Account Details
SteamID64 76561197977447137
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:8590704
Country Canada
Signed Up August 11, 2012
Last Posted October 19, 2017 at 10:20 PM
Posts 346 (0.1 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 1.0
Windows Sensitivity 6
Raw Input 1
Refresh Rate
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Zowie AM / Deathadder Chroma
Keyboard Ducki Shine II (Cherry Red)
Mousepad Steelseries QCK+ Heavy
Headphones Sennheiser HD590
Monitor BenQ XL2420T
1 ⋅⋅ 19 20 21 22 23
#6 Love and War Update Day 1 in TF2 General Discussion

Posted this in the other thread yesterday, can't guarantee validity or anything, but someone digging through files found a back_headshot command which works only for tf_weapon_scout_pistol_secondary (the Scout pistol unlocks): shots from behind that hit the head are crits. So its possible it may be some sort of pseudo-amby for the scout.

Source of the claims.

posted about 10 years ago
#102 TF2 countdown? in TF2 General Discussion

From reddit, havn't seen it in this thread yet:

In addition, the following are new UserMessages, both of size 3, indices 51 and 52 (if you don't know what it is, I can't really explain it properly): RDTeamScoreBar, RDTeamScoreIntel Relevant: tf_logic_robot_destruction.cpp, as testinglol pointed out. Also tf_robot_destruction_robot.cpp.

Also ubercharge_ammo and ubercharge_transfer. A weapon with the "ubercharge_ammo" attribute will, upon firing, lose that amount of Uber from the player's Medigun. If the weapon also has ubercharge_transfer, and if you fire at another Medic, they gain (ubercharge_ammo value) * (ubercharge_transfer value). Only works if your uber percentage is above the ubercharge_ammo limit. ...FUN TIMES.

back_headshot does as advertised, but only for tf_weapon_scout_pistol_secondary (the Scout pistol unlocks): shots from behind that hit the head are crits.

mod_flamethrower_spinup_time does as advertised, though to the client (because of clientside prediction and the way I'm accessing these attributes) it appears as if you're still firing even though you're not actually firing until the time specified by the attribute elapses after pressing attack. However, the sound you hear for the flamethrower sounds a bit empty until you start actually firing; it's hard to describe, but it adds the "roasting" sound effect, I guess, when the fire actually starts emitting.

sniper_crit_no_scope seems to be for the new Sniper rifle. Zooming for CTFSniperRifleClassic is very interesting: When you first zoom in, you aren't slowed down and you don't have a sniper dot (but it seems like you also cannot fire). However, after a certain amount of time spent zoomed, you slow down and gain the sniper dot, and can fire (if you're not in midair); I think Valve will also add the zoom penalty to it so that it has no FOV change on zoom either, and here's why: Valve presumably added the sniper_crit_no_scope attribute because typically the "can this sniper crit" check looks at, among other things, your FOV being less than your default FOV, and having this attribute allows you to bypass that check. Zooming just adds the scope overlay, without actually zooming in. testinglol's already posted the aforementioned scope overlay. (Walkabout much?)
So I was doing more digging.

It looks like the tf_weapon_throwable (bread) weapon slots are: secondary for every class except Medic, who gains it as primary, and Spy, who actually doesn't appear to gain it at all.
In addition, the tf_weapon_parachute weapon slots are secondary for Soldier and primary for Demoman. There's code in here that does have it for Demoman. Once again: FUN TIMES.

