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Last Posted April 11, 2022 at 3:18 AM
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#26 Admin misconduct in TF2 General Discussion

hey guys fluey is really good at restrictions he restricted me in IM 6s off solly cause I played spy heavy med in bottom invite hl ik ik its a little much to handle my only other solly exp was like silver ugc hl s19 an s20 ugc 6s steel or some dumb shit i legit have not played solly in a million years cause i used to play with 120 ping (shout out to century link)

so the tldr he just knows more then me he saw potential in my solly so he restricted me off of it




https://rgl.gg/Public/Team.aspx?t=9850&r=40 team page if u care

posted about 2 years ago
#5 LFT mid main soldier in Recruitment (looking for team)

good pocket who wants to play pocket witch is a rarity

posted about 3 years ago
#2 LFT main demo in Recruitment (looking for team)

poptard should be in main no shot put him with actual agro human players an he will roll i have seen it first hand. he has his monitor on not a lot of demos take tons of opportunities to punish people for shitty mistakes but he knows how to do it pick him up

posted about 3 years ago
#24 dove LFT season 7 advanced pocket soldier / medic. in The Dumpster

If he isnt good at IM hl prob not adv 6s
Had a massive ego an was decently rude when I had talked with him cause he had asked for a tryout despite me alr having a solly
"I Have good logs" going 12:34 on product solly isnt a good log :/ (3-0 win btw)
Dont let toxic players who cant back it up play in divs they will get roled in
Dont know everything he has done in this community but everytime I hear his name it's only bad things

posted about 3 years ago