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Country Germany
Signed Up January 21, 2013
Last Posted November 2, 2013 at 9:02 AM
Posts 33 (0 per day)
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#16 Demopan is gone..it is time for the DEMOHAM in TF2 General Discussion
DrPloxoDoes it make a great sound?

It does the fish sound I think

posted about 11 years ago
#5 Demopan is gone..it is time for the DEMOHAM in TF2 General Discussion
Caliomg I want a signed one of these from Seanbud. #footro

You will have to wait since they are not tradeable/giftable yet :(

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Demopan is gone..it is time for the DEMOHAM in TF2 General Discussion


Aww Yeah!

Tell me what you think about the DEMOHAM :D


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTfFveJC0Uk (video made by omgwootzors)

posted about 11 years ago
#8 Classchanger Script Help needed! in TF2 General Discussion
Bubberkill. 6
. 2


posted about 11 years ago
#7 Classchanger Script Help needed! in TF2 General Discussion
alias "forwardspawn_random" "join_class "heavyweapons"; alias "forwardspawn_toggle" "forwardspawn_soldier""
alias "forwardspawn_soldier" "join_class "soldier"; alias "forwardspawn_toggle" "forwardspawn_random""
alias "forwardspawn_toggle" "forwardspawn_random"

bind "KP_PGUP" "forwardspawn_toggle"

I took my lazy forward spawn script and changed random to heavyweapons. That should do it, if not though here's the original, I could of just missed a quote somewhere.
alias "forwardspawn_random" "join_class "random"; alias "forwardspawn_toggle" "forwardspawn_soldier""
alias "forwardspawn_soldier" "join_class "soldier"; alias "forwardspawn_toggle" "forwardspawn_random";say_team "///MOVED SPAWN\\\""
alias "forwardspawn_toggle" "forwardspawn_random"

bind "f5" "forwardspawn_toggle"

I used this script and changed it around to create mine :P

posted about 11 years ago
#6 Classchanger Script Help needed! in TF2 General Discussion
salsaChange the "heavyweapons" in the second line to "hoovy".

Oh wow I was so close :) It works, thanks!

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Classchanger Script Help needed! in TF2 General Discussion

I want a script to easily change between two classes (solly and hoovy) to change to forward spawn and to quickly defend last.This is what I tryed, however it does not work as I inteded it.

alias hoovy "join_class "heavyweapons"; alias roam" "solly"
alias solly "join_class "soldier"; alias roam" "heavyweapons"
alias roam "hoovy"
bind KP_PGUP "roam"

If I press the key for the first time, I change to Hoovy.
If I press the key for the second time , I change to Solly.
However, if I press the key for the third time nothing happens...
(I would want the script to change my class to Hoovy again...)

Sorry for the bad english.

posted about 11 years ago
#24 Viewmodels: switch between 2 configs with one key? in Q/A Help
d0m3rbind 1 "slot1; r_drawviewmodel 0; viewmodel_fov 84"
bind 2 "slot2; r_drawviewmodel 0; viewmodel_fov .0001"
bind 3 "slot3; r_drawviewmodel 1; viewmodel_fov 84"

change for every class

thats not toggleable!

posted about 11 years ago
#22 Viewmodels: switch between 2 configs with one key? in Q/A Help
Not_MatlockI used Aron's crosshair switcher to set up my initial crosshairs, then I added in different interp values for each slot.

Then I copied each class config, make one use viewmodels on, and the other viewmodels off, and put them in a separate folder. Then in each of my class configs I added a bind so one key will exec the crosshair on config, and the other will exec the crosshair off config.

It's a complicated mess and a pain in the ass to edit, but I've barely had to make any changes to it since I set it up and it works for me.

Link: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/32621630/Crosshair%20Switcher.rar

I might try that.

posted about 11 years ago
#19 Viewmodels: switch between 2 configs with one key? in Q/A Help

Yeah, I'll try to improve it a bit though, some "bugs" are still there but I think this is the closest I can get. Thanks for the help!

posted about 11 years ago
#17 Viewmodels: switch between 2 configs with one key? in Q/A Help
SetsulDo you really need lastused? Without replicating the "lastinv"-command it gets a lot easier.
German: Ich mein Du hast schon Mausrad und 1-3, wie oft wirst du dann mit q wechseln? Ohne das Ganze wirds etwas kürzer, ohne exec, zusätzliche cfgs und so weiter.
unbind "q"
unbind "KEY"
bind "KEY" "view"

alias viewoff "alias models "r_drawviewmodel 0"; alias view viewon"
alias viewon "alias models "r_drawviewmodel 1"; alias view viewoff"

alias "s1" "slot1; models; bind MWHEELUP s3; bind MWHEELDOWN s2"
alias "s2" "slot2; models; bind MWHEELUP s1; bind MWHEELDOWN s3"
alias "s3" "slot3; r_drawviewmodel 1; bind MWHEELUP s2; bind MWHEELDOWN s1"

bind "1" "s1"
bind "2" "s2"
bind "3" "s3"

