Account Details
SteamID64 76561198012362290
SteamID3 [U:1:52096562]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:26048281
Country United States
Signed Up August 19, 2013
Last Posted March 3, 2016 at 10:45 AM
Posts 14 (0 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 5.5
Windows Sensitivity Half
Raw Input 1
Refresh Rate
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Gigabyte M6800
Keyboard Laptop
Mousepad Garbage
Headphones Microsoft Lifechat LX-3000
Monitor Laptop
#1 Custom Stats Retrieval? Mods/Plugins that do this? in Customization

Hey all,

I've been wondering for awhile if it's possible to track and collect very specific stats during my playtime. I'm not sure if there's a mod for this already, or if it'd be a very technical endeavor to make one, but I'd be interested in trying my hand at it. I'm just not really sure how the system works for this. I'm thinking of plugins like Sizzling Stats and Logs.tf - do those pull numbers from a database that the server or game itself keeps, or does it create the numbers off of specific, coded triggers?

My primary curiosity is about accuracy, probably in the form of shots fired:shots landed. Then, if possible, I'd like to expand it to looking at average damage per landed shot, and other similar micro-analysis stats.

I guess, in short, my questions are: Is this level of analysis even possible by the game engine? And, if so, where does one begin gathering the data to make this analysis possible?

I'm aware that it'll likely not be a casual project, but I'm curious nonetheless. Thanks for any input you have.


posted about 9 years ago
#28 14 minute short uploaded! in TF2 General Discussion

Someone decode?

The only thing I can think of in this format is time (hh:mm:ss.ms)... And the countdown timer DID have a slot for Weeks... could this be an ARG rabbit-hole?

EDIT: If this is a time slot, then 6 minutes and 13 milliseconds is about the time that this message appears in the video, which could be to indicate that the other one is a video time as well. But 1193 hours into a video?

Also, can anyone re-create this caption? It's not coming up on my end.

posted about 10 years ago
#4 Wasparoo - LF Spy Mentor in Mentoring

I'm another member of his (failed) HL team and can attest that he and I were one of the only people who really took our game seriously. If there are any Spy mains who are looking to mentor someone, pick up Wasp. He's a great guy, easy to be around, and dedicated to getting better.

posted about 10 years ago
#8 dota 2 player robbed live on stream in Off Topic

Holy shit, I can't even imagine this happening. Thank goodness she's safe.

posted about 10 years ago
#371 Origins of Your Name/Alias in Off Topic

KayleeSeranada is just a general username I use (based off of my name combined with Danny Elfman's "Serenada Schizophrena," albeit woefully misspelled).

My gaming handle, Lilith, is based off of the demon Lilith in Jewish mythology (the same demon that the Liliths from Supernatural and Diablo III were based off of).

As myth has it, she and Adam were created equally, both from the Earth. Adam, however, demanded that Lilith be subservient to him (some interpretations of the myth suggest that this was after Lilith tried to sex him cowgirl style, and so Adam felt emasculated, poor baby) and she refused. She was thus kicked out of the Garden of Eden and, since the Garden was Heaven on Earth, she became the first female demon, equal to Lucifer himself since she technically "fell from Heaven" as he did.

posted about 10 years ago
#13 ts3 overlay? in Q/A Help

If I'm not mistaken, Overwolf is your only shot at getting an overlay on TS3. We know it's awful. There's good reason why the community has taken a strong liking to Mumble.

You're not going to be able to find many plug-ins for TS3 because, unlike Mumble, TS3 is proprietary, meaning that the executives of the company that owns TS3 has to fully approve any plug-ins for it before they can be released and used legally per the license agreement. If you haven't found a plug-in by now endorsed on the TeamSpeak website, it's unlikely that you'll find one at all.

Mumble, however, is Open Source - meaning that its source code is open to the public for editing, testing, and reviewing. The pros of this are that Mumble has been slowly shaped and honed by a community of gamers who truly care instead of a company of coders who may or may not game. In addition, since the source code is open, it's extremely easy (and legal) to make plug-ins or add-ons to Mumble that aren't necessarily endorsed by the people who originally created and manage the programme. I'm sure if you dig through SourceForge you can find a few nifty things to decorate it with.