I got this info from the weapon ent translation list, which takes a given classname from schema (e.g. tf_weapon_shotgun) and turns it into the actual entity classname used for a particular class (tf_weapon_shotgun_primary, etc.). For both tf_weapon_parachute and tf_weapon_throwable, there's _secondary and _primary as well, and they're mapped to the classes as I described above.

lifeleech_on_damage, which, as you could probably tell, gives you back any damage you deal as health (like the Kunai, but for any weapon and any damage instead of just backstabs). The value of the attribute scales the damage so, say I deal 20 damage to somebody and the attribute value is 0.2, then I gain 4 health. It doesn't overheal, so I'm hoping this ends up as a Kunai buff (if it even needs one) for like, .1 damage dealt regained as health.

taunt_by_itemid, a command. Personally I think this is huge, as it means you can equip like, four taunts at once. I'll explain why with an example. See this?http://optf2.com/440/item/76561197998466511/1550342122[1] It's got an itemID, that ID field there. Say I equip my High Five on the Soldier. Then I switch to Medic and I equip, say, a Spellbook (or the Director's Vision). If I press my action slot key, I'll use my spellbook/Director's Vision. If I use the command 'taunt_by_id 1550342122', I use the High Five taunt. That is to say, if you've equipped a taunt on any class, you can use it on any other class, though MtM is still class-locked to Medic. Note that it must be in some class's ACTIVE loadout, not simply in any of the four preset loadouts you've saved.

Cross-map scout headshot 45 damage cleanup inc.

Source of the claims.

posted about 10 years ago
#10 Summer Sale 2014 in Other Games

Makes me uneasy when that 10$ game becomes 40$ but discounted to 30$

posted about 10 years ago
#4 Warsow Tournament in Other Games

I'll be streaming my POV as well @twitch.tv/kairu__. And maybe hang out in mumble with friends for a bit of a chillcast of other's games.

posted about 10 years ago
#1 Warsow Tournament in Other Games



Warsow is a fun quake-like game with an interesting twist on movement, very similar to CPMA. The scene is pretty much dead, but it's really good fun to play.

Tournament will be bracketed so us newbies won't have to fight the 5+ year veterans. Game mode is duel, will take place on July 5th+6th. Open, free, no reason not to play.

Even if you don't want to play in it, give the game a shot with some friends. It's fun as hell.

posted about 10 years ago
#125 E3 2014 in Off Topic

this fuckin trailer though

I really really really really want this to be good. Ditch the survival horror bit from doom3 and just give a good doom game. I believe.

posted about 10 years ago
#9 Huge Fps Drop in Q/A Help

If its quad core, be sure you have multicore rendering enabled (mat_queue_mode 2 in console), or you're literally at half effectiveness. Makes it a little more crashy while watching demos and loading a listen server though.

You can also just overclock the shit out of it and get a decent cooler. More raw cpu power means more fps in TF2.

posted about 10 years ago
#10 what is edgebug? in TF2 General Discussion
StimpackHellbentWhen you land on the last ~4 units of a platform or displacement and you bounce off the end of it without taking fall damage.
Last 1 unit. No room for error because edgeboogs are mean

The sourceruns wiki says 4 units, but if you go into hammer and make a staircase with 4unit steps you won't be able to get 100% consistent edgebugs all the way down the staircase. Maybe tf2 is different? idk why this happens

Sourceruns wiki is also based on knowledge using gordon freeman, which is a much smaller model than anything in TF2, so it's likely just not possible on a model so large.

kirbyYou can get an edgebug easily if you screw up the first demo rollout out of spawn on Badlands. Not really practical though, because you have to mess up.

Hell, soldier can too. And while we're on badlands rollout, if you make it past the first ledge, you can edgebug on the little yellow strip just below, which can reaaally throw off your rollout. Easy to be concious about it and just not do it though.

posted about 10 years ago
#30 b-ball in TF2 General Discussion
KanecoI would love to hear these issues. We tested it multiple times and impact on performance was minimal or next to 0 as explained before.

I can easily get 450-500 fps in ballin_sky, but in comptf I'm struggling to get over 100. Would much prefer to not have to suffer through that so that viewers can look at a background jungle instead of the actual game.

posted about 10 years ago
#131 Whitelist Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
Sniper and spy can potentially one shot every class in the game regardless of overcharge. Isn't that kind of the point?

