command Post project (http://fwdcp.net)
[StatusSpec] Loading plugin...
[StatusSpec] Module AntiFreeze requires IClientMode, which cannot be verified at this time!
[StatusSpec] Module AntiFreeze loaded successfully!
[StatusSpec] Module Camera Tools requires IClientMode, which cannot be verified at this time!
[StatusSpec] Module Camera Tools loaded successfully!
[StatusSpec] Module Custom Materials loaded successfully!
[StatusSpec] Module Custom Models loaded successfully!
[StatusSpec] Module Custom Textures loaded successfully!
[StatusSpec] Module FOV Override loaded successfully!
[StatusSpec] Module Killstreaks loaded successfully!
[StatusSpec] Module Loadout Icons requires IClientMode, which cannot be verified at this time!
[StatusSpec] Module Loadout Icons loaded successfully!
[StatusSpec] Module Local Player loaded successfully!
[StatusSpec] Module Medigun Info requires IClientMode, which cannot be verified at this time!
[StatusSpec] Module Medigun Info loaded successfully!
[StatusSpec] Module MultiPanel requires IClientMode, which cannot be verified at this time!
[StatusSpec] Module MultiPanel loaded successfully!
[StatusSpec] Module Player Aliases loaded successfully!
[StatusSpec] Module Player Models loaded successfully!
[StatusSpec] Module Player Outlines requires IClientMode, which cannot be verified at this time!
[StatusSpec] Module Player Outlines loaded successfully!
[StatusSpec] Module Projectile Outlines requires IClientMode, which cannot be verified at this time!
[StatusSpec] Module Projectile Outlines loaded successfully!
[StatusSpec] Module Spec GUI Order loaded successfully!
[StatusSpec] Module Status Icons requires IClientMode, which cannot be verified at this time!
[StatusSpec] Module Status Icons loaded successfully!
[StatusSpec] Module Team Health Comparison requires IClientMode, which cannot be verified at this time!
[StatusSpec] Module Team Health Comparison loaded successfully!
[StatusSpec] Module Team Overrides loaded successfully!
[StatusSpec] Finished loading!

...and the plugin doesnt work, is there something im missing?

posted about 10 years ago