In fact, with a quick search on SourceForge, I found a little diddy named HAL (found here [x]) which makes Mumble look like TeamSpeak. So if it's the UI that you like about TS3, here you can have the best of both worlds - a Mumble overlay and a TS interface.

Unfortunately, your options are limited if you insist on sticking with proprietary software, yet they are sometimes more reliable and robust. Open source gives you many options, but some may be buggy or even just abandoned projects still in Alpha or Beta. In terms of VoIP software, Mumble has a clear advantage in that it's at least as robust as Mumble, has more add-on options to make it to your liking (not to mention the stock options that you want/need), and has a large community standing where you're wanting to fit in.

Your hands are kind of tied here, unfortunately. Sorry we can't be of more help, but this is the state of things.

EDIT: Oh, okay - over the course of writing all this out, I was proven to be 100% and completely incorrect by the above link. Hope you didn't waste much time reading this.

posted about 10 years ago
#8 Lilith. - Serious player LF Medic HL Mentor in Mentoring

Holy smokes! Thank you all so so much for your kind words and willingness! I'm no longer looking for a mentor - have a couple people who messaged me who I'll be talking to and listening to for a little bit. But if you have any good HL strategy videos that you know of on Youtube, still feel free to link them here - I haven't been able to find much in the way of those, though, so any links will definitely be appreciated.

Thank you all again so much!

posted about 10 years ago
#1 Lilith. - Serious player LF Medic HL Mentor in Mentoring

Hey everyone,

I'm currently on a Steel team for Highlander as Medic/main caller and am having trouble mostly with decision-making and organising my team. I keep running into blocks because I'm never entirely sure who I should direct where (you and you come push with me; you and you hold last; etc.) and it cost us our last match. I need to fix this.

I've been on the competitive scene for a few years as Medic, but almost exclusively in 6v6. I'm currently on a Silver 6s team. I've watched plenty of videos and worked with a few mentors on this format for placement, decision-making, uber management, etc. But Highlander is a very different game and a lot of my training isn't seeming to transfer over well.

I stream a lot of my stuff when I can, and our last match was here. It's pretty abysmal, so watch at your own risk. If you'd like to give it a watch-through and then add me on steam to comment on it (particularly about decision-making and main calling aspects!) please please do! The link to that video is here. [x]. The match starts at 6 minutes.

Looking for a mentor who is Silver or better, or a Steel mentor with at LEAST a season of play experience. Just something to get me off the ground.

Thank you all so much! I appreciate any help you're willing to give.

posted about 10 years ago
#16 koth_maple_ridge in Map Discussion

I just did a stream/video with everything that I thought of, which you can find here: http://www.twitch.tv/kayleeseranada/c/4368750

Some corrections/misspeaks of mine:

1:30 - It hit me later that you have the nodraw there to prevent spam to mid. If you're going to do that, use a huge billboard or anything else that makes it look natural and makes sense. nodraws shouldn't be used like that.

5:45 - The word I was looking for was "shallower."

30:40 - Or is this thing used for catching demo spam? If so, I feel like that's unnecessary...if not, I feel like that'll probably happen.

posted about 10 years ago
#414 post your desktop in Off Topic

I seriously have the least impressive desktop ever...


I just have a folder full of colours I found on prettycolors.tumblr.com and they change every 10 seconds. School stuff on the left, reminders in the middle, "save for easy access later" in the corners.

posted about 10 years ago
#7 Alias in my config acting strangely in Customization
jake_desKayleeSeranadarowrowInstead of changing the alias +/-, just change the maskuber fakeuber after bind C to look like
Much to both our surprise, that STILL didn't work, even though it logically and grammatically should. However, with this same idea, I just re-designed what fakeuber and maskuber do - so now maskuber functions like how fakeuber should, and fakeuber functions how maskuber should. It'll be confusing as hell when I come back to it in a few months to brush things up, but at least it's working the way I need it to, I guess.