They're also spy and sniper. They're not also a demo who has stickies. They're low mobility, low damage off-classes. That said, I'm fine with LC, it can be annoying, but so can just being juggled by rockets.

LKincheloeI would imagine a team running a Powerjack Pyro to mid has a couple of things in mind: They're trying to counter a good roamer getting in cheap on the medic while trying to be super-aggro or they're trying to Detonator-jump and Backburn the enemy med. The latter is something that may work once in a 1st mid in the 2nd half of a 3-0 game but you'd have to play the Pyro for a couple of mids to lull them into a false sense of security, which may be why you're in a 3-0 hole to begin with.

I could actually see a pyro to mid doing well on maps where double soldier bomb off the bat is the go-to, or if the team you're playing does it. Something like snakewater mid. It allows both your soldiers to jump, and you can leave the pyro back to defend against both soldiers, depending on the angles they take.

The problem is after the mid, you've got a pyro.

posted about 10 years ago
#119 Whitelist Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
bastidi know more about the game mechanics than most people but you wouldn't believe me if i said that

how is this forum not a circlejerk

reddit actually talks about the game ;)

I'm probably one of the most active people on /r/truetf2 because there isn't usually a lot of 'discussion' here, so I feel like I'm some sort of authority on this matter, and my reply is thus:


One of the recently deleted threads was literally "How do I get better at the game without practicing"

PS. Maybe try starting a thread on reddit about the quickfix, you'll probably get the same response.

posted about 10 years ago
#8 b-ball in TF2 General Discussion
StevokenivoWell, i have like an "mge" style map, same b-ball maps, but like 5 of them, i was thinking about just using that on my server, or do you think a specific map would be better? i'm totally open to suggestions

ctf_ballin_sky please. The mge variety, last I played, didn't have proper intel hitboxes.

As for config: 2 second respawn (may require a plugin), and a rule to deny standing on your own net to block intel capture (goaltending). Otherwise, a standard CTF config should be fine, etf2l's for example.

posted about 10 years ago
#1 [Stream] Kairu in Requests

- Stream mostly TF2 content

Will be streaming every single scrim, match, pug and mix. Basically if I have TF2 open, it will be probably be streamed.

- Stream consistently over the course of the week

Have been consistent this entire week, and will continue to for my match tomorrow, and onwards.

- Provide a link to your stream


- Provide a brief description of your stream

As I mentioned above, I'll be streaming all my TF2, but I'll likely also by streaming my casual gaming, which includes CSGO, Dota2, and picking up HL2 speedrunning. Attentive to chat, and willing to answer any questions you may have about games, specs, configs or whatever.

- State your country of residence

Canada, Ontario.

- Give a brief background of your league/division/team history

I've played several seasons of UGC HL from steel through platinum, and will be starting on a gold team next season.

6s, I'm currently on a CEVO-O/ESEA-O team, and will be trying hard to move up and improve.

Edit: I hadn't realized that I didn't have automatically record broadcasts ticked, so nothing shows up on the channel. I'll continue streaming another week to get a sort of backlog or something for proof, if required.

posted about 10 years ago
#1 Kairu - Mid/High Open - any class in Recruitment (looking for team)

Hey all,

S16 ESEA - IM/S4 CEVO - Open - Logic is Power
(Team died mid season, joined:)
S16 ESEA - Open/S4 CEVO - Open - Original Gangster Kush
S17 ESEA - Open dK/owl
*Several highlander seasons up to and including Plat level experience

Looking to play Scout > Roamer > Pocket > Medic > Demo

Hoping to play HL as well, but not sure where things are going on that front yet.

If you've got any other questions for me, or want to talk to me about a tryout or anything, add me here: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Kairu927

posted about 11 years ago
#19 Walka! looking any class in Recruitment (looking for team)

Was a fun to play with while the team was alive, guess we just didn't focus.

posted about 11 years ago
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