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Signed Up January 16, 2020
Last Posted May 4, 2022 at 11:09 PM
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#71 TF2 update for 8/21/20 in TF2 General Discussion
mastercomsThe player speeds or angles aren't even consistent in the videos, which is super important when your entire premise of argument is based on visual positions (hint: you might be shooting your sticky at a different angle and speed than what you're travelling at). This is especially important when you're talking about a change in time which could be at most 15.2ms. Please let me know when you've done me the same favor of preparing specific test cases as I have done for you.

I don't want to demean the work you are doing but there is nothing to argue here, whatever you want to call it placebo, exploit, etc, there were people happy using it because they felt the difference. You don't feel the difference because, for x,y,z reasons that aren't important and neither does your detailed white paper offer an explanation for this difference in feeling. Kaptain, reero, and countless other players who have been playing this game forever preferred that feeling at times and it wasn't unfair or hurting anyone at all. Its the same as a pubber wanting to use all default 75 fov, 100ms lerp, etc (its a choice). You just took that choice away is all, and not for a good reason at all. I am afraid you are just making yourself look retarded trying to justify it.

Again you are just stting in itemtest shooting pipes, why dont you try running some t6 demo maps with some air pogo action and then make a case for yourself.

posted about 4 years ago
#2 lerp stuck on 15.2 after new update in Q/A Help

Yeah the desync has been fixed, isnt it awesome? You can say thank you to mastercoms

posted about 4 years ago
#50 TF2 update for 8/21/20 in TF2 General Discussion
mastercomsReero- Fixed an issue where values computed from server bounded ConVars could be incorrect on the client and therefore possibly exploitable

this breaks ppl being able to go below 15 lerp with cl_updaterate btw

sv_maxupdaterate should be maybe higher on tourney configs to allow this
Only if you want the client to extrapolate entity movement with no server data (bad idea). This is a good change that I reported to Valve a few weeks ago because of the server desync and lag compensation problems it could cause.

Its the classic example of a disconnect between the technician and the end-user, albeit the correct technical jargon, the fact of the matter is that there are people whose user experience of the game was improved because of it. It was a choice why did you have to take it away. You just killed the dead horse.

posted about 4 years ago
#49 TF2 update for 8/21/20 in TF2 General Discussion

the 0 lerp thing for soldier and demo definitely felt very nice regardless of the unintended reasons for its existence. I don't know if Valve is going to remove bounces from the source engine since its also an unintended glitch now.

posted about 4 years ago
#10834 stream highlights in Videos

posted about 4 years ago
#11 someone interpolate PREM - by CUBE using AI in Videos

I have access to a v100 for a week, I might do it tonight.

posted about 4 years ago
#1 Kovaaks 2.0 Causing CPU/GPU to overheat in Q/A Help

I was monitoring my CPU/GPU temps, and it touches 90 degree C, when running Kovaaks 2.0: The Meta. I don't experience this while running TF2 for extended amounts of time. Is there a setting that in Kovaaks that is causing it?
The spikes are when I start Kovaaks.

posted about 4 years ago
#4 KovaaK / InterAccel settings help in Customization
ScrewBI am trying to match my in game accel settings with this driver but i have no idea how to go about that. I my accel settings in game are 1.02 but it does't seem to match if i just put that in the driver. If anyone is more familiar with how this works your help would be appreciated.

Could you rephrase what is that you want exactly (your question is kinda confusing)? Are you trying to use in-game accel and have the same effect you've had through interaccel?

I am sure that source doesn't applies accel the same way interaccel does and is tied up with the FPS as well. That could be the reason the same amount feels different.

posted about 4 years ago
#22 what do i play now??? in Off Topic

Heres what you can do, virtualize your windows on top of a Linux distro and pass your gpu, keyboard and mouse. Make a new steam account play TF2, that way if someone RCE's ur virtual windows you wouldn't be worried at all.

But to be honest, I am waiting for diabotical. In the meantime I am playing krunker and quake live.

posted about 4 years ago
#156 TF2 and CS:GO's source code got leaked in TF2 General Discussion
MoermanPandemic in the game, pandemic irl. What the fuck God?

Now you turn to God you infidel.

posted about 4 years ago
#141 TF2 and CS:GO's source code got leaked in TF2 General Discussion

Guys, we now have to practice social distancing in TF2 as well.

posted about 4 years ago
#102 Med speed buff removal EU DMIXES in TF2 General Discussion
SirPineAppleDoughySirPineAppleBumFreezesorry i dont want to spoil any more, i want to see if you understand it. i might message yomps on steam though if you wantI mean sure, If i dont understand it, guess i'll learn some more
This proves all outrage against b4nny in this thread if a (presumed) follower questioning our ideals doesn't understand b4nny's own argument.

Tell me b4nny's argument

His argument is that he doesn't want to spoil things and wants to see if we get it and will message yomps if he is curious.
Also, I know that you are a loyal b4nny sub and this discussion might not be for you unless you wanna be open-minded about things.

posted about 4 years ago
#72 Med speed buff removal EU DMIXES in TF2 General Discussion
StarkieKZb4nny explaining why medic speed buff is a good thing
i have no proof for this but i assume b4nny asked for the med speed buff to be implemented
why would valve introduce a feature that only helps medics when they heal a scout? when have you ever seen a medic and scout combo in pubs? i know he went to valves offices so i assume he suggested it thinking that faster medics = faster games. unfortunately when medics rarely die you end up in a lot of stalemates. i remember when losing a mid hard meant getting wiped and almost certainly losing a round - now your med just sprints to last like usain bolt and you have a nice little last stalemate

The thing on top of that is that he doesn't want to even talk or discuss things with us, he straight-up called twiikuu a liar when he said he doesn't wish any harm to b4nny (it's in the VOD). He just pretty much declared that if this thing is adopted it somehow will kill TF2, simply because Valve hasn't ordained it.

posted about 4 years ago
#52 Med speed buff removal EU DMIXES in TF2 General Discussion
MatthesOk I watched through b4nny's vod, honestly people are painting b4nny as WAY more unreasonable than he is
It's gonna be a bit of a challenge but if we work together I reckon we can manage it
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for real though, respect yomps for asking the hard questions to b4nny but -rep Habib for straight-up simping.

posted about 4 years ago
#39 Med speed buff removal EU DMIXES in TF2 General Discussion

b4nny explaining why medic speed buff is a good thing

posted about 4 years ago
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