Lastused is one of my most used keys :/
German: Aus ner alten CS gewohnheit benutz ich leider den quickswitch sehr häufig um nicht zu sagen fast immer.

posted about 11 years ago
#15 Viewmodels: switch between 2 configs with one key? in Q/A Help
phobiaaarons crosshair switcher. DABES

I don't think crosshair switcher are toggleable

posted about 11 years ago
#14 Viewmodels: switch between 2 configs with one key? in Q/A Help
Moral_Vindicationcan you just bind it to a key like

bind n "toggle r_drawviewmodel 1 0" ?

Then I would have to press "n" every time I switch to my melee weapon :/

posted about 11 years ago
#11 Viewmodels: switch between 2 configs with one key? in Q/A Help

OK here is a working version (lines beginning with # are instructions):
#Copy&Paste this into you autoexec.cfg (change KEY to the Key you want):
unbind "KEY"
bind "KEY" view
alias viewoff "exec viewmodmelee; alias view viewon"
alias viewon "exec viewmodall; alias view viewoff"
#now create a config called "viewmodmelee.cfg" and Copy&Paste this:
r_drawviewmodel 0
alias crossmodel1 "r_drawviewmodel 0"
alias crossmodel2 "r_drawviewmodel 0"
alias crossmodel3 "r_drawviewmodel 1"
alias qcom1 "slot1; crossmodel1; q1from2; 2from1; 3from1"
alias qcom2 "slot1; crossmodel1; q1from3; 2from1; 3from1"
alias qcom3 "slot2; crossmodel2; q2from1; 1from2; 3from2"
alias qcom4 "slot2; crossmodel2; q2from3; 1from2; 3from2"
alias qcom5 "slot3; crossmodel3; q3from1; 1from3; 2from3"
alias qcom6 "slot3; crossmodel3; q3from2; 1from3; 2from3"
alias q2from1 "bind q qcom1"
alias q3from1 "bind q qcom2"
alias q1from2 "bind q qcom3"
alias q3from2 "bind q qcom4"
alias q1from3 "bind q qcom5"
alias q2from3 "bind q qcom6"
alias com1 "slot2; 1from2; 3from2; q2from1; crossmodel2"
alias com2 "slot3; 1from3; 2from3; q3from1; crossmodel3"
alias com3 "slot1; 2from1; 3from1; q1from2; crossmodel1"
alias com4 "slot3; 1from3; 2from3; q3from2; crossmodel3"
alias com5 "slot1; 2from1; 3from1; q1from3; crossmodel1"
alias com6 "slot2; 1from2; 3from2; q2from3; crossmodel2"
alias 2from1 "bind 2 com1"
alias 3from1 "bind 3 com2"
alias 1from2 "bind 1 com3"
alias 3from2 "bind 3 com4"
alias 1from3 "bind 1 com5"
alias 2from3 "bind 2 com6"
bind 1 "slot1; r_drawviewmodel 0; 2from1; 3from1; crossmodel1"
bind 2 "slot2; r_drawviewmodel 0; 1from2; 3from2; crossmodel2"
bind 3 "slot3; r_drawviewmodel 0; 1from3; 2from3; crossmodel3"
#create a second config called "viewmodall.cfg" and Copy&Paste the same thing exept #change this:
r_drawviewmodel 0
alias crossmodel1 "r_drawviewmodel 0"
alias crossmodel2 "r_drawviewmodel 0"
alias crossmodel3 "r_drawviewmodel 1"
#to this:
r_drawviewmodel 1
alias crossmodel1 "r_drawviewmodel 1"
alias crossmodel2 "r_drawviewmodel 1"
alias crossmodel3 "r_drawviewmodel 1"
And thats it! Credit goes to "trog" for the stuff from the autoexec and "Loops :3" for his viewmodelscript (http://goo.gl/8OxKR) I used in the viewmod configs!

posted about 11 years ago
#10 Viewmodels: switch between 2 configs with one key? in Q/A Help
KaeyelYou can simply do this:

bindtoggle <key> r_drawviewmodel;

Every time you hit that key, you turn viewmodels on/off, depending on it's previous state (1 -> 0 or 0 -> 1)

I used command, however I wanted an automatic version :)

posted about 11 years ago
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