If anyone knows why this isn't working appropriately, though, your insight is still greatly appreciated! I'm nerd-sniped to hell on this and it's bugging me to no end.

And thanks to everyone for all your help!!

using my previous code, C is default bound to masking your uber
if you press shift it unbinds it from masking and rebinds it to fake uber
once you're done pressing shift it will rebind it to maskuber

It didn't work that way, though. For some reason, it just performed fakeuber whether shift was pressed or not.

posted about 10 years ago
#5 Alias in my config acting strangely in Customization
rowrowInstead of changing the alias +/-, just change the maskuber fakeuber after bind C to look like

Much to both our surprise, that STILL didn't work, even though it logically and grammatically should. However, with this same idea, I just re-designed what fakeuber and maskuber do - so now maskuber functions like how fakeuber should, and fakeuber functions how maskuber should. It'll be confusing as hell when I come back to it in a few months to brush things up, but at least it's working the way I need it to, I guess.

If anyone knows why this isn't working appropriately, though, your insight is still greatly appreciated! I'm nerd-sniped to hell on this and it's bugging me to no end.

And thanks to everyone for all your help!!

posted about 10 years ago
#1 Alias in my config acting strangely in Customization

Hey all,

I'm trying to brush up my Medic config and an alias'ed command isn't working the way I expect it to. It's based off of Chris' Config, and when copied directly, works as it should. Here are the parts I need, verbatim from Chris', that DO work:

//Fake and Mask uber calls
alias "fakeuber" "voicemenu 1 7;say_team "*** KRITZ OR UBER FAKED ***""
alias "maskuber" "voicemenu 0 0;say_team "*** MASKED UBER CALL ***""

// Shift mask
alias "+shiftmask" "bind "C" "maskuber""
alias "-shiftmask" "bind "C" "fakeuber""

bind "shift" "+shiftmask"

The above code, as written, requires me to push Shift+C to mask my uber. Since I will be using that command more often than a fake uber, I'd like to switch my maskuber to just being C and my fakeuber to be Shift+C. Logic dictates that I would just need to switch around the + and - for the shiftmasks so they correspond to the opposite configs, right? Well the following is the code where I try that, and it doesn't work.

//Fake and Mask uber calls
alias "fakeuber" "voicemenu 1 7;say_team "*** KRITZ OR UBER FAKED ***""
alias "maskuber" "voicemenu 0 0;say_team "*** MASKED UBER CALL ***""

// Shift mask
alias "-shiftmask" "bind "C" "maskuber""
alias "+shiftmask" "bind "C" "fakeuber""

bind "shift" "+shiftmask"

What happens with this script is that both C and Shift+C produce the fake uber call. I thought maybe switching the commands around might fix the problem, but apparently that isn't how hl2 reads configs because no combination of re-orders mattered.

Is there something I'm not understanding about aliases that is making this not work? I can't figure it out for the life of me - any explanation would be helpful.

Thanks so much!

posted about 10 years ago
#1 [Stream] Lilith. in Requests


I've been getting set up and started over the last week and a half or so to get my stream set up on Twitch and think I finally have all the bugs and beginning hurdles worked out! I'll be streaming almost exclusively TF2 content, including lobbies, pubs, MGE, Ultiduo, Silver 6v6 scrims/matches with my team, and I also want to start live casting some matches (I'll probably start with some Iron/Steel ones for practice and move up as I move up in division). I just set up a weekly schedule, and will be streaming at various times around it as well.

I live in the US (a 20 millisecond packet away from Chicago) and play on a UGC Silver 6v6 team and am looking to try out for one other ladder (HL or 4v4). I also plan on being in CEVO or ESEA Open next season.

My stream can be found at this link: http://www.twitch.tv/kayleeseranada

Thanks for considering me!

posted about 10 years ago