Hello, my name is Kaspar. My stream is located here: http://www.twitch.tv/kaspar_
I stopped streaming for a few days (mainly last week sunday - wednesday), but I started back up and started streaming. I stream a large variety of things, MGE, Jump, Surf, Bball, TF2Center, TF2Mix, Pubs, Scrims in the future, and some other custom gamemodes (usually to my viewers liking's). I currently reside in the US, Florida to be exact. I stream at least 3-5 times a week, sometimes more. I've been playing Team Fortress 2 for 3 years.
I don't have many Competitive experience, but I will be playing Roamer in Iron (playing with friends, fooling around and trying out competitive) after I spent about 200 hours playing MGE/DM then playing a lot of lobbies/pugs.
A little more information about me since I don't think I provided enough in my opinion. I own a VPS, so I plan to make some servers (Dodgeball, MGE, DM, whatnot) Also I record in 720p 30 fps.
Guess that wasn't that much extra information, but meh, if you need anymore, please